Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Witnesses letters and introduction of brother Wayne to Diane LeBoutillier acting as Canada's Revenue minister, and his private agreement with her

Emergent Notice of a demand for faith based accommodation. January 9th 2023 To: The private woman acting as Honourable Diane Lebouthillier, P.C., M.P. Minister of National Revenue 7th Floor 555 Mackenzie Avenue Ottawa, Ontario Fax: 613-992-6194 From minister of Christ: Edward Jay Robin 12431- 90th Street Edmonton Alberta no code as of faith in Christ. Tel: 780-399-6250 Fax: 1-780-609-7227 Dear Diane, Greetings in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior. I am writing you officially performing my function as Christ’s ordained minister in being the watchman of Ezekiel 33 . I am asking you, in kind demand, to bring up the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as ratified law in Canada and refer to article 3 to see Wayne as a man. He has recently come to know Christ and has been exposed to an accurate rendition of scripture awakening him to the fact that he is not a person nor can submit to any kind of a person as of the warning in James 2:9 KJVB. My brother, new to this expose of scripture, is my parishioner Wayne MacKinnon of 33 Jenkin’s Rd., Marshfield, Prince Edward Island. Wayne is indeed a man reborn into the body of Christ and as of his sincerely exercised faith has asked me to bear witness for him to ensure he is not trespassed upon by being nuisanced or made to feel uncomfortable by a man or woman. He does not wish to be robbed intimidated or obstructed in the exercise of his faith that would violate the international covenant. That would include having him in your data base listed as a taxpayer/person of law with his name altered for a financial purpose without his informed consent which is fraud. I wanted to ensure you were in possession of the knowledge and ould be proven with awareness if you are called upon to bear witness or testimony. Wayne as accepting Christ's offer in the 1611 version of John 15:16 KJVB can no longer respect persons, James 2:9 in the 1611 KJVB observant , as of being washed clean of the sins of the world, 2 Colossian's 2:14-23. He is demanding to save his faith harmless that you instructall of your agents and have the data base red flag the info to cease all secular action on his file as his faith prohibits any more subjection to your code and enactments for persons. He is waiving the article 16 offer of the ICCPR, which is binding upon you as his service provider, to be recognized as a person and wants you the woman to respect his challenged position by referring to the Supreme Courts decision of Northcrest Syndicat v Amselem SCR 2004. Wayne wants you to be with possession of the knowledge and with indisputable aware of his inherent freedom to exercise his faith in Christ and the King James Bible to not respect persons. The Royal style and Titles Act and the Oaths of Allegiance backed by 176, 180, and 423 of th4e criminal code was created for that cause Diane! My ministry's whole purpose is to save brother Wayne harmless from the intimidation nuisance and obstruction of his ministry that is presently transpiring between your agents and Wayne’s record of annuity financial holdings based in his cestui que vie trust. Wayne wishes that after an audit of the annuity account is conducted per schedule 3,4, and 5 of the Canadian Ownership Control and Determination Act 1984 regulations, that he may donate and transfer the full value of his annuity account to the Church free of interference. Wayne is demanding your obligation duty to obey your own code in this matter of faith to cease the trespass upon his free exercise of his faith he is presently experiencing at the hands of your abusive agents. He does this so as to exercise his article one ICCPR right of self determination He is intent on saving his faith harmless as to secure his article 18 of the ICCPR freedom as a man in your recognition that violating an act of Parliament like the Emergencies Act, The Royal Style and Titles Act and the Oath's of Allegiance Act by failing to aid and direct brother Wayne is not a trivial matter when inherent jurisdiction to save faith harmless is demanded. In a Christian Monarchy ruled Government styled as “Defender of the Faith” and having the Monarch Biblically anointed sworn to Defend the laws of God, the Church and the Clergy with all of her power, we cannot fail to observe section 46,126,176,180, 336 and 423 of the