Friday, September 26, 2014

BC Church ministers file Federal lawsuit against president and Chair of HSBC as well as Chief Judge

Court File No. T-1942-14 looking for intervenors Federal Court Between: Plaintiff(s) minister Carol Mary Helen, minister Roderick Anthony and Defendant(s) Paulo Maia; Samuel Minzberg; Carolyn Phyllis Bouck; Christopher Edward Hinkson; Bryan Craig Gibbons; Kimberley Ann Robertson; William Simon Johnson;   Statement of claim Amended statement of claim to the defendants To the defendants listed below: A legal proceeding has been commenced against you by the Plaintiffs whom are Christian ministers. The ecclesiastic claim made against you is set out in the following pages and so specifically ecclesiastically styled in plenary. If you in your capacities as men and women wish to defend yourself in this proceeding, you or a lawfully oath sworn solicitor acting for you are required to prepare a statement of defence in Form 171B prescribed by the Federal Courts Rules serve it on the plaintiff's solicitor or, where the plaintiff does not have a solicitor, serve it on the plaintiff with total respect to their faith in not altering the style and form of the ministers name, and file it, with proof of service, at a local office of this Court, within 30 days after this statement of claim is served on you, if you are served within Canada. If you are served in the United States of America, the period for serving and filing your statement of defence is forty days. If you are served outside Canada and the United States of America, the period for serving and filing your statement of defence is sixty days. Copies of the Federal Court Rules information concerning the local offices of the Court and other necessary information may be obtained on request to the Administrator of this Court at Ottawa (telephone 613-992-4238) or at any local office. If you fail to defend this proceeding, judgment may be given against you in your absence and without further notice to you. (Date) Issued by: ____________________________ (Registry Officer) Address of local office: Federal Court Vancouver Local Office Pacific Centre P.O. Box 10065 Vancouver, British Columbia   To: (Name and address of each defendant) Paulo Maia 885 West Georgia Street Vancouver, British Columbia Samuel Minzberg 1501 McGill College Avenue 26th Floor MontrĂ©al, Quebec Carolyn Phyllis Bouck 850 Burdett Avenue Victoria, British Columbia Christopher Edward Hinkson 800 Smithe Street Vancouver, British Columbia Bryan Craig Gibbons Suite 1600 Cathedral Place 925 West Georgia Street Vancouver, British Columbia Kimberley Ann Robertson Suite 1600 Cathedral Place 925 West Georgia Street Vancouver, British Columbia Linda Alexander Suite 1600 Cathedral Place 925 West Georgia Street Vancouver, British Columbia William Simon Johnson 309-895 Fort Street Victoria, British Columbia All addresses no code, non commercial   Part 1: The Foundation of Claim Note: Many of the page numbers have changed due to this amendment 1. The ministers state they contacted the office of the Vancouver Courts Administration Service August 21, 2014 at 1-604-666-3232 to ensure and confirm the template on-line for form “FORM 171A”, found in the link below, could be altered in a way conformable to the ministers religious beliefs and were told that it would be accepted into the registry file if intelligible and concise. Note A - Ezekiel 33:1-10 Page 19 all Notes in this amended statement of claim will have new page numbers when we file them as evidence 2. The ministers state that the format of their Statement of Claim will be an “Ecclesiastical Statement of Claim” as it is anathema to our faith in Christ to submit to ungodly corporate rules. 3. The ministers state on July 1, 2014 they gave minister Edward-Jay-Robin, head minister of the Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International (ChERI) authority to speak for them regarding a de facto action instituted upon them. The ministers state that minister Edward-Jay Robin has full authority to speak on behalf of us, the ministers, so initiating these proceedings in the name of Yahushuwah the Christ. Exhibit A – all Exhibits noted in this amended statement of claim will have new page numbers when we file them as evidence Page 34 4. The ministers state that all scriptures noted in this ecclesiastical claim are from the official 1611 King James Bible that contains the laws of God that The Queen Her Majesty Elizabeth Mary Alexandra Winsor swore to defend at her coronation ceremony June 2, 1953. Reference 7 - Page 76, Reference 9 – Pages 82-83, Reference 10 – Page 84, Reference 11 – Pages 85-86, Reference 14 – Page 89 all References noted in this amended statement of claim will have new page numbers when we file them as evidence 5. The ministers state that God’s law is Supreme in this geographical land mass called Canada styled under a Christian Monarch and our Christian ministry deems all laws outside the 1611 King James Bible that the Queen swore to defend as “de facto man-made laws” which are inferior to God’s laws. Note B – Deuteronomy 4:2 and Deuteronomy 12:32 Page 19-20 and Note Q – Colossians 2:14-23 new Pages added to the “Notes” evidence 6. The ministers state they cannot be lawfully obstructed, nor prevented in their ministry as newborn ministers to officially perform those functions and exercising their faith and beliefs within and without their sanctuary of 833 Orono Avenue, Victoria Ecclesia, are founded upon the 