Saturday, August 28, 2010

Your flesh bonded as value??? Traded for money?

Imprisoning You For Profit?

This comes from one of the Sovereign Citizens with whom I am in contact. This person has released the following information to me and has asked me to post it on this blog. It has been posted on several other sites around the web previously.

It is VERY long and somewhat arcane. I encourage all of you to wade through it once. Sleep on it and come back and read it again. It seems bizarre at first glance, and outright preposterous, but after a while it DOES make sense and does explain some of the weird things about our court and penal systems. It goes a long way in explaining why you have no rights and why you are treated like property (slaves).

Believe me, it is very worthwhile reading. There are citations within the body of this work, which I encourage you to check out on your own to verify what is being told to you here.

You may also wish to download this document and read it.

If you wish to re-post this on other forums, please do so.

Each U.S. Prisoner Generates Millions of Corporate Dollars!

How is this possible when all we hear about is that our prisons cost so much? Every prisoner in the U.S. has a monetary value to the government whether it's local, county, state or federal. Bonds are written based on the person's name and social security number and are sold through a brokerage firm, such as AG Edwards or Merrill Lynch, whichever one has the contract to sell all the prison bonds for the municipal corporation of the city, county, state or federal government prison. Over 50% of the money market bonds right now are purchased in Japan or China. I've been told by researchers that Wal-Mart, and formerly Kmart, are large purchasers of these bonds. Wal-Mart makes most bond purchases at night.

The way the bond is used to make money is that a monetary value is placed on the alleged crime and then the paper with the accused person's signature is factored the same way that the banks factor home mortgages into derivatives and sell them for money. In other words, for example: a person is convicted of a felony which has
been assigned a 'value' of $4 million. The county, city, or state then multiplies the value of that crime by ten, so the bond that goes out for sale with the prisoner's name and social security number on it is created as a short-term 'promissory' note. It's offered at $40 million. Perhaps an investor will offer 40% of the $40 million, or $16 million. Once this 'promissory note' of the face value of$40 million reaches the banks, it is then multiplied again by 2x or 3x (200% to 300%) and sold as bank securities.

For those of you who wonder why the US has more people in prison per capita than any other nation on earth, and a weakening economy, but the nation can still fund war overseas, this is the reason. It's all based on prisoners, in other words, prison is profitable in the current scenario. Knowing all this, and knowing that a prisoner can have a 'net worth of say, $10,000 per day in the money markets, helps explain why so many people are in jail. Prisoners are only 'merchandise' in a warehouse. The Warden of the Prison is the same as the Warden of a Warehouse where the cargo, known as the in personam rem, is held until the tax on the goods is paid. The actual storage/housing of prisoners is very inexpensive, ranging from 74 cents to $2.72 per prisoner per day for food. {{{WOW}}} You can’t even a baby-sitter to watch your child for that amount of money per hour for a evening out on the town. The CORRECTION CORP OF AMERICA (CCA) owns the Private Prison Systems in America. The CCA is headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee. The CCA sells the commercial paper for the inmates (bonds with their names and social security numbers on them).

This is how it Works: A bid bond is done on Form 24, which comes out of the GSA Office (General Services Administration which is out of GAO (General Accounting Office} which is under the Comptroller General. This Blake Bond Bid Bond is promulgated at the time the social security card is issued.

When you are arrested, the bond is filled out and they issue a Performance Bond, which is done from Form 25, and then they do a Payment Bond, which is a Form 25A.Ihe Bonds are being underwritten by the Banks. This is where the PAINE WEBBER GROUP comes in.

The Plaintiff in all criminal tax cases in the USA is the PAINE WEBBER GROUP as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The PAINE WEBBER GROUP is a group of international businesses. The PAINE WEBBER GROUP is providing the Securities for the prisons and is selling the Bonds, and the Banks, The ABA (AMERICAN BANKING ASSOCIATION like LEHMEN BROTHERS, in New York City, are the underwriters on the Bonds, The Banks (the underwriters) is where the money is originally coming from.

A six digit tracking number is issued fm' the Certificate of Stocks in the Commodity and Security Exchange in the USA by CUSIP (see and the law enforcement tracking software) and a nine digit number (called Ordnance Number) is issued for the Certificate of Stocks going internationally to ANNA (see link for ANNA which is in Brussels, Belgium at ).

-Catman's note: See these links MALTA Stock Exchange and ANNA (Association Of National Numbering Agencies).

These Securities are sold through the Commodity and Security Exchange. The bottom line is the municipal corporations at each level of government are selling stocks in the prison system. In Admiralty law, the jails are referred to as Warehouses and the prisoners are called Goods or cargo. They are selling the Goods/cargo/prisoners or the Account as Chattel, and as Commercial Paper on the Stock Exchange.

The PAINE WEBBER GROUP is the prune stockholder in this CCA (Correction CORP of America). Here is an example of how the cargo is treated by the CCA. The cargo in this example is named ... ‘Lynn’ (First name only).

The TRANSPORT COMPANY for the cargo transported Lynn to Colorado in a van with 16 other prisoners. These vans travel about the country picking up cargo in various jails and prisons and taking the cargo about to other jails and prisons. The van carrying the cargo has the words "Transport Corporation of America .... Nashville, Tennessee" displayed on its sides. These cargo van or bus rides are also called 'diesel therapy'. However twenty of the largest investor companies in the prison industry, include:

are also involved as other stock holding corporations. There are numerous corporations that hold these stocks amounting to billions of dollars. Of course the monies generated from prisoners are all off budget, with no
accounting to the People, even though the CORRECTION CORP OF AMERICA through the PAINE WEBBER GROUP is acting in the capacity of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Right now there are many forms of jail in the US, and each of these forms of incarceration generates income:
• actual jail
• CCP ankle bracelet
• transport jail
• probation
• parole

It's my understanding that once you're a prisoner in the system, the county/agency holding you is floating bond for $10,000 per day with your name and Soc. Sec. #, and these bonds are bundled periodically and sold through Merrill Lynch, AG Edwards, etc., for each state. is the criminal justice tracking system software which shows the software that metro police departments use. Go to the user manual and it takes you to appearance bond fees. Then go to special operating software for courtrooms and it shows you how the appearance bond fees are tied to the defendant's account. Go
to the bottom in the original user’s manual and it says, "Fine accounting." Further up the page are assessments. It shows how it's all tracked from beginning to end. A caller wrote to a court once and sent "Send me a complete accounting of my case." It came back showing a $90,000 active security and they said, "Your paperwork has been forwarded to the Department of Justice." The caller wrote a week later and said, "Send me a final pay-off amount for all my money. What would there be after 18 years without any fees, fines and interest."

They said, "We sent all your stuff to the Department of Justice. \ and you'll see all there is to see about a public witness. The caller downloaded it. Once you get the bond you are creditor in fact.

Next Example on Prisoner Bonds: AG Edwards bond brokerage house. He called up to talk to a broker. Caller says he's trying to figure something out. If there was someone trading bonds in the bond market in the caller's name without his permission could he track the account? AG Edwards broker says they would have to have a social security number or a driver's license number. Caller says he knows someone who was trading in Roger Elvick's name. Broker asked if it was a friend, family member or corporation. Caller said to the broker it was a corporation. Broker then said every bond has a cusip # (Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Process Number).

You can go to There are two main outlets: Chicago and New York. You'd have to find out who their transfer agents are and then you could track the trade. You can even find out if funds are being embezzled off the account. When the cop gives you a ticket and you go into court, the judge is using this as a credit item to trade ill the markets and he's doing calls. What if someone "vent in and caught them short on the margin call?

The broker at AG Edwards knew what the caller was talking~ about. He said," "IF you want to follow this up anymore, you'll have to go to the Securities Exchange division in your state." So, the next thing the caner did was check the Department of Financial Institution of his state on the web and looked up securities exchange division. The advisory committee showed AG Edwards was the transfer agent for the state, making all the bond trades.

The cop does all the paperwork in the car. He is creating the assessment and the
paperwork in his car when he makes out the ticket by using:

• your name
• your social security number
• your driver’s license number
You never consented or gave this information to the cop. Did you?