criminal code standing to honor the Royal Style and Titles Act in defending the faith to save it harmless lest the crowns reputation be stained by a failure to perform. You Diane are now privately in awareness and with possession of knowledge of the code presented here as per being warned per the watchman scriptural duty. You as a private woman can then see how the sections, as portions of the criminal code authorized by Parliament's inherent jurisdiction, are specifically acting as a safe guard and offer faith filled evidence of the undeniable obligation to save the faith harmless as the whole purpose the witnessed Sworn Oath of Allegiance is in place for. Wayne is under the watch of Ezekiel 33 and of the duty to warn you of your own dead code demanding the provision of defense of his faith from you or your staff as per the requirements of 180 of the criminal code and his right of self determination as guaranteed in article 1 of the ICCPR. Wayne as a new born in Christ demands this from you to indicate that indeed you understand that you the woman are obligated by the ICCPR and article 27 of the Vienna Convention. This obligation is to recognize him as a man of faith in Christ compelled by scripture and the directions of Christ to depart from personage and affiliation with dead corporate structures called persons and the assumptive contracts those affiliations represent. respecting persons is condemned by scripture so you can rest assured this is no OPCA goosechase asbrother Wayne is very serious about exercising his faith in self-determination. You can see God’s position on persons by turning to these scriptures. Deuteronomy 1:17, 10:17, 2nd Samuel 14:14, Matthew 22:16. Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11, James 2:9 and 1 Peter 1:17. That assumptive social contract of expected performance as a registered participant of the debtor organization called CANADA the trading business entity https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/230098/000119312520320046/d90243dsb.htm is voided as of the frustration in that assumptive contract that Wayne's free exercise of faith in Christ poses. The SCR 2004 Amselem decision offers fair warning to all public servants in the regard to a frustrated contract and to ensure all regulated service providers are aware that their obligations are to ensure no discomfort falls upon the beneficiaries of the social contract. Corporate Government's inherent jurisdictions' purpose is to ensure those inherent freedoms of faith common to all of his Majesties subjects are saved harmless and not eroded. The Oath of Allegiance and promise you took offers ample evidence of that fact. It is brother Wayne’s sincere demand that you go to the hardship of directing that a full audit of his accounts be conducted as indicated do indeed exist as per the Canadian Ownership Control and Determination Act 1984 regulations schedule 2 , 3, 4 and 5 along with the Annuities Act and the Securities transfer Act that exist to facilitate such action. Wayne is demanding your full aid and direction in overseeing the matter. Ezekiel 33 is to reference my warning to you to delineate and avoid assumption from making use of or subjection to dead code. You, as of potentially failing in this demand will be causing Wayne extreme discomfort and fear contrary to the law set in place to defend him. It is expected that you will kindly offer evidence of how ensuring Wayne’s ability to follow the faith her Majesty swore to defend with all her power will bring any hardship upon the duties your own Oath binds you to in the shadow of the Royal Style and Titles Act. The Freedom to exercise faith is not some privilege that opinions, attitudes and disrespect, from those uninformed in law get to overthrow, attack, threaten, or disassemble the faith her Majesty swore to defend, as that is treason! . The inherent ability and right of self-determination of a man or woman to exercise their faith in a creator upon discovery of the truth must never be ignored, trivialized, diminished or obstructed by those sworn into positions of authority to defend it! I look forward to hearing that you have been of an honorable capacity as an honest and loyal woman to your own Oath and will indeed go to the hardship that the Royal Style and Titles Act implies must be offered upon the receipt of such a demand! I do pray you grasp my position as an emissary of Christ and witness for brother Wayne my new found minister of Christ! Blessings from minister Edward Jay Robin!!