1611 King James Bible that the Queen swore to defend. Reference 12 – Page 87 and Note C – Matthew 18:20 and 2nd Corinthians 3:6 Page 20 7. The ministers hereinso ecclesiastically named state Carol Mary Helen and Roderick Anthony formerly associated with person of “VOLK” will be referred to from now on, in keeping with their faith, being styled as “ministers” and are detaching from the person “VOLK”. The ministers so styled and named in their Christian appellations are anointed ministers of Christ as: Carol Mary Helen and Roderick Anthony with standing, and are living and breathing evidence of their creation and as of that faith not recognizing the fictional old man last name as associated with “persons”. Note D – Deuteronomy 1:17, Deuteronomy 10:17, Deuteronomy 16:19, 2nd Samuel 14:14, Matthew 22:16, Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11 and James 2:9 Page 20 8. The ministers do so state the defendants herein named • the private man Paulo Maia acting as President and Chief Executive Officer of HSBC Bank Canada • the private man Samuel Minzberg acting as Chairman of HSBC Bank Canada • the private woman Carolyn Phyllis Bouck acting as Master in the Provincial Courthouse of British Columbia • the private man Christopher Edward Hinkson acting as Honourable Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of British Columbia • the private man Bryan Craig Gibbons acting as Partner for the law firm Lawson and Lundell LLP • the private woman Kimberley Ann Robertson acting as Partner for the law firm Lawson and Lundell LLP • the private man William Simon Johnson acting as agent for Lawson and Lundell LLP are the subjects of this ecclesiastical claim in plenary style and are the private men and women listed above that have been privately brought into awareness of the substance of this claim via diligent efforts of the ministers by registered mail, fax, email, and YouTube videos as well as a complaint to the SEC about the courts being used to intimidate the ministers to submit to fraud. Note A - Ezekiel 33:1-10 Page 19 9. The ministers do so state and do bring forth this ecclesiastical claim in the Hebrew name of Yahushuwah the Christ (styled as Jesus in the King James Version 1611 Bible in the practice of the translators to make use of the greek rendition of our saviors name), are hereinafter restyled as redeemed ecclesiastical ministers of Christ as of the faiths requirements to ensure no use of mans style in military bifurcation is mixed with the ministers official functions as officers of his Christian army of faith, liberty and love. Note E – Revelations 3:1, Matthew 6:24 and Exodis 20:3-5 Page 21 10. The ministers do so state this foundation being so well proclaimed hereinafter is as of their intent anointed of his spirit as housed in the flesh as being private men and women, unincorporated, who blessed by grace have taken up the offer of his blood and do exercise boldly such faith in Yahushuwah the anointed of YHWH as rendered in the scripture at. Note F – 2nd Corinthians Page 21 11. The ministers both being raised Roman Catholic state they are newborn in Christ and now that they have been given the truth about the 1611 King James Bible that the Queen swore to defend and that God’s law is Supreme in this geographical land mass called Canada styled under a Christian Monarch they have chosen to renew their faith in Christ. Note G – 1st Peter 2:2 and Matthew 17:20 Page 21 12. The ministers do so state they are of faith as Christ`s his chosen and are his faithful ministers performing their functions as of their calling and are recognized as affiliate ministers of the ChERI, and are the Victoria Ecclesia stewarding the Church property 833 Orono Avenue, no code, non commercial and the ministers do so state and do claim the ecclesiastical duty, as of Christ`s his graceful ecclesiastic presence to warn those so hereinafter named in their private capacity of their unlawful intimidation and nuisance upon the ministry of being that watchman so dutifully empowered. Note A – Ezekiel 33:1-10 Page 19 and Note H – Matthew 6:2-5, Matthew 18:20, Matthew 20:16, Romans 11:29, Genesis 43:19, Ephesians 1:22 and Colossians 1:18 Pages 21-22 13. The ministers do so state they are performing in full function and capacity of the watchman mentioned and that duty did engage the mention of 176, 180 and 423 of the commercial criminal code of the corporation of CANADA as applicable to all of the officers of her Majesty acting as agents of that corporation known as “persons”. Note A – Ezekiel 33:1-10 Page 19 and Note I – Matthew 5:25, Matthew 18:15-20 and John 10:34 Pages 22-23 14. The ministers do so state that duty so faithfully and diligently performed also encompassed the proclaimed and majestically defended fact that ministers of Christ cannot show respect to “persons” lest they commit sin as proclaimed in her Majesty’s 1611 edition of the King James Bible so dutifully and lawfully sworn upon as the rule of law for the life and government of Christian Princes as irrefutable and recognized proof of such stated fact. Note D – Deuteronomy 1:17, Deuteronomy 10:17, Deuteronomy 16:19, 2nd Samuel 14:14, Matthew 22:16, Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11 and James 2:9 Page 20 15. The ministers do so state that once a fraud has been found it must be either proven true or proven untrue and brought to the attention of all parties involved for its examination and is not time limited. Note A – Ezekiel 