Well what you don’t know is that you did give this information when you signed your driver’s license – Again you registered yourself! It is then presumed that YOU, as a 14th Amendment US CITIZEN/SLAVE, 'voluntarily' gave that information to the cop for his use, and to make the trade even though you are NEVER told in advance that you personal information could be used in this way and without your consent.

Every Cop is a 'private business contractor' working for the corporation, as an employee of a corporation. They are not the government or working for the government, because your city is also merely a corporation. If this is true, then you can follow up on every trade made in your name on your exemption.

Find the bond written on your birth certificate. Use that and access your exemption through the stock market that way. The transfer and transfer agent and the number with social security number and every case number will be listed. Every traffic ticket will be listed. Broker says if Ameritrade had a trade he could track it, but he can't track AG Edwards, and others. It's going to take someone higher up. The brokers are enslaved by their industry.

What about when you leave a job? When you have a job, your company is using your social security number. Well we all know this - Right? They'll keep taking your exemption even if you leave that company. Did you know that? AG Edwards sells the prisoner/traffic bonds for several states. How does this correlate with admiralty? Jack Smith says that in admiralty the vessels are carrying commodities and goods. So they carry invoices, packing slips and bills of lading. Warrants and securities back up the goods.

Lag, goods that float on the water. Gene Keating says that Title 46 is the shipping code in admiralty. Secretary of Transportation is the receiver of the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES, section 1247 Title 46, he's the receiver and trustee. He's talking about the carriage of goods sea act which is Title 46 in the appendix. Bills of lading are all documents of title-warrants and documents are all under the UCC and deal with documents of title. Title 46 Sections 181-189-admiralty is very complex. Even judges are taught on a need to know basis. Appellate judges often don't know all this.

This all leads to different aspects of admiralty/maritime law, both inside and outside the courtroom. The carriage of goods act, Title 46, is all governed by the Secretary of Transportation, the Coast Guard, Secretary of Commerce and the treasury are all under Secretary of Transportation and it's all in commerce.

The Secretary of transportation is the head of the maritime commission. All vessels are registered under Title 46, Section 31-301 which talks about maritime liens that arise by operation of law. There's a maritime lien commission. The Secretary of Transportation is running everything because we are all on the 'highway of commerce', the water came inland, so to speak, and now it's here under the law of trust.

Everyone who comes into the courtroom is a ward in admiralty, a ward of the court. We're in an "in rem" proceeding in admiralty in a title dispute and we have to come in as the title holder or have interest or claim in the subject matter of the complaint, or we are the ‘vessel’ and they have arrested the ‘vessel’.

We're not in common law in the courts, we're in admiralty and they get jurisdiction by arresting the vessel. They, lawyers, district attorneys, and law enforcement, don't use the proper process and they need to trick, cajole, deceive, or pressure us to do whatever they need us to do and have us make a mistake to give them 'in personam jurisdiction' over us, when we take on the attributes of a general appearance to the subject matter of the pleadings against the defendant "in rem' and we start acting in any capacity on the merits of the charges or by taking on the persona of the defendant vessel 'in rem.'

There's lots more to this, but I think you get the gist about 'prisons for profit. In tying the various elements of this essay all together, it would appear that there are many laggard souls. Some are incarcerated in prison and some are working in the prisons. Many, many more are indifferent to what is going on in our country, as far as prisons and prisoners are concerned.

"U.S." CORPORATE citizenship is Legislative Bond-age/Bondage, Coerced Slavery, and Undisclosed Fraud - 14th Amendment Colored BLACK African-American U.S. Negroes have no Favorable Standing or Respectable Status in Law (The UNITED STATES has been unjustly enriching themselves off of so-called prisoners for 500 Years) .... Everyone has a right to a Real Identity, Proper Status, True Nationality, Rightful Heritage, and Great Second-to-None Culture. WE ARESTILL IN A U.S. 14th AMENDMENT citizen class war.

Nation-Wide Martial Law is already being planned for Insurgent "U.S." citizens. There are FEMA. Camps, Prisoner Transport Railcars, Shackled Boxcars, Burial Vaults, Bio- War Vaccinations, and Army Troops, all standing by and waiting for a "New" Pre-fabricated/ Pre-orchestrated /Pre-meditated FALSE Attack on the Sheep-Like "U.S." citizens. For once in your Life, try to understand this and attempt to force yourselves to stay away from every NON-PRODUCTIVE Night that's out there.

People in America are being (and have been) inhumanely commercially warehoused in the U.S. Jails and U.S. Prisons. This sad scenario predicament could only have been unlawfully accomplished by deceptively conning and tricking a Natural "Flesh and Blood" Person into the negative presumptive status of being an Artificial/Fictitious "Corporate" U.S. Citizen from the time of their Natural Births by way of their Birth Certificates at the U.S. Hospitals in which they were born.

Your Birth Certificates is actually a BOND Certificate. "YOU" the Natural "Flesh and Blood Person" are the Surety and Collateral for the ‘Bond’ that was never disclosed to you existed. In law, this is caned "failure to disclose a material fact” and all contracts based upon such fraud are void, but they are only void once you have exposed the fraud and rebutted the presumption that the contract is valid that changed your citizenship status from that of a sovereign American at birth to a U.S. citizen at birth registration and signatures of presumed agreement on the birth certificate by the parent, and by you on the social security card and state drivers license or state identity card. This (unknowingly and unwillingly) is your very first introduction to U.S. Bond-age/Bondage and Commercial Slavery.

Your Death Certificate also serves as a lucrative Bond Certificate which is monetarily retrieved and recouped (cashed in on) when you die without disclosure to either you or your family (and/or heirs). Your wealth then reverts back to the Money Master Criminals who set up and placed you in the system in the first place. DON'T YOU LOVE THE UNITED STATES!!!

Lawyers and Attorneys DO NOT represent the Natural "Flesh and Blood" Man or Woman. Their very exact positions are only known to serve and represent the ALL CAPILIZED LETTERED "Artificial/Fictitious CORPORATE NAME which appears on your Birth Certificate. That ALL-CAPITAL-LETTERED Artificial/Fictitious Legal Entity is a Subject/Slave and Ward of the Corporation known as the UNITED STATES Inc. OF AMERICA (which is the "Corporate" Interest of England). Almost all Lawyers and Attorneys possess an exclusive membership in the B.A.R.

Association B.A.R. Is said to be known to stand for Banister/British Aristocrat! Accreditation Regency/Register. These Slimy Attorneys and Lawyers hold a special "Esquire" Title of Nobility, from the same corporate entity you are a helpless Subject/Slave to. Attorneys and/or Lawyers do not ever favorably represent you in the negative "Corporate" (14th amendment US citizen) Status which you are currently in. They actually sell you up the Commercial CORPORATE River and receive a hefty Salary from their British Masters.

What actually goes on in a U.S. Courtroom goes all the way back to the days of
King Edward of Britain/England. What went on back then was known as the ‘Statute Merchant’. The Statute Merchant is a ‘Bond of Merchant’ or ‘Bond of Record’ (otherwise known as Bond-Age/Bondage or Slavery). These "Corporate" Statutes themselves are the Bond and what they do is duplicate the ‘FAKE Statutes’ that they
charge you under with what they call a recognizance Bond and the dumb-ass sheep-like people (U.S. Citizens) sign the Recognizance Bond. Without reading what the bond says. What the bond says is that '"YOU"' (as a presumptive U.S. "Corporate" citizen) voluntarily agree to pay back the National Debt of the U.S. Corporation (which was created in 1871 out of England).

When you go into a U.S. Courtroom on what you thought was a Criminal Charge, the charge is actually CIVIL not CRIMINAL You, 'as a presumed', contracted via 'social security card' and 'state driver's license signatures', and court construed U.S. citizen, desperately need to know how the 'Admiralty' works. Your U.S. Birth Certificate literally placed "YOU" in Admiralty Jurisdiction (at least since 1933). There is a book out by John E. Hall entitled: "Jurisdiction and Practice of the Law of Admiralty". This book was allegedly used in the Vice Admiralty Courts in the ORIGINAL Thirteen (13) British/English Colonies during the American Revolution. It is said that this same
particular book started the American Revolution.