To: The private woman acting as Honourable Diane Lebouthillier, P.C., M.P., Minister of National Revenue 7th Floor 555 McKenzie Avenue Ottawa, Ontario Fax: 613-992-6194 Dear Diane, Greetings in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior. I am compelled as of my faith to get a Christ directed private agreement with you that I am a new born Child of Christ, seeking your duty to accommodate my faith of not being a person of law. I wish you to observe and know that respecting a legal fiction person is forbidden in the King James Bible. James 2:91611 KJVB Matthew 18: 15-20 in the 1611 KJCB are Christ’s directions to all who have faith in him. I am herein following that faith of a mustard seed in exercising those simple directions. I would like you to read the attached Paper from the Canadian library of Parliament’s entitled "An Examination of a Duty to Accommodate" so we can agree and I may expand upon my demands for religious accommodation. https://lop.parl.ca/sites/PublicWebsite/default/en_CA/ResearchPublications/201201E 1.It is agreed that under mans secular code you as a service provider; in receipt of a demand for religious accommodation must go to a hardship to accommodate my faith to save it harmless; no different than it would be for an LBGTQ demand to have their own office in the Privy council or installing a wheelchair ramp for a disabled man or woman. 2.You do agree that this duty is per section 2 of 180 of the Criminal Code of Canada in ensuring all men and women can be exercising what is common to all of her majesty's subjects and that you cannot use your internal law as an excuse to avoid your obligation and duty to save my faith harmless as per article 27 of the Vienna Convention and the Royal Style and Titles Act. I will be confirming our agreement to these important facts with three witnesses as advised by Christ at Matthew 18: 15-20 and so that you as an Oath sworn allegiant of a Christian King , styled as Defender of the Faith in the Royal Style and Titles Act may know of my faith in Christ in demanding it be saved harmless from all assumpsit contracts with persons. Take note of Northcrest Syndicat vs Amselem 2004 Supreme Court of Canada ruling to see all contracts offending the free exercise of faith or tradition are void. So your not running foul of your own law by vain efforts of godless lawyers efforting to deceive you. Ezekiel 33 is predominant in removing any assumption I am using dead code but rather in duty as the watchman offer warning their showing in dead commercial code. The international Covenant on Civil and Political Rights – Article 1 – 27 are self-executing. With your provable awareness of this document, I am giving Private Notice to you that I expect you to accept and embrace the principles in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as binding. I am with joy with your acknowledgement and recognition of your opportunity for you to perform your duty for my benefit. This action on your part will be facilitating the saving harmless of my ecclesiastical Principles of exercising self-determination or to be accurate resurrection. I do in the free choice and exercise of my faith to offer fair warning to those attempting to restrict my enjoyment of that freedom so zealously guarded by her Majesty's Oath sworn allegiants. Article 1 International Covenant on Political and Civil Rights states: 1. All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development. 2. All peoples may, for their own ends, freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources without prejudice to any obligations arising out of international economic co-operation, based upon the principle of mutual benefit, and international law. In no case may a people be deprived of its own means of subsistence. 3. The States Parties to the present Covenant, including those having responsibility for the administration of Non-Self-Governing and Trust Territories, shall promote the realization of the right of self-determination, and shall support that right, in conformity with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations. Article 18 International Covenant on Political and Civil Rights states: 1. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right shall include freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice, and freedom, either individually or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching. 2. No one shall be subject to coercion which would impair his freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice. 3. Freedom to manifest one's religion or beliefs may be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary to protect public safety, order, health, or morals or the fundamental rights and freedoms of others. 4. The States Parties to the present Covenant undertake to have respect for the liberty of parents and, when applicable, legal guardians to ensure the religious and moral education of their children in conformity with their own convictions. Private man with the Christian given name of Wayne Stuart, Christ’s bondservant, minister Wayne Stuart.
State of Awareness Emergent Notice. Demand for Accommodation of faith Commonwealth scripture of Isaiah By; minister of Christ Joseph-Salvatore-Saverio [Fugallo] By: minister of Christ Nathalie [Theriault] c/o 47 – 10121 Laurier Terrebonne Quebec [no code as of faith in Christ] fax ; 1-800-971-7430 Official Status; The diplomatic House of Yahweh International Ordained by Christ, John 15:16, JKV 16:11 to save faith harmless Exercising all religious liberties in what is common to all of her Majesty's subjects. March/06th/2023 A.D. Dear Diane, Greetings in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior. We are writing to you in performing our official function as Christ's ordained minister in being watchmen of Ezekiel 33. We are asking you, in kind demand, to bring up the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as ratified law in Canada and refer to article 3 to see Wayne as a man. He has recently come to know Christ and has been exposed to an accurate rendition of scripture