33:1-10 Page 19 16. The ministers do so state and do claim that they are the same said ministers as styled in Ezra 7:23-26 concurrent with Romans Chapter 13 and 2nd Corinthians 3:6 Note D – Deuteronomy 1:17, Deuteronomy 10:17, Deuteronomy 16:19, 2nd Samuel 14:14, Matthew 22:16, Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11 and James 2:9 Page 20 and Note J – Ezra 7:23-26, Romans 13 and 2nd Corinthians 3:6 Pages 23-24 Part 2: The Facts of Claim 1. The ministers do so state, and the fact is, upon such well proclaimed foundation of Yahushuwah the Christ and the so well proclaimed defense of such a glorious rule of law of our creator YHWH by her Christian Majesty do so by that majestic authority and ministry under Christ claim the defendants listed as private men and women herein are the parties mentioned above. Note I – Matthew 5:25, Matthew 18:15-20 and John 10:34 Pages 22-23 2. The ministers do so state, and the fact is, the Government of Canada has an office called “Canada’s Office of Religious Freedom” found here: Their front page states this: Canada is recognized globally for its leadership on human rights issues, and takes principled positions to promote Canadian values of pluralism and tolerance throughout the world. On February 19, 2013, the Government of Canada officially opened its Office of Religious Freedom, within Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada. A Canada-based ambassador and a team of officials will carry out the office’s mandate, which is to: • protect, and advocate on behalf of, religious minorities under threat; • oppose religious hatred and intolerance; and • promote Canadian values of pluralism and tolerance abroad. In Canada’s view, freedom of religion or belief, including the ability to worship in peace and security, is a universal human right. Through the Office of Religious Freedom, Canada will continue to work with like-minded partners to speak out against egregious violations of freedom of religion, denounce violence against human-rights defenders and condemn attacks on worshippers and places of worship around the world. 3. The ministers do so state, and the fact is, they have been diligent in removing any assumptions that they are persons acting commercially regarding this ecclesiastical statement of claim. The ministers do so state, and the fact is, they are aware of Section 35 of the Interpretation Act of Canada that states: “person” « personne » “person”, or any word or expression descriptive of a person, includes a corporation The ministers are not “persons” James 2:9 The ministers do so state, and the fact is, the ministers agree that every Christian ministry is not a respecter of persons or titles and no one can be forced to assume a legal, corporate name or participate in a commercial forum, especially without informed consent. The ministers do so state, and the fact is, they are members of the ChERI and not legal entities, nor can they tolerate any affiliation with a name conversion fraud resulting in the creation of a fictitious “LEGAL TITLE PERSON” nor can they be forced to abandon their faith. Reference 8 – Pages 77-81 and Note D – Deuteronomy 1:17, Deuteronomy 10:17, Deuteronomy 16:19, 2nd Samuel 14:14, Matthew 22:16, Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11 and James 2:9 Page 20 4. The ministers do so state, and the fact is, the basis of this claim is based on a Tort of Intimidation where the defendants made demands backed by coercive and unlawful threats, the defendants knew that complying with the demands would cause loss and damages to the ministers and it would violate their faith. The key element of this tort of intimidation claim is that, the defendants had been brought into awareness by the ministers with dates and exhibits mentioned below, they by their actions proceeded and continued to ignore and disrespect the ministers stated faith and beliefs and sanctity of their temple at 833 Orono Ave, Victoria Ecclesia and that they did intend in that awareness to act unlawfully, obstructing the ability of the ministers to stand on their faith and not be subjected to usury and fraud. Mens rea – guilty mind Matthew 15:9 – But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. 5. The ministers do so state, and the fact is, the defendants are engaged in breach of their inherent duty of care by using their offices to effect intimidation and nuisance upon evidenced ministers of Christ and are aware of their new found faith and have continued their extreme intimidation and are masquerading as directors of a corporation and hiding behind the fiction of a director’s office of said corporation HSBC Bank Canada and are engaged in unlawfully sanctioned extortion, fraud, discrimination and intentionally civilly violating the ministers ability, of their stated faith in Christ, to show respect to persons bow and submit to false god’s and their heathen ordinance of usury. The ministers do so state, and the fact is, they are being intimidated to submit to a usurious contract based upon a fraud that violates their faith. Usury is biblically interpreted in the 1611 King James Bible that the Queen swore to defend as the charge of any interest for increase. Note K – Exodus 22:25, Leviticus 25:36-37, Deuteronomy 23:19-20, Nehemiah 5:7, Nehemiah 5:10, Psalms 15:5, Proverbs 28:8, Isaiah 24:2, Jeremiah 15:10, Ezekiel 18:8, Ezekiel 18:13, Ezekiel 18:17, Ezekiel 22:12, Matthew 25:27 and Luke 19:23 Pages 24-26 and Note O – 1st John 3:13, 2nd