What they are doing in these courts of fiction, U.S. (Corporation) Courts, is creating and selling Bonds (Bond-age/Bondage or Slavery). When 14th Amendment "Colored BLACK African-American U.S. Negroes" go into the courtroom after you have been unlawfully arrested on some trumped up charges, these devils use two (2) different sets of Bonds. What they do when you are arrested is they fill out a "Bid Bond".

The united States District Court uses 273, 274, and 275. SF means "Standard Form". Standard Form 273, Standard Form 274, and Standard Form 275. This is the United States District Court. There is another set of Bonds (Bond-age/Bondage or Slavery) and they are all put out by GSA.; 'General Services Administration'.

• G.S.A. Form SF24 is the "Bid Bond".
• The SF25 "Performance Bond".
• The SF25A is "Payment Bond", issued by General Services administration (GSA)
• The G.S.A. Is under the "Comptroller of the Currency," which is under the "General Accounting Office” (GAO)

What do you think that they would be doing with these bonds? What is actually going on in the courtroom is that they are suing you for collection of a debt. What it actually is is an action of "ASSUMPSIT", in common law. The word "PRESUME" comes from the word "Assumpsit" which means, "I agree, or, I presume to do". An act of "Assumpsit" which means "I agree to a collection of debt". If you look at these bonds. "Everyone of these bonds have a "PENAL SUM" that is attached to it. The reason for the "Penal Sum" is that if you don't pay the associated debt, then you automatically go into "Default Judgment". That is what is going on in the courtroom. This is why so many People are sitting and rotting in U.S. Prisons and U.S. Jails wondering what the hell is going on.

This current U.S. Court/Prison System is a 'RICO Criminal Operation' in which the (Sheep-Like) U.S. Citizens are unknowingly the fuel and basis to the overall production. Back in the days of King Edward I (of Britain/England), if you owed a debt, they would send a Sheriff out with a Warrant to arrest you. This is ALL CIVIL, this is NOT CRIMINAL. It's just a smoke screen to cover up what they are doing with Mercantile Civil Law and what they did when they arrested the people with a warrant and brought them into court, they were made to sign a bond to release until the civil suit commenced. What they do is arrest you, and then they hold you. Basically they hold you until the suit has been completed and when they get "Default Judgment" on you because of failure to pay the debt, they put you in prison. Remember, the DEBT that you failed to pay is the duplicated Statute (Fake Law) which has been presented to you in the form of Recognizance Bond. You have already unknowingly signed this Bond.

B.A.R. Lawyers and Attorneys exist to cover up the smoke screen operation on and
against the people. Lawyers and Attorneys shamelessly and shamefully lead you into default judgment. They have become kIl0\V11 to blatantly and coldly advise you to take an unfavorable Plea to something that you had absolutely nothing to do with in the first place (otherwise known as Plea Bargaining). This unfortunate act immediately results in a "Default Judgment". Then the courts put you in prison and then they sell your "Default Judgment".

WHO DO THEY SELL THESE DEFAULT JUDGMENTS TO? These State Court "Default Judgments" are sold to the United States District Court. And this is all being done in direct collusion with the United States Department of Treasury. What is being sold from the State Court and bought by the District Court are Commercial Items. Commercial Items are regulated in the Uniform Commercial Code as Commercial Paper. Commercial Paper are Negotiable Instruments. According to the Uniformed Commercial Code, anything that you put your
signature on is a Negotiable Instrument. The Uniform Commercial Code is Lex Mercatoria which is Latin for ‘Mercantile/Merchant Law’.

Remember, as of 1871, U.S. Congress created a U.S. Corporation (known as UN1TED STATES Inc. OF AMERICA and is incorporated and chartered out of England). This U.S. Corporation is owned and operated by International Bankers and Foreign Creditors in which the Original de jure U.S. Republic surrendered its Sovereignty over to, in reason and fraud. Up until this present day and very moment, all courts in this United States ENGLISH Corporation are using Mercantile/Merchant Law because each and every one of yon (by way of the ALL-CAPITAL-LETTERED SURETY Names listed on your U.S. Birth Certificates) are unknowingly under the presumptive status of appearing to be Merchants-at-Law. Because you use Commercial Paper/Negotiable Instruments every day (by the constant multiple use of your signature), you are firmly held to the overwhelming responsibility of being an expert in these Merchant Affairs and Merchant Law Operations. Every time you put your signature on a piece of paper, you are creating a negotiable/non-negotiable instrument (otherwise known as "Commercial Paper").

Every time you endorse something, you are unknowingly acting as an accommodation Party under the Uniform Commercial Code 3-419. An accommodation Party is anyone who loans their signature to another Party. When people in the "Corporate U.S." numerously and constantly sign their names on any and all paper documents, you are loaning your signature out to be re-written and re-signed in any manner and on any document in which they chose. This exactly what is going on, in all of the United States "Corporate' Courts. First at all, you are unfavorably signing and loaning your signature on a Corporate Statute (Fake Law/Fake Charge). These "Corporate" Statutes are the very basis of a negative Bond (meaning your Bondage/Bondage or Slavery). Secondly, these statutes (Fake Laws/Fake Charges) or Bonds are then duplicated and held against you as a Recognizance Bond. Now, with your initial signature (in which you unknowingly loaned when you signed), the Judicial Officers acting as "in RICO Crooks" can now duplicate your signature on a Performance Bond and then on a Payment Bond. All of these 'Corporate" Statutes (Fake Laws/Fake Charges which are the actual Bonds) have an unseen Penal Sum attached to them. This is why the CORPORATE Enforcement Agents (otherwise known as "Police Officers" or "Policy Enforcement Officers") charge you with something every time and every chance they get because they are the Revenue Enforcement Agents which create the fuel which is used to run the entire ‘Commercial Slave Matrix System’. When you either don't, or can't, pay the penal sum or DEBT of the "Fake Law/Fake Charge" Statute that you are unknowingly held to, you immediately go into a "Default Judgment" Status and go straight to a U.S. Jailor U.S. Prison. This why an entire Nation of People are sadly rotting and wasting in this PRISON System with absolutely no understanding as to what is really going on.

It's all about people being fraudulently, and unknowingly. coerced to pay a DEBT. "YOU" ARE UNDER THE ]\J'EGATIVE PRESUlv1PTION THAT YOU HAVE AGREED TO BE A PERPETUAL "DEBTOR" to the national debt by signing your social security card and state driver's license or identity card (by way of unlawful adhesion contracts which attach to the birth certificate that one of your parents signed at your Birth). The name on that Birth Certificate is not "YOU." It has been designed and created to make "YOU" (the "Flesh And Blood" Natural Person) permanently and unknowingly responsible for a fraudulent National U.S. DEBT of an "Artificial/Fictitious" U.S. CORPORATION Legal Entity, called an ‘ens legis’ – this is a legal fiction in Latin, which is chartered out of England.


It is all being funneled through the Depository Trust Corporation located at: 55 Waters Street, New York, N.Y. The D.T.C. Is a sub-agency of the U.S . Department of the Treasury. One Trillion Dollars ($1,000,000, 000,000) a day goes through the D.T.C. This One Trillion Dollar (daily revenue going through the D.T.C.) is generated off of the Statutes/BONDS which are constantly created off of the ‘Dumb-Ass Sheep-Like’ U.S. Citizens (mostly the "Black" Ones) who are literally being massively sold and re-sold up the river on the NEW "Commercial/Corporate" Plantation currently known as The UNITED STATES Inc. OF AMERICA (otherwise known as Washington, D.C./District of Columbia).