awakening him to the fact that he is not a person nor can submit to any kind of a person as of the warning in James 2:9 KJVB. Our brother, new to these expures of scriptures, is a follower of God’s ways and Laws. Christian named: Wayne MacKinnon of 33 Jenkin's Rd., Marshfield, Prince Edward Island Wayne is indeed reborn into the body of Christ and as of his sincerely exercised faith has asked me to bear witness for him to ensure he is not trespassed upon by being made nuisance or made to feel uncomfortable by a man or woman He does not wish to be robbed, intimidated or obstructed in the exercise of his faith that would violate the international covenant (ICCPR). That would include having your database entry of Christian names listed as a taxpayer/person of law which is the altered Christian name for a financial purpose without consideration, informed consent, or full disclosure which is a fraud. We wanted to ensure that you were in possession of the knowledge and could be proven with awareness if you are called upon to bear witness or testimony. Wayne as accepting Christ's offer in the 1611 version of John 15:16 KJVB can no longer respect persons, James 29 in the 1611 KJVB observant, as of being washed clean of the sins of the world, 2 Colossian s 2:14-23. He is demanding to save his faith harmless and that you instruct all of your agents and have the database, red flaged, the info to cease all secular actions on all files pertaining to, but not limited to, as his faith prohibits any more subjections to your codes, laws, statutes, acts, and enactments in any form of style for said persons. He is waiving the article 16 offer of the ICCPR, which is binding upon you as his service provider, to be recognized as a person and wants you to respect his challenged position by referring to the Supreme Courts decision of Page 2 of 2 Northcrest Syndicat v Amselem SCR 2004. Wayne wants you to be in the possession of the knowledge and with indisputable awareness of his inherent freedom to exercise his faith in Christ and the King James Bible to not respect persons. The Royal style and Titles Act and the Oaths of Allegiance backed by 176, 180, and 423 of the criminal code were created for that cause Diane! Our ministry's whale purpose is to save brother Wayne harmless from the intimidation, nuisance, and obstruction of his ministry that is presently transpiring between your agents and Wayne's record of annuity financial holdings based on his cestui que vie trust. Wayne wishes that after an audit of the annuity account is conducted per schedule 3,4, and 5 of the Canadian Ownership Control and Determination Act 1984 regulations, that he may donate and transfer the full value of his annuity account to the Church free of interference. Wayne is demanding your obligation, and duty to obey your code in this matter of faith to cease the trespass upon the free exercise of his faith he is presently experiencing under your watch and at the hands of your abusive agents. He does this to exercise his article one ( 1 ) ICCPR right of self-determination. He is intent on saving his faith harmless as to secure his article 18 of the ICCPR freedom as in your recognition that violating an act of Parliament like the Emergencies Act, The Royal Style and Titles Act, and the Oath of Allegiance Act by failing to aid and direct brother Wayne is not a trivial matter when inherent jurisdiction to save faith harmless is demanded. You Diane are now privately in awareness and with possession of knowledge of the code presented here as per being warned per the watchman scriptural duty. You as a private woman can then see how the sections, as portions of the criminal code authorized by Parliament's inherent jurisdiction, are specifically acting as a safeguard and offer faith-filled evidence of the undeniable obligation to save the faith harmless as the whole purpose the witnessed Sworn Oath of Allegiance is in place for. Wayne is under the watch of Ezekiel 33 and of the duty to warn you of your dead code demanding the provision of defense of his faith from you or your staff as per the requirements of 180 of the criminal code and his right of self-determination as guaranteed in article 1 of the ICCPR. Wayne as a newborn in Christ, demands this from you to indicate that indeed you understand that you the woman are obligated by the ICCPR and article 27 of the Vienna Convention. This obligation is to recognize him as a man of faith in Christ compelled by scripture and the directions of Christ to depart from personage and affiliation with dead corporate structures called persons and the assumptive contracts those affiliations represent respecting persons is condemned by scripture so you can rest assured this is no OPCA goose-chase as brother Wayne is very serious about exercising his faith in selfdetermination. You can see God's position on persons by turning to these scriptures Deuteronomy 1 17, 10 17,2nd Samuel 14:14, Matthew 22:16. Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11, James 2'9, and 1 Peter 1:17. That assumptive social contract of expected performance as a registered participant of the debtor organization called CANADA the trading business entity https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/230098/000119312520320046/d9O243dsb.htm is voided as Syndicat v Amselem SCR 2004. Our ministry's whole purpose is to save brother Wayne harmless from the intimidation nuisance and obstruction of his ministry that is presently transpiring under your watch, between your agents and Wayne's record of annuity financial holdings based in his cestul que vie trust. In a Christian, Monarchy ruled Government styled as 'Defender of the Faith" and having the Monarch Biblically anointed sworn to Defend the laws of God, the Church, and the Clergy with all of her power, we cannot fail to observe sections 46,126,176,180, 336 and 423 of the criminal code standing to honor the Royal Style and Titles Act in defending the faith to save it harmless lest the crowns reputation be stained by a failure to perform.

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