Timothy 3:12, 1st Peter 4:12-14, Matthew 11:13, Revelations 2:3, Isaiah 53:7-10, Romans 8:17, 2nd Timothy 3:10-11, Philippians 1:28, Mark 13:9, Psalms 119:61, John 15:18-25, 1st Peter 3:16-17, John 15:18, James 1:1:27, Luke 6:22, Acts 5:29 Pages 28-32 6. The ministers do so state, and the fact is, they have been subjected to a fraud by the defendants, acting as President & CEO and Chairman of HSBC Bank Canada, historically apparent action of claiming and indeed offering in documented evidence their admission and indeed claim they provided a loan when in factual reality they performed an exchange upon a pretence it was a loan. Reference 13 - Pages 88-89 and Note L – Leviticus 6:2-5 and Leviticus 18:3-4 Page 26 7. The ministers do so state, and the fact is, the defendants so named severally and individually by their connection to and in interlocking equity to the ministers trust annuities are in conflict and are by apparent intentional intimidation and fraud trying to exact interest plus principle from funds created by the ministers signatures upon an alleged contract that was never produced nor disclosed to the court. Note M – Leviticus 6:2-5, Leviticus 19:11, Leviticus 19:13, Mark 10:19, James 5:4, Exodus 20:15, Numbers 16:15, 1st Peter 4:15, Psalms 37:21, 2nd Kings 12:15, Titus2:12, 1st Corinthians 6:8 and Deuteronomy 5:19 Pages 26-27 8. The ministers do so state, and the fact is, the value of the funds originally created and authorized by the ministers was by fraud originally sourced and accessed by the defendants upon deriving the source of funds from the ministers registered annuities accruing 12.3 % per annum and having the body of the ministers so registered after their births being listed as surety to issue the security under the CUSIP of the trading entity and are bifurcated, listed as a corporate entity and registered as a shareholder and beneficiary registered with the Bank of Canada’s consolidated general revenue fund as a person/asset being beneficially owned. This can be shown in the Canadian Ownership Control and Determination Act and the 1984 regulations Schedule 2 for tables found here - Note P - Leviticus 25:40-50 Pages 32-33 9. The ministers do so state, and the fact is, the defendants were made aware of the ministers new found faith as noted here and continued their extreme intimidation. • A “Notice to Admit” to the private man, Paulo Maia registered mail to RN 028 221 015 CA delivered July 10, 2014 Exhibit K - will be filed as evidence Page 57 • A confirmed “Notice to Admit” to the private man, Paulo Maia faxed July 22, 2014 Exhibit J – will be filed as evidence Pages 51-56 • A notice in The Georgia Straight newspaper as a public notice of a private agreement three times in issue 2432, 2433, 2434 - Issue dates were: July 31st, August 7th and August 14th Page 12 photo • and an urgent fax sent August 20, 2014 Exhibit I – will be filed as evidence Pages 45-50 • A “Notice to Admit” to the private man, Samuel Minzberg registered mail to RN 028 221 038 CA that was actually undelivered Exhibit K - will be filed as evidence Page 57 • A confirmed “Notice to Admit” to the private man, Samuel Minzberg faxed July 22, 2014 Exhibit J – will be filed as evidence Pages 51-56 • A notice in The Georgia Straight newspaper as a public notice of a private agreement three times in issue 2432, 2433, 2434 - Issue dates were: July 31st, August 7th and August 14th Page 12 photo • and an urgent fax sent August 20, 2014 Exhibit I – will be filed as evidence Pages 45-50 • A “Notice to Admit” to the private man, Bryan Craig Gibbons registered mail to RN 028 221 072 CA delivered July 4, 2014 Exhibit K - will be filed as evidence Page 57 • A confirmed “Notice to Admit” to the private man, Bryan Craig Gibbons faxed July 22, 2014 Exhibit J – will be filed as evidence Pages 51-56 • A notice in The Georgia Straight newspaper as a public notice of a private agreement three times in issue 2432, 2433, 2434 - Issue dates were: July 31st, August 7th and August 14th Page 12 photo • A “Notice to Admit” to the private woman, Kimberley Ann Robertson registered mail to RN 028 221 090 CA delivered July 4, 2014 Exhibit K - will be filed as evidence Page 57 • A confirmed “Notice to Admit” to the private woman, Kimberley Ann Robertson faxed July 22, 2014 Exhibit J – will be filed as evidence Pages 51-56 • A notice in The Georgia Straight newspaper as a public notice of a private agreement three times in issue 2432, 2433, 2434 - Issue dates were: July 31st, August 7th and August 14th Page 12 photo • A “Notice to Admit” to the private woman, Carolyn Phyllis Bouck registered mail to RN 028 221 112 CA delivered July 4, 2014 Exhibit K - will be filed as evidence Page 57 • A confirmed “Notice to Admit” to the private woman, Carolyn Phyllis Bouck faxed July 22, 2014 Exhibit J – will be filed as evidence Pages 51-56 • A notice in The Georgia Straight newspaper as a public notice of a private agreement three times in issue 2432, 2433, 2434 - Issue dates were: July 31st, August 7th and August 14th Page 12 photo • and an urgent fax sent August 21, 2014 Exhibit N – will be filed as evidence Pages 60-61 • An e-mail to the private man Christopher Edward Hinkson via his legal counsel Jill Leacock at sent from Bondservant Edward-Jay-Robin: [] who is our ministerial envoy in this case Exhibit H – will be filed as evidence Pages 42-44 • as well as another notice faxed to both Christopher and Jill on August 13, 2014 Exhibit L – Page 58, Exhibit M – Page 59, Exhibit O – Pages 62-67 these exhibits will be filed as evidence Note A – Ezekiel 33:1-10 Page 19 and Note O – 1st John 3:13, 2nd Timothy 3:12, 1st Peter 4:12-14, Matthew 11:13, Revelations 2:3, Isaiah 53:7-10, Romans 8:17, 2nd Timothy 3:10-11, Philippians 1:28, Mark 13:9, Psalms 119:61, John 15:18-25, 1st Peter 3:16-17, John 15:18, James 1:1:27, Luke 6:22, Acts 5:29 Pages 28-32   Public Notice of the Private Agreement in the Georgia Straight newspaper posted three times in issue 2432, 2433, 2434 - Issue dates were: July 31st, August 7th and August 14th The ministers do so state, and the fact is, they have a confirmed private agreement with the defendants Paulo Maia, Samuel Minzberg, Carolyn Phyllis Bouck, Bryan Craig Gibbons and Kimberley Ann Robertson mentioned above and has been posted on the blog below. The ministers do so state, and the fact is, they also have proof that Christopher Edward Hinkson did not rebut the letter that was sent to him via e-mail to Jill Leacock. Exhibit H – Pages 42-44 10. The ministers do so state, and the fact is, the so herein named parties in their private capacity are the private men and women who are by provable private awareness particularly endued with a heavier measure of duty of care as of their direct contact with the claiming ministers in this ecclesiastically styled claim and have severally and individually been named as coconspirators herein so united as all of those so enumerated and herein mentioned as defendants and parties of interest to the action are engaged in unjust enrichment by the fraud of usury. After such diligent effort was put forth with good faith and will the so named defendants that hired Lawson and Lundell LLP took on the liability of intimidation by allowing their contracted agent Lawson and Lundell LLP to continue intimidating the ministers to violate the commands of God and submit to the fraud of usury upon the value of their own self created funds bringing Christopher Edward Hinkson and Carolyn Phyllis Bouck into interlocking equity after being made aware of the intimidation. This is securities fraud Bills of Exchange Act, section 55-57 Note A – Ezekiel 33:1-10 Page 19 and Note K – Exodus 22:25, Leviticus 25:36-37, Deuteronomy 23:19-20, Nehemiah 5:7, Nehemiah 5:10, Psalms 15:5, Proverbs 28:8, Isaiah 24:2, Jeremiah 15:10, Ezekiel 18:8, Ezekiel 18:13, Ezekiel 18:17, Ezekiel 22:12, Matthew 25:27 and Luke 19:23 Pages 24-26 11. The ministers do so state, and the fact is, they bring forth this claim as of being unbound by the blood of Christ’s his body, that such tortfeasors so named as aware coconspirators are engaged in the intentional tort of malfeasance of their office and have broken their own corporate code by committing unlawful nuisance and intimidation coupled with obstruction of ministry to make the ministers therein taking sanctuary with the walls of their newly formed place of worship and place of gathering for men and women uniting for a moral social and benevolent purpose, and their immediate family ministry feel in fear of being physically assaulted and removed out of their sanctuary by using the defacto authority of the instrumentality of the PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA and the law firm of LAWSON and LUNDELL LLP, the legal fictions, to effect sedition, blasphemy and the fraud of having those oath bound corporations used by private men and women sworn as interlocking equity with a Christian monarch and bearing professional liability hazard bonds to effect the crimes of nuisance, intimidation and obstruction of ministry. Note A – Ezekiel 33:1-10 Page 19, Reference 5 – Page 73 and from Affidavit # 4 that Linda Alexander from Lawson and Lundell LLP sent to us stating on Page 3 – point 14 below that our defense was frivolous after they were aware of our newly found faith 12. The defendants, and the fact is, are private men and women that did breach their trust and duty of care upon their awareness and their reaction to the questions asked by the ministers in a letter dated July 13, 2013 prior to the attempted renewal of the alleged mortgage contract, AKA an exchange. The defendants of HSBC Bank Canada so named are aware of the fact that the HSBC Bank Canada cannot produce the note proving a bonafide contract exists binding the ministers Carol Mary Helen and Roderick Anthony as it was given to the Bank of Canada as a negotiable instrument to exchange for the currency funds of equal value. The ministers, and the fact is, sent a letter to the defendants so named acting for HSBC Bank Canada addressed to Ken Johnston dated July 13, 2013 asking questions about their alleged mortgage and proof of the contract. asking upon the The questions were asked upon being exposed to information that provoked asking upon the awareness of the fraud. The ministers concluded and suspected and that it was a religious confidence game with the Queen leading it. Exhibit B – Page 35 and Note A – Ezekiel 33:1-10 Page 19 13. The ministers do so state, and the fact is, the defendants HSBC Bank Canada then sent the ministers various letters stating they reviewed our Account(s) and did not intend to renew the ministers mortgage, they would be closing various accounts, credit card and mutual funds and would not be extending banking facilities. Exhibit C – Page 36, Exhibit D – Pages 37-38, Exhibit E – Page 39, Exhibit F – Page 40 14. The defendants, and the fact is, are acting for and at the behest of the private men acting as