The U.S. Jail Prison System is a global networking System that includes Paine Webber. Paine Webber has 10,000 Corporations in it and they are the major primary stockholder in C.C.A. (Correction Corporation of America) out of Nashville Tennessee. Everyone should have and know the list of these 10,000 Corporations. What they have done is "Privatized" the ‘Incarceration System’ for profit. Every Major Corporation and Industry is lucratively benefitting from this Private "for Profit" Industry. Even the Real Estate Industry (like Ginny Mae, Fanny Mae, R.U.D., etc.) are tied into this International Market. This U.S. "Privatized" Jail Prison System is fully operational on the International Stock and Bond Markets.

(NOTE: Barack Obama's entire NEW U.S. Administration is known to have mostly come from Wall Street. Wall Street is famously known for trading and selling "Stock". Another word for "STOCK" is "SLAVE". The very first commodity on Wall Street was the "SLAVES." New York's Wall Street runs directly down to the East River which is where the SLAVES came in).

REIT, stands for Real Estate Investment Trust and PZN refers to Prison Trust. All of the People and Real Estate are owned by Trusts and Corporations because they hold the Bonds to them. Lehman Brother's Banking Cartel recently gave 6 million dollars to New York which had a deficit. This transaction formed some sort of a Treaty.

The term 'Prison Facilities' are replaced with the term 'Credit Facilities'. Lehman Brothers are underwriting the Prison System. All Banks in the 'Corporate" U.S. are directly/indirectly connected with the E.1.S. Bank (of International Settlements) located in Switzerland.

The Payment Bonds (mentioned earlier) are pooled into sets of three (3) and are then known to be considered as Mortgage Backed "Securities" which are now Investment Securities. These Investment Securities are then sold on the International Markets. "YOU" are funding this whole entire process, because "YOU" are the Sureties and Bonding (Collateral) which is the basis of the Negotiable Instruments (otherwise known as "Commercial Paper"). The Security & Exchange Commission and New York Stock Exchange is directly involved and are highly essential for the Commercial Slave Operation. This is what you get yourselves into when you go into default when you get railroaded into going to a U.S. Court. ALL CRIMES ARE COMI\1ERCIAL.

(Have you ever asked that question)?
Under the doctrine of "Parens Patriae" (which means "Government as Parent), as the result of the manipulated bankruptcy of the lJNITED STATES of America in 1933, ALL assets of the American People, their natural labor/life energy, and the rest of this country itself are held by the Depository Trust Corporation at 55 Water Street, N.Y., N.Y., secured by Uniform Commercial Code Liens, which are then monetized as "debt money" by the Federal Reserve. It may interest you to know that under the umbrella of the Depository Trust Corporation lies the CEDE corporation, the Federal Reserve Corporation, the American Bar Association (the legal arm of the banking interests), and the Internal Revenue Service (the system's collection agency for the entire "Fraudulent" Scam). Keep in mind that the mysterious CEDE Corporation is a controlled private "unknown" holding company of the Depository Trust Corporation.

The Independent Treasury act of 1920 suspended the de jure (rightful) Treasury
Department of the UNITED STATES Government.
(Look up the word ‘de jure’ in some type of law reference and you will see that it means "by right of legal establishment") The U.S. Congress turned the treasury department over to a private corporation. This private corporation (which is nothing more than a "Fascist Monopolistic" CARTEL) is none other than the Federal Reserve and their agents. There is currently a very well-kept secret being held from the American People. The bulk of
the ownership of the Federal Reserve System is held by a select group of International Banking Interests and absolutely NONE is held by the UNITED STATES Treasury.

These International Banking Interests are:


What does all of this mean? It means that the “Federal Reserve” is at the root of most of the U.S. Statutory regulations, U.S. Laws, and basically in control and regulation of virtually ALL aspects of human activity in the UNITED STATES. The above mentioned International Banking Interests are the Foreign Creditors who are in absolute complete control of the Private "For-Profit/Commercial Agency" Corporation currently known as the UNITED STATES Inc. of America. The Federal Reserve Act was allowed to be passed in 1913 by a sneaky/conniving U.S. Senator (Politician! Politrickan) by the alleged name of Nelson Aldrich which was said to have been a "Rothchild" Agent. Read the book "Creature from Jekyll Island" for the autobiographical history.

The bottom line is that the:

(And those will be taken completely away from you in a very short time in the future - during the inhumane "Global Enslavement" and catastrophically- unnatural "New World Order").

"YOU" will personally change and revert back to the Natural Lawful "Flesh and Blood" SOVEREIGN MAN or WOMAN with unlimited Creator-Given Birthrights and Human Rights
Or …
“YOU” will remain under the presumption of being an Un-Lawful Artificial/Corporate SUBJECT "U.S. SLAVE'" US CITIZEN 14th amendment Property and Assets with absolutely NO RIGHTS or NO CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTIONS


~ We are all being played by a Wicked BEAST ~

"Come Out Of Her My People"

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Asseveration of Criminal complaint against Adam Halliday and Caffaro

From: minister Edward-Jay-Robin: Belanger In the county of Parkland on the land mass known as Canada. Non-Domestic Mail C/O The Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International 10620-112street

Edmonton, Alberta POSTAL CODE EXEMPT non commercial

non statutory Asseveration/Affidavit of Criminal complaint

Alberta ) ) Subscribed, Sworn, Sealed Parkland County )

Re: Fraudulent application of name, intimidation, obstruction of a minister, Nuisance and breach of trust: Court Docket Number 100198860P1 I, Me, My, or Myself, also known as minister Edward-Jay-Robin : house of Belanger, having been duly sworn, depose and say to be true as far as I am capable of knowing and expressing.

1 All the Facts stated herein are true, correct, complete, are not hearsay, are not

misleading, but are admissible as evidence, if not rebutted and proven inaccurate, and if

testifying, I shall so state, and further,

2. I have standing in God’s law in capacity as God’s minister to act and profess as a watchman as to all the lawful matters herein, and further,

3. I have personal, executive and documented knowledge of the Facts stated herein, and


4 I am an man a bondservant of Yahushua/Jesus the Christ Corinthians 7:22-23 living on the land known as Alberta, and further,

5 I am a sovereign living soul, a minister of Yahushua/Jesus the Christ, and further,

6 I am not in the military, nor defined in all capitals as a nom de gerre and further,

7 I am not a Canadian citizen or US citizen, (so-called) 14th Amendment citizen, or other fictitious entity, as found in the Edmonton Vital statistics registry of live births as a legal fiction registry of an event recorded as EDWARD JAY ROBIN BELANGER and the mention of US case law is per the 11th amendment to the US Constitution and the registry in 1934 of the corporation called CANADA ceded into the US securities registry as a subordinate corporation of the United States and the provisions of Ezekiel 33:6-10 wherein I act as the watchman making no use .of the dead law of corporations.

"Therefore, the U.S. citizens [citizens of the District of Columbia] residing in one of the states of the union, are classified as property and franchises of the federal government as an "individual entity."

Wheeling Steel Corp. v. Fox, 298 U.S. 193, 80 L.Ed. 1143, 56 S.Ct. 773.

“A “US Citizen” upon leaving the District of Columbia becomes involved in “interstate commerce”, as a “resident” does not have the common-law right to travel, of a Citizen of one of the several states.” Hendrick v. Maryland S.C. Reporter’s Rd. 610-625. (1914) and further,

8 Even though I am not a Canadian citizen , I am a man born upon, standing on, living and ministering on the geographical land mass known as Alberta, and further,

9 Neither the men or woman listed herein and acting as The private man Vaughn Myers acting as the judge in Stony Plain Alberta on March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. and the private man acting as the judge in Stony Plain on August 4th 2010 named Caffaro, The private man acting as the federal crown prosecutor for CANADA named Adam Halliday on the 4th of August 2010 A.D. , the private woman Malina Rawluk acting as the prosecutor for the PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Stony Plain March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. nor any other government entity, nor any BAR member, nor any “person” anywhere is competent nor has any consent to operate in any of My affairs, and further,

10 The witness affidavits confirm the aforementioned did criminally conspire without authority of law and did intend to intimidate me thereby breached their trust as Allegiants of the Christian Defender of the faith to save my faith harmless from reproach, and further,

11 I asked the man named Caffaro on August 4th 2010 in Stoney Plain Alberta at 10:00 AM if he was aware I could not violate my sincerely held faith of not associating my name with a dead entity in law a legal fiction all capital letter version of my name used as a pledge to trade as value on the stock exchange, he did intimidate me that If I did not violate my faith and do a thing I had a right not to do he would put out a warrant for my arrest and further,he without lawful excuse violated 423 of the criminal code by intimidating me to do a thing I had a lawful right not to do towhit submit to an altered version of my name formed in fraud for a financial purpose.

12 My diligent efforts to inform him via questions were been rewarded with intimidation, insults, discrimination, assault kidnapping and unlawful confinement for over 12 hrs in the Stoney Plain RCMP detachment. I have by the herein so included excerpts of letters cases registries etc. so as to provide clarity to effect clear cause for my complaint, true copies of which are attached hereto, and incorporated herein by reference in their entirety, and further,


The Crimes of kidnapping and Intimidation were enacted by the man acting as judge named Caffaro as is evident by his actions on the 4th of August 2010 wherein it was observed by witnesses undersigned that I as God’s minister attended the Court room 01 in Stony Plain Alberta to fulfill a promise to appear on that date that was obtained on June 21st at Fort Saskatchewan Correctional Centre obtained by intimidating me that if I told the truth on that document and signed that appearance notice with a false version of my name on it under protest of threat duress and intimidation they would not let me out of incarceration at the Ft. Saskatchewan Correctional Centre. I am the one who decides what my name is, not the PROVINCE OF ALBERTA, or CANADA, or The Queen, or some impostor on the bench, and further,

14 I did put my name to those fraudulently formed documents with the letters U.D.I. of notation at the end of everyplace I was intimidated to put my name in ink.. U.D.I. means under Duress and Intimidation. Section 55 and 57 of the Canadian Bills of Exchange act

Holder in due course 55. (1) A holder in due course is a holder who has taken a bill, complete and regular on the face of it, under the following conditions, namely, (a) that he became the holder of it before it was overdue and without notice that it had been previously dishonoured, if such was the fact; and (b) that he took the bill in good faith and for value, and that at the time the bill was negotiated to him he had no notice of any defect in the title of the person who negotiated it. Title defective (2) In particular, the title of a person who negotiates a bill is defective within the meaning of this Act when he obtained the bill, or the acceptance thereof, by fraud, duress or force and fear, or other unlawful means, or for an illegal consideration, or when he negotiates it in breach of faith, or under such circumstances as amount to a fraud. R.S., c. B-5, s. 56. Right of subsequent holder 56. A holder, whether for value or not, who derives his title to a bill through a holder in due course, and who is not himself a party to any fraud or illegality affecting it, has all the rights of that holder in due course as regards the acceptor and all parties to the bill prior to that holder. R.S., c. B-5, s. 57. Presumption of value 57. (1) Every party whose signature appears on a bill is, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, deemed to have become a party thereto for value. Presumed holder in due course (2) Every holder of a bill is, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, deemed to be a holder in due course, but if, in an action on a bill, it is admitted or proved that the acceptance, issue or subsequent negotiation of the bill is affected with fraud, duress or force and fear, or illegality, the burden of proof that he is the holder in due course is on him, unless and until he proves that, subsequent to the alleged fraud or illegality, value has in good faith been given for the bill by some other holder in due course. R.S., c. B-5, s. 58.

15 I, God’s minister am not a bankrupt entity like the debtor criminal corporations

UNITED STATES, or CANADA, and I have in My possession, much more than one hundred dollars in lawful money (twenty each, one ounce silver maple leaf coins with a face value of five dollars each), and further,

16 I have recently converted some silver to land with all of the rights and privileges of the

original land patent, therefore I have absolute ownership in land, and further,

17 I am not a beneficiary of your trust as per the definitions of the Canadian Ownership Control and Determination Act ,an Act of the Canadian parliament, I have always waived and continue to waive all of your so-called benefits and DEMAND that My servants honor their oath of allegiance by protecting My unalienable (cannot be taken away under any circumstances) rights and freedom to liberty, and further,

18 My name so all here so noticed can never be confused or under any assumption otherwise,is private and the property of Yahushua/Jesus Christ, My Christian given name is Edward-Jay-Robin: house of Belanger and

My proper address is;

with a postal address of;

Non-Domestic Mail,

C/O The Chuch of the Ecumenical Redemption International

10620-112St #2,

Edmonton, Alberta

POSTAL CODE EXEMPT No code non commercial

and for anyone who wishes to communicate with Me, my name shall in respect for my sincerely and deeply held faith and beliefs shall be shown in exact form with no alterations whatsoever as my name is ecclesiastically Copy written as per the |Notice in the 2004 Quesnel British Columbia Observer, unless they want to be guilty of mail fraud, conversion and coercion and further become consenting and contractually bound debtors to the Church. See Attachment A

19 It is my intent, Never to act as surety, or in any be the guarantor, a pledge.or an

accommodation party for the fictitious entities created by government officials through

Fraud, Coercion, Intimidation, and Perjury of oath, and I am not responsible for

anything that the fraudulently created unincorporated corporation BELANGER Robin Jay does, and further, I Edward-Jay-Robin: Belanger am not associated with BELANGER Robin Jay as an AKA or otherwise,and further,

20 Because of unlawful and criminal conversion of My name and the names of My family members, I have ecclesiastically copyrighted and claimed the name(s) Edward-Jay-Robin: Belanger, or any derivative(s) thereof and others as found in the Judicial Notice of April 9thst 2001 recorded in the record of the Court of Queen’s Bench.

See Attachment B

and further,

21 Any violation of My ecclesiastical copyright(s), or making a legal determination for Me, representing Me, or communicating with Me in any manner not "under penalty of perjury" would constitute an agreement to the fee of;

a) Twenty Five thousand dollars ($25,000.00), minimum; or b) one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) if violated for the purpose of profit/gain; or

c) ten million dollars ($10,000,000.00) if violated for the purpose of profit or gain more than three (3) times within a year,

for each and every violation, payable only in lawful money, (gold or silver maple leaf coins at face value) and further,

22 I am the ecclesiastically authorized holder of the name Edward-Jay-Robin: Belanger in its entirety, and further,

23 Any violation as described in paragraph 21 above, constitutes an agreement that I shall seek relief from all of the private men and women acting as corporate officers and directors as well as any parent corporation(s), and its officers and directors, jointly, severally, and personally, and further,

24 There is no such thing as a drivers license required to execute duties as proclaimed in 176 of the criminal code, as an ecclesiastic officially performing his functions of calling is not bound by civil law unless registered and submitted into the commercial registry with knowledge of the effect of such registry.. Supreme Court of Canada

SAUMUR v. CITY OF QUEBEC, [1953] 2 S.C.R. 299

Date: 1953-10-06

Added to the fact the provincial registries also have intimidated me to renounce my religious beliefs and refuse to grant me a license in my correctly formed name

Thereby causing me much discomfort and distress as I travel in my ecclesiastic capacity and have been accosted and deprived of Church property as of the officers not knowing or respecting 176 of the criminal code and not knowing the difference between commercial and ecclesiastic activity thereby failing their duty to know the law.

This court has held that there is no such license known to Texas Law as a “driver’s license.” Frank John Callas v. State, 167 Tex. Crim. 375; 320 S.W. 2d 360

We have held that there is no such license as a driver’s license known to our law. Claude D. Campbell v. State, 160 Tex. Crim. 627; 274 S.W.2d 401

An information charging the driving of a motor vehicle upon a public highway without a driver’s license charges no offense, as there is no such license as a driver’s license known to the law. Keith Brooks v. State 158 Tex. Crim. 546; 258 S.W.2d 317

There being no such license as a “driver’s” license known to the law, it follows that the information, in charging the driving of a motor vehicle upon a highway without such a license, charges no offense.