directors of the HSBC Bank Canada are in nuisance and intimidation and have ignored their statutorily binding duty as a financial institution obligation in corporate law, and via an employee Merrilee Davey of HSBC Bank Canada sent us another letter dated September 20, 2013 saying “Like other private businesses, HSBC Bank Canada chooses the customers with whom it will establish and maintain banking relationships and is under no obligation to, nor will it, disclose its criteria for this decision” Exhibit G - Page 41 15. The defendants, and the fact is, are in awareness of the breach of duty of care instituted and are vicariously responsible for the hardship, intimidation, nuisance and obstruction of ministry that is in direct conflict with the Criminal Code of Canada sections 176, 180, 336 and 423 and are acting under the authority of being directors charged with a duty of care did act in their private capacity outside the protection of corporate law. References 1 – Page 70, 2 – Page 71, 3 – Page 72, 4 – Page 73 16. The ministers do so state, and the fact is, the defendants have confirmed they agree by non rebuttal to the facts sent to them that the asseverations in the confirmed Notice to Admit therein so filed following after the commands of Christ are the facts and stand as true and correct as unchallenged. The ministers do so state, and the fact is the defendant Christopher Edward Hinkson also did not rebut the notice sent to him via fax on August 13, 2014. Exhibit J – Pages 51-56 and Exhibit O – Pages 62-67 17. The ministers do so state, and the fact is, minister Edward-Jay Robin made two offers in his YouTube videos to HSBC Bank Canada found in the links below as well as many other YouTube videos to make many private men and women aware of the seriousness of our faith and constant intimidation, nuisance and obstruction of our ministry: The ministers do so state, and the fact is, they authorized minister Edward-Jay Robin to record various YouTube videos on the continued intimidation, nuisance and obstruction of ministry as well as various warnings to bring all involved into awareness of the breach of duty of care and fraud taking place. YouTube video list: A message to the private men and women acting as legal representatives of the HSBC Bank Canada An important Message to the Lawyers of Lawsen & Lundell LLP for HSBC Church Notice regarding 833 Orono Ave declared sanctuary and possible eviction Ecclesiastical Notice of treason to the private man Christopher E. Hinkson Ecclesiastical duty of care notice to all Lawson and Lundell LLP directors part 1 Ecclesiastical duty of care notice to all Lawson and Lundell LLP directors Part 2 Complaint to private man Larry Chomyn Langford RCMP member regarding treason and intimidation Official notice of fraud and intimidation to the SEC and Jim Hopkins Notice of Complaint to the president of the British Columbia Law Society Jan Lindsay Notice to Board of Directors of HSBC Notice to VI Real Estate Board and the BC Real Estate Assn Board of Directors 18. The ministers do so state, and the fact is, the United States Security Exchange Commission Whistleblower office, attention Sean McKessy, was notified that THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA is a trading entity on the NYSE and using a commercially traded entity headed up by a Christian Monarch to intimidate folks to violate their faith and submit to fraud is criminal. Reference 6 – Pages 74-75 19. The ministers do so state, and the fact is, there are *stare decisis decisions from the Supreme Court of Canada from 1953 and 2004 in the links below that confirm you cannot obstruct men and women from practicing their faith and no one has the authority to enforce civil or contract law that offends a man/woman’s faith and that all contracts that do are null and void and that their faith supersedes a commercial contract trying to intimidate them to submit. SAUMUR v. CITY OF QUEBEC, [1953] 2 S.C.R. 299 Date: 1953-10-06 Syndicat Northcrest v. Amselem, [2004] 2 SCR 551 2004-06-30 *A previous binding decision of a higher court – the doctrine of stare decisis – is jealously and zealously guarded by this esteemed Court in that it is one of the cornerstones in the nature of the judicial process. An argument could be advanced that the binding properties and characteristics of a previous court decision is something akin to an abstract idea that found utterance as res judicata & settled law until legislatively overturned or overruled. Although no patent, or copyright or intellectual property rights attach to a previous binding decision of a higher court, the fact remains that that decision is held sacrosanct. That abstract idea, memorialized as a binding decision, is often “carved in stone” and remains a much sought after quotable citation for eternity whether set aside or vacated by creative, or vengeful, legislation. 20. The ministers do so state, and the fact is, they are aware that the Government of Canada states on its website with reference to the applicability of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms as applicable to only Federal and Provincial government employees and officers thereof. Canadian Heritage – Section 32 Application of Charter only applies to governments. Section 32 - Application of Charter 1. This Charter applies 1. to the Parliament and government of Canada in respect of all matter within the authority of Parliament including all matters relating to the Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories; and 2. to the legislature and government of each province in respect of all matters within the authority of the legislature of each province. 