W. Lee Hassell v. The State, 149 Tex. Crim. 333; 194 S.W.2d 400

and further,

25 Because there is no such thing as a drivers license, I will not have one in the event it is

requested by any corporate commercial hired police. However, I do have an Ecclesiastic proof of existence card; and further,

26 Because corporate commercial defacto officers insisted on falsely accusing me, the living soul, of failure to appear because I exercised my right to refuse to be a surety for their fraudulently created fictitious entity with the name of BELANGER, EDWARD ROBIN, the impostors Caffaro, Adam Halliday, and Malina Rawluk have stripped me of all my rights in violation of the Magna Carta and the criminal code of Canada, and further,

27 I am not a person, as far as any codes, rules, or regulations are concerned, because a

"person" is: James 2:1-9 a sinner! and further,

a) “a variety of entities other than human beings.” Church of Scientology v U.S.

Department of Justice, 612 F2d 417 (1979) at pg 418

b) ”...foreigners, not citizens...."

United States v Otherson, 480 F. Supp. 1369 (1979) at pg 1373.

c) the words "person" and "whoever" include corporations, companies,

associations, firms, partnerships, societies, and joint stock companies...

Title 1 U.S.C. Chapter 1 – Rules of Construction, Section 1 and a sovereign is not a "person" in a legal sense and as far as a statute is concerned;

a) " 'in common usage, the term 'person' does not include the sovereign, [and] statutes employing the [word] are normally construed to exclude it.' Wilson v Omaha Tribe, 442 US653 667, 61 L Ed 2d 153, 99 S Ct 2529 (1979) (quoting United States v Cooper Corp. 312 US 600, 604, 85 L Ed 1071, 61 S Ct 742 (1941). See also United States v Mine Workers, 330 US 258, 275, 91 L Ed 884, 67 S Ct 677 (1947)" Will v Michigan State Police, 491 US 58, 105 L. Ed. 2d 45, 109 S.Ct. 2304

b) “a sovereign is not a person in a legal sense” In re Fox, 52 N. Y. 535, 11 Am.

Rep. 751; U.S. v. Fox, 94 U.S. 315, 24 L. Ed. 192 and further,

28 Because I am not involved in commerce in any way, I do not have a Motor

Vehicle. Title 18 USC § 31 says;

"The term "Motor Vehicle" means every description of carriage or other contrivance propelled or drawn by mechanical power and used for commercial purposes on the highways in the transportation of passengers, passengers and property, or property or cargo. The term "used for commercial purposes" means the carriage of persons or property for any fare, fee, rate, charge or other consideration, or directly or indirectly in connection with any business, or other undertaking intended for profit." and further,

29 None of the Canadian codes, rules, or regulations are positive law, therefore, there is no

authority whatsoever, to impose anything in any of them on Me, but they do recognize US Codes, Rules and Regulations, and further,

30 Because CANADA is a municipal corporation domiciled in the District of Columbia, as

found in the US SEC webpage which is attached hereto, and incorporated herein by reference in its entirety, CANADA, and all agents and officers of CANADA are subject to all United States Codes, Rules, and Regulations, and further,

31 Because I am a minister and bondservant of Yahushua/Jesus a living soul, and a holder of the office of "minister", and a Man living on the land of Alberta, that also I am not a "person" as found in any corporate commercial codes, rules, and regulations, and therefore, law merchant, a/k/a private international law, a/k/a martial law, does not apply to Me, and if anyone attempts to impose law merchant so-called contracts upon Me, they will be engaging in Perjury of Oath, Sedition to the Constitution, and giving aid and comfort to the enemy in a time of war, which is the prosecutable form of Treason as found in the constitutions for the united states of America, CANADA and the Magna Carta, and further,

32 The use of any statutes, codes, rules, regulations, or court citations, within any document created by Me, at any time, is only to officially perform my functions of my ministry and calling in giving warning and notice that which is applicable to government officials, Ezekiel 33:6-10 and is not intended, not shall it be construed, to mean that I have conferred, submitted to, or entered into any jurisdiction alluded to, and further,

33 A Canadian Citizen doesn't exist, and there is no such thing. This case in case in Canadian Law proves the point, see attachment C

PAUL CLEMENTS, former US SOLICITOR GENERAL, admitted, in case # 07-5674 with the US Supreme Court, that a US citizen is a 15 USC § 44 unincorporated corporation and that the entity GLENN WINNINGHAM FEARN is a 15 USC § 44 unincorporated corporation which doesn't exist and that is consistent with what the California Supreme Court said,

" might be correctly said that there is no such thing as a citizen of the United States. ..... A citizen of any one of the States of the Union, is held to be, and called a citizen of the United States, although technically and abstractly there is no such thing." Ex Parte Frank Knowles, 5 Cal. Rep. 300 and further,

34 Both in what is called CANADA and the UNITED STATES. The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is ruled by CORPUS JURIS SECUNDUM or SECOND LAW OF THE LAND. CANADA is a DEFACTO GOVERNMENT or CORPORATION and is registered with the US Securities Exchange Commission under the requirements of the securities Act of 1934 as a subsidiary of the UNITED STATES as a business trading on the stock markets of the world as such. This is Canada’s Corporate registered number. 0000230098 CANADA DC SIC: 8880 American Depositary Receipt. Business Address Canadian Embassy 1746 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20036. CANADA goes by CROWN LAW which is the LAW of the CROWN OF ENGLAND. All registrants into the corporate registries of CANADA are pledging their energies and so act as sureties and do consent unaware to be beneficially owned as per The Canadian Ownership Control and Determination Act and regulations schedules as amended and rewritten from the foreign investment act of 1933 to allow for a determination of ownership per Jubilee as corroborated by Cameron McEwan senior analyst for the treasury board of Canada in the spring of 2004 in response to a Coronation Jubilee Letter I sent to Queen Elizabeth on September 29th 2002 and to the treasury Board Secretariat in the year 2000, a true copy of which is attached hereto, and incorporated herein by reference in its entirety, and further,

35 It is a crime for anyone to claim they are a Canadian/US citizen when they know they are


“Whoever falsely and willfully represents himself to be a citizen of the United States shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.” 18 USC § 911 and further,

36 I am not a Canadian citizen, because a Canadian citizen owes allegiance to the Queen;

Criminal Code of Canada Section 37 (3) “Canadian citizen – ….a Canadian citizen or a person who owes allegiance to Her Magesty in right of Canada…..” and further,

37 I am a Canadian national, because I was given birth on the land of Alberta, as I am told. I have no first hand knowledge of said birth, but I do remember growing up on the land of Alberta, on the land of Edmonton, and the land of Strathcona, and further,

38 I do NOT owe any allegiance to the Queen, but the Queen owe’s Me Allegiance and I am allegiant to God Jehovah and his law. The Queen has the Coronation oath, as well as all of the accused/respondents promising and swearing to bear oaths of true allegiance to her in this case. It is My ancestors that put the sword to the throat of her predecessor, the tyrant King John and Demanded that he sign the Magna Carta, or they would run him through;

“The Magna Carta is not a unilateral act, emanating solely from the spontaneous will of the King, as the Charters of the predecessors of John; neither is it a treaty; for we cannot say it was concluded between two legitimate and independent sovereignties; nor between two nations, nor is it a law. The Barons do not appear in it as subjects, for they are freed from their promise of fidelity, and the King, brought captive, placed before them, submitted to the conditions which the conquerors imposed upon him. Magna Carta is therefore a contract obtained by the law of conquest, but resembles a treaty concluded between two nations, in that one of the parties, in virtue of the law of war, can impose its will upon the other.” Perlman v Piche and Attorney General of Canada, Intervenant, Re Habeus Corpus, 4 D.L.R. 147and further,

39 The hired agents of of the aforementioned Caffaro, Vaugh Myers Adam Halliday, and Malina Rawluk, have unlawfully arrested Me, kidnapped Me specifically for the purpose of getting their royalty

“Perhaps it should be mentioned that as a general rule a person is placed under arrest when he is deprived of his liberty by an officer who intends to arrest him. It is not always necessary for the officer to make a formal declaration of arrest. See: 1 Varon, Searches, Seizures and Immunities, 75 (1961);” Henry v. United States, 361 U.S. 98, 4 L.Ed.2d 134, 80 S.Ct. 168 (1959) and United States v. Boston, 330 F.2d 937 (1964).