2. Notwithstanding subsection (1), section 15 shall not have effect until three years after this section comes into force. The purpose of this section is to make it clear that the Charter only applies to governments, and not to private individuals, businesses or other organizations. As mentioned earlier, section 32(2) was necessary in order to give governments a chance to amend their laws to bring them into line with the right to equality. Section 15 of the Charter did not come into force until three years after the rest of the Charter became effective on April 17,1982. 21. The ministers do so state, and the fact is, they are aware that the Government of Canada states on its website with reference to the applicability of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms as applicable to only Federal and Provincial government employees and officers thereof. Canadian Heritage – Section 52 - Constitution Act, 1982 states: 1. The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect. This section of the Constitution gives the courts the power to rule that a particular law is not valid if it violates the Charter, which is itself part of the Constitution. While section 52(1) is not part of the Charter, it provides courts with an important power to strike down laws that violate Charter rights. If only part of the law violates the Constitution, only that part will be ruled invalid. 22. The ministers do so state, and the fact is, the defendants have insurance coverage relative to Directors' and Officers' Liability according to the Insurance Bureau of Canada: Directors and officers have a duty to exercise due diligence in overseeing the activities of the organization that they serve. They are required to act in good faith and in the best interest of the organization. Directors have three basic duties: 1. Duty of Diligence (Duty of Care): Act reasonably, in good faith, in the organization’s best interest. 2. Duty of Loyalty: Place the interest of the organization before your own. 3. Duty of Obedience: Act within the scope of the organization, within applicable rules and laws. 23. The ministers do so state, and the fact is, the defendants have with knowledge and awareness moved forward with apparent intent to intimidate our ability to practice our faith and beliefs unmolested and have by said failure to observe that duty of care have made the ministers feel insecure, uncomfortable and discriminated against. The ministers have because of the intimidation and threat that their sanctuary and place of worship may be encroached upon contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada and oaths all officers of her Majesty submit to feel they and have been violated our rights and their freedom to religious expression has been breached and are that the defendants are intentionally attempting to defraud the ministers. 24. The ministers do so state, and the fact is, the defendants have used intentional intimidation to make the ministers and their ministry feel in fear of being unlawfully extorted out of their sanctuary using the instrumentality of the PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA and the law firm of LAWSON and LUNDELL LLP, the legal fictions, to effect the fraud and have those corporations used by private men and women to effect the crimes of nuisance, intimidation and obstruction of ministry. 25. The ministers do so state, and the fact is, they have suffered spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally and financially by this callous, baseless action taken against both them and their faith. They have suffered through unconscionable worry and anxiety by the war these privately named men and women acting for HSBC Bank Canada and the Province of British Columbia has declared on their family, their children, their sanctuary and their freedom to practice their faith in Christ. They the ministers cannot and will not be penalized for uncovering the irrefutable truth contained in this Ecclesiastical Statement of Claim, as well as discovering that Paulo Maia and Samuel Minzberg working for HSBC Bank Canada and its legal staff are engaged in a constructive, private central banking fraud. HSBC Bank Canada is dependent on converting a man/woman's status to a corporate entity in order to fund what can only be called a money-laundering scheme. but their The ministers stated faith and ministry prevent them from engaging in such deceit or trickery. And no man's law can force anyone to abandon their Christian name or faith. 26. The ministers do so state, and the fact is, all of the references noted below back up this ecclesiastical statement of claim. Reference 1 – Criminal Code of Canada 176. Obstructing or violence to or arrest of officiating clergyman Reference 2 – Criminal Code of Canada 180. Common nuisance Reference 3 – Criminal Code of Canada 423. Intimidation Reference 4 – Criminal Code of Canada 336. Criminal breach of trust Reference 5 – Criminal Code of Canada 296. Blasphemous Libel Offence Reference 6 – Form 18- K/A shows the PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA as a trading entity from the Security Exchange Commission database of traded companies Reference 7 – Parliamentary History to corroborate the Westminster Confession Act was passed Reference 8 – Marquette Law Review that explains the word includes as it relates to “persons”. See section 35 of the Canadian Interpretation Act Reference 9 – Coronation Oath Ceremony June 2, 1953 presentation of the 1611 King James Bible to The Queen by Archbishop as proof of such duty of care promise fealty and honor Reference 10 – The Westminster Confession of Faith section 22 Reference 11 – Oaths of Allegiance Act Reference 12 – 1948 Human Rights Charter Reference 13 – Holder in Due Course Reference 14 – In The Common Law of England, 198, N2, Sir Edward Coke defines allegiance   Part 3: Damages and Relief Sought Damages are a monetary payment awarded for the invasion of a right at common law (Canson Enterprises Ltd. v. Boughton & Co. 1991 3 S.C.R. 534 at para.39, per laForest J) Ezekiel 33:1-10 Compensatory Damages Part A, B and E – Relief Sought Part C and D Part A Consequential Damages Negotiable Instrument taken by fraud from HSBC Bank Canada worth 380,000 Exhibit P – Page 68-69 $380,000 + 20% $76,000 as per Leviticus 6:2-5 Total $456,000 rounded to $500,000 for cost of living increases Total Consequential Damages in the amount of $500,000 (five hundred thousand dollars) Part B Exemplary and Punitive Damages You may award punitive damages against defendants only if the plaintiffs ministers prove by clear and convincing evidence that the defendants engaged in that conduct with malice, oppression, or fraud. The Defendants are so named below: the private men Paulo Maia and Samuel Minzberg acting as the President & Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of HSBC Bank Canada and the private woman Carolyn Phyllis Bouck acting as Master in the Provincial Courthouse of British Columbia and the private man Christopher Edward Hinkson acting as Honourable Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of British Columbia "Malice" means that a defendant acted with intent to cause injury or that a defendant's conduct was despicable and was done with a willful and knowing disregard of the rights or safety of another. A defendant acts with knowing disregard when the defendant is aware of the probable dangerous consequences of his, her, or its conduct and deliberately fails to avoid those consequences. "Oppression" means that a defendant's conduct was despicable and subjected the ministers to cruel and unjust hardship in knowing disregard of the ministers rights. "Despicable conduct" is conduct that is so vile, base, or contemptible that it would be looked down on and despised by reasonable people. "Fraud" means that a defendant intentionally misrepresented or concealed a material fact and did so intending to harm the ministers. There is irrefutable evidence to support Punitive Damages and Vicarious Liability with intent for unjust enrichment. Exemplary and Punitive Damages for each of the herein names ministers are below: The private man Paulo Maia in the amount of $1,000,000 (one million dollars) The private man Samuel Minzberg in the amount of $1,000,000 (one million dollars) The private man Christopher Edward Hinkson in the amount of $1,000,000 (one million dollars) The private woman Carolyn Phyllis Bouck in the amount of $1,000,000 (one million dollars) The private man Bryan Craig Gibbons in the amount of $1,000,000 (one million dollars) The private woman Kimberley Ann Robertson in the amount of $1,000,000 (one million dollars) The private man William Simon Johnson in the amount of $1,000,000 (one million dollars) Total Exemplary and Punitive Damages in the amount of $7,000,000 (seven million dollars) Part C Relief Sought The ministers claim they want their original notes back (the negotiable instruments) that were used regarding any alleged mortgages they had with HSBC Bank Canada. The ministers want every original note they signed returned to them   Part D Relief Sought The ministers claim they want their sanctuary deregistered with the Land Title Office and any liens, notes of pending litigation or any other notations in the Land Title Office to be removed and struck from their the Land Title Office files Part E Expenses for ink, outside printing costs, envelopes, registered mailings, paper, costs to obtain records from the Land Title Office, gas to and from the courthouse to do research, ferry and travel costs to Federal Court Registry office twice from Victoria, costs to submit this claim via courier and filing fees, long distance phone calls, process serving fees, over a year’s worth of our time and energy and many more expenses as we moved forward to support our case Total reimbursement of expenses over the last year in the amount of $10,000 (ten thousand dollars) GRAND TOTAL for Compensatory Damages $7,510,000 (four million, five hundred and three thousand dollars) This was a hand written note I had to put on the last page of the original statement of claim: Sept 2, 2014 – was told the notes, references and exhibits could not be included therefore if needed all pages 19-89 are available upon request. Extra note: We were told that it could be used as evidence later on and please note the pages 19-89 will now be different because of this amended statement of claim. This was also hand written since we had to make various changes in order for the statement of claim to be accepted by the registry office. The ministers (ministers) that this action be tried at Victoria Date: Address for both ministers: 833 Orono Avenue Victoria Ecclesia 250-478-2003 Signatures:

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