“The stopping of an automobile by a highway patrol officer for inspection of a driver’s license, or for any other purpose where it is accomplished by the authority of the officers, is an “arrest.” Robinson v. State, 198 S.W.2d 633, 635, 184 Tenn. 277

“A motorist stopped by a traffic officer for a traffic offense would be considered “arrested” . . . even if the motorist was not specifically informed that he had been arrested.” People ex rel. Winkle v. Bannan, 125 N.W.2d 875, 879, 372 Mich. 292.

“Any restraint, however slight, upon another’s liberty to come and go as one pleases, constitutes an “arrest.” Swetnam v. W.F. Woolworth Co., 318 P.2d 364, 366, 83 Ariz. 189.

Criminal Code of Canada Section 122 “Breach of Trust by Public Officer – Every official who in connection of the duties of his office commits fraud or breach of trust is guilty of an indictable offense…..”

and all the aforementioned know that they perjured their oaths of office by violating Section 45 of the Magna Carta which says “We will appoint as justices, constables, sheriffs, or bailiffs, only such as know the law of the realm and mean to observe it well” and further,

40 The perjurers, the private man Vaughn Myers acting as the judge in Stony Plain Alberta on March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. and the private man acting as the judge in Stony Plain on August 4th 2010 named Caffaro, The private man acting as the federal crown prosecutor for CANADA named Adam Halliday on the 4th of August 2010 A.D. , the private woman Malina Rawluk acting as the prosecutor for the PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Stony Plain March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. , on March 17th and 24th 2010A.D.did collectively intimidate me the man of Christ to violate my sincere faith and beliefs and did proceed in fraud to utilize my name on the record in an altered form for conversion to funds via surety and pledge in violation of my faith to not associate my name with the dead in law and commercial entities as of Christs admonition of Matthew 6:24, and further know that Section 39 of the Magna Carta says they have no authority to cause me injury in any way, and any injury by them is perjury of oath, as follows; “No freeman shall be taken and imprisoned, or disseized, or exiled, or in any way destroyed, nor will we go upon him, nor send upon him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers, or by the law of the land.”and further,

41 The perjurers: The private man Vaughn Myers acting as the judge in Stony Plain Alberta on March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. and the private man acting as the judge in Stony Plain on August 4th 2010 named Caffaro, The private man acting as the federal crown prosecutor for CANADA named Adam Halliday on the 4th of August 2010 A.D. , the private woman Malina Rawluk acting as the prosecutor for the PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Stony Plain March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D., know that they unlawfully caused me to be intimidated and they caused me to be arrested, and further,

42 The aforementioned perjurers Vaughn Myers, Caffaro, Adam Halliday, and Malina Rawluk know or should know that a Church private conveyance for ecclesiastical travel is not a motor vehicle, as it is not for hire nor engaged in commercial activity and yet with calculated intent, they criminally converted it into a motor vehicle, and violated My right to property in the process, because all “Motor Vehicles” engaged in commerce are owned by the government, as evidenced by the Registration, and further,

43 The perjurers The private man Vaughn Myers acting as the judge in Stony Plain Alberta on March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. and the private man acting as the judge in Stony Plain on August 4th 2010 named Caffaro, The private man acting as the federal crown prosecutor for CANADA named Adam Halliday on the 4th of August 2010 A.D. , the private woman Malina Rawluk acting as the prosecutor for the PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Stony Plain March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D., acting as officers in that administration that they are the authority over should know that a “person” is a fictitious entity in law;

Criminal Code of Canada Section 83.01 (1) “Definitions - Entity – means a person…..

and further, "every one", "person", "owner", and similar expressions include Her Majesty and public bodies, I am not her majesty or a public body, and further,

44 The man Vic Toews, is responsible for his agents via the RCMP and their unlawful contract to act as highwaymen in the province, engaged in the theft of Church private property by depriving me of the right to the use and enjoyment of that ecclesiastic property,

Criminal Code of Canada Section 332 (1) “Theft – Everyone commits theft who fraudulently and without colour of right takes, or fraudulently without colour of right converts to his use or the use of another person, anything, whether animate or inanimate, with intent, (a) to deprive temporarily or absolutely, the owner of it…of his property…”and further,

45 The aforementioned perjurers The private man Vaughn Myers acting as the judge in Stony Plain Alberta on March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. and the private man acting as the judge in Stony Plain on August 4th 2010 named Caffaro, The private man acting as the federal crown prosecutor for CANADA named Adam Halliday on the 4th of August 2010 A.D. , the private woman Malina Rawluk acting as the prosecutor for the PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Stony Plain March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D.were noticed that no government entity, nor any BAR member, nor any “person” anywhere is competent or has any consent from me in any of My affairs as I absolutely waive all of your so-called benefits, and further, each of them know that they have no authority whatsoever over any living soul, and that all of their codes, rules and regulations are “color of law”, only applicable to corporate entities and further,

46 The perjurers, the private man Vaughn Myers acting as the judge in Stony Plain Alberta on March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. and the private man acting as the judge in Stony Plain on August 4th 2010 named Caffaro, The private man acting as the federal crown prosecutor for CANADA named Adam Halliday on the 4th of August 2010 A.D. , the private woman Malina Rawluk acting as the prosecutor for the PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Stony Plain March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. were noticed that no government entity, nor any BAR member, nor any “person” anywhere is competent or has any consent from me in any of My affairs as I absolutely waive all of your so-called benefits, and further that they know that there are no harmed men or women with claims at law associated with their color of law codes, rules, and regulations, and further,

47 The aforementioned perjurers the private man Vaughn Myers acting as the judge in Stony Plain Alberta on March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. and the private man acting as the judge in Stony Plain on August 4th 2010 named Caffaro, The private man acting as the federal crown prosecutor for CANADA named Adam Halliday on the 4th of August 2010 A.D. , the private woman Malina Rawluk acting as the prosecutor for the PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Stony Plain March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D., knew, know, or ought to know that corporations are property, and property has no rights, and they are deliberately and calculatedly criminally converting My name into a corporation and then compelling me to be a surety for their fictitious entity for the specific purpose of enslaving Me, so they can get their royalty, and further,

48 The aforementioned perjurers the private man Vaughn Myers acting as the judge in Stony Plain Alberta on March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. and the private man acting as the judge in Stony Plain on August 4th 2010 named Caffaro, The private man acting as the federal crown prosecutor for CANADA named Adam Halliday on the 4th of August 2010 A.D. , the private woman Malina Rawluk acting as the prosecutor for the PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Stony Plain March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D.know, since they are officers of the court and Lawyers for the crown that in the court cases prior to the civil war in the united States of America, that were over slavery, the debate was ALWAYS over property rights, and further,

49 The aforementioned The private man Vaughn Myers acting as the judge in Stony Plain Alberta on March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. and the private man acting as the judge in Stony Plain on August 4th 2010 named Caffaro, The private man acting as the federal crown prosecutor for CANADA named Adam Halliday on the 4th of August 2010 A.D. , the private woman Malina Rawluk acting as the prosecutor for the PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Stony Plain March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. and further, want to convert the all caps citizenship and property so they can violate My rights, because corporations have no rights, but are slaves, and further,

50 The aforementioned perjurers The private man Vaughn Myers acting as the judge in Stony Plain Alberta on March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. and the private man acting as the judge in Stony Plain on August 4th 2010 named Caffaro, The private man acting as the federal crown prosecutor for CANADA named Adam Halliday on the 4th of August 2010 A.D. , the private woman Malina Rawluk acting as the prosecutor for the PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Stony Plain March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D., and their hired sheriffs know that their Oath of Allegiance requires that they protect all of My freedoms including My freedom of religion, but they don’t care about any Oath of Allegiance because by their actions they appear intent on criminally converting My citizenship and my property so they can violate My rights, and make me their slave, and further,

51 The aforementioned perjurers the private man Vaughn Myers acting as the judge in Stony Plain Alberta on March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. and the private man acting as the judge in Stony Plain on August 4th 2010 named Caffaro, The private man acting as the federal crown prosecutor for CANADA named Adam Halliday on the 4th of August 2010 A.D. , the private woman Malina Rawluk acting as the prosecutor for the PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Stony Plain March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D., know that there is no valid contract between Me and any government entity, and if there is any evidence of such a contract, especially one of their law merchant so-called contracts, it is a nullity, because the government cannot commit treason, and they know that My rights are “unalienable” which means they CANNOT be alienated under ANY circumstances, and further,

52 The aforementioned perjurers the private man Vaughn Myers acting as the judge in Stony Plain Alberta on March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. and the private man acting as the judge in Stony Plain on August 4th 2010 named Caffaro, The private man acting as the federal crown prosecutor for CANADA named Adam Halliday on the 4th of August 2010 A.D. , the private woman Malina Rawluk acting as the prosecutor for the PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Stony Plain March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D., and their hired agents are engaged in sedition to the Magna Carta by forcing their martial law on Me;

Criminal Code of Canada Section 59 (4) “Seditious Intention – Every one shall be presumed to have a seditious intention who (a) teaches or advocates, or (b) publishes any writing that advocates, the use, without the authority of law, of force as a means of accomplishing a governmental change within Canada.”

53 The aforementioned The private man Vaughn Myers acting as the judge in Stony Plain Alberta on March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. and the private man acting as the judge in Stony Plain on August 4th 2010 named Caffaro, The private man acting as the federal crown prosecutor for CANADA named Adam Halliday on the 4th of August 2010 A.D. , the private woman Malina Rawluk acting as the prosecutor for the PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Stony Plain March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D., lose all immunity when they perjure their oath of allegiance, and engage in sedition, treason, assault intimidation kidnapping theft and fraud;

“An officer who acts in violation of the Constitution ceases to represent the government”. Brookfield Const. Co. v. Stewart, 284 F. Supp. 94.

"Ignorance of the law does not excuse misconduct in anyone, least of all in a sworn officer of the law." In re McCowan (1917), 177 C. 93, 170 P. 1100.

and further,

54 The afforementioned perjurers The private man Vaughn Myers acting as the judge in Stony Plain Alberta on March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. and the private man acting as the judge in Stony Plain on August 4th 2010 named Caffaro, The private man acting as the federal crown prosecutor for CANADA named Adam Halliday on the 4th of August 2010 A.D. , the private woman Malina Rawluk acting as the prosecutor for the PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Stony Plain March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. are in fiction officers of her majesties court, and are presumed to know the law

“Officers of the court have no immunity, when violating a constitutional right, for they are deemed to know the law.” Owens v Independence 100 S.C.T. 1398

and further,

55 The afforementioned perjurers The private man Vaughn Myers acting as the judge in Stony Plain Alberta on March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. and the private man acting as the judge in Stony Plain on August 4th 2010 named Caffaro, The private man acting as the federal crown prosecutor for CANADA named Adam Halliday on the 4th of August 2010 A.D. , the private woman Malina Rawluk acting as the prosecutor for the PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Stony Plain March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. have deliberately and calculatedly perjured their oaths of office and Allegiance, and further,

56 The afforementioned The private man Vaughn Myers acting as the judge in Stony Plain Alberta on March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. and the private man acting as the judge in Stony Plain on August 4th 2010 named Caffaro, The private man acting as the federal crown prosecutor for CANADA named Adam Halliday on the 4th of August 2010 A.D. , the private woman Malina Rawluk acting as the prosecutor for the PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Stony Plain March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D.know that they are responsible for the actions of their subordinates, and further,

57 The aforementioned perjurers the private man Vaughn Myers acting as the judge in Stony Plain Alberta on March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. and the private man acting as the judge in Stony Plain on August 4th 2010 named Caffaro, The private man acting as the federal crown prosecutor for CANADA named Adam Halliday on the 4th of August 2010 A.D. , the private woman Malina Rawluk acting as the prosecutor for the PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Stony Plain March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D., have deliberately and calculatedly neglected to supervise their subordinates so that they can claim plausible deniability when their subordinates violate My rights under the color of law, and further,

58 The aforementioned perjurers the private man Vaughn Myers acting as the judge in Stony Plain Alberta on March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. and the private man acting as the judge in Stony Plain on August 4th 2010 named Caffaro, The private man acting as the federal crown prosecutor for CANADA named Adam Halliday on the 4th of August 2010 A.D. , the private woman Malina Rawluk acting as the prosecutor for the PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Stony Plain March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D., have deliberately and calculatedly allowed for their subordinates to use numbers for names, or no name tags at all, because they know that they are violating My rights and the rights of all of “the people” under the color of law, and further,

59 The aforementioned the private man Vaughn Myers acting as the judge in Stony Plain Alberta on March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. and the private man acting as the judge in Stony Plain on August 4th 2010 named Caffaro, The private man acting as the federal crown prosecutor for CANADA named Adam Halliday on the 4th of August 2010 A.D. , the private woman Malina Rawluk acting as the prosecutor for the PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Stony Plain March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D., know they are engaged in Treason by forcing their martial law upon Me; Criminal Code of Canada Section 46 (2) “Treason – Every one commits treason who, in Canada, (a) uses force or violence for the purpose of overthrowing the government of Canada or a province……..”and further,

60 The aforementioned perjurers the private man Vaughn Myers acting as the judge in Stony Plain Alberta on March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. and the private man acting as the judge in Stony Plain on August 4th 2010 named Caffaro, The private man acting as the federal crown prosecutor for CANADA named Adam Halliday on the 4th of August 2010 A.D. , the private woman Malina Rawluk acting as the prosecutor for the PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Stony Plain March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D., know that the reason My ancestors, the Welsh Barons rose up in rebellion against the tyrant King John is because in 1213 he swore allegiance to the Vatican with the concession to the Pope and the tyrant King John was busy imposing martial law on the Welsh Barons in those days, and further, “He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws, giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended legislation. For imposing taxes on us without our consent. For depriving us in many cases of the benefits of trial by jury.”

“Pretended Legislation” is another way of saying “color of law” and that is exactly why these afforementioned perjurers want to convert My citizenship and my property so they can violate My rights, because corporations have no rights, but are slaves, and are operating under, and they are using their “color of law” to violate My rights, and engage in the theft of My liberty and property and they are conspiring together to deprive me of the benefit of a trial by jury or My peers, and further,

61 The aforementioned perjurers the private man Vaughn Myers acting as the judge in Stony Plain Alberta on March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. and the private man acting as the judge in Stony Plain on August 4th 2010 named Caffaro, The private man acting as the federal crown prosecutor for CANADA named Adam Halliday on the 4th of August 2010 A.D. , the private woman Malina Rawluk acting as the prosecutor for the PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Stony Plain March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. know that after the US War of Independence was lost in 1778, the tyrant King George had passed An Act to Impose Taxes in Commerce Only which is located at George III, c. 12, CAP XII, to make it perfectly clear that the only power the King extended to his agents in commerce was and is to regulate commerce upon commercial entities, and further, This enactment was accepted by CANADA in the act of Union 1840 and further was promulgated into the revised statutes of CANADA 1952 and again Revised in 1992 as unaltered and in force today, and further,

62 The aforementioned perjurers the private man Vaughn Myers acting as the judge in Stony Plain Alberta on March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. and the private man acting as the judge in Stony Plain on August 4th 2010 named Caffaro, The private man acting as the federal crown prosecutor for CANADA named Adam Halliday on the 4th of August 2010 A.D. , the private woman Malina Rawluk acting as the prosecutor for the PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Stony Plain March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D., know that the ONLY thing that can cause Me injury or harm, in any way, is a jury of My peers (We the people), after indictment, and criminal conviction, and yet they sent their hired thugs to unlawfully arrest Me

“A motorist stopped by a traffic officer for a traffic offense would be considered “arrested” . . . even if the motorist was not specifically informed that he had been arrested.” People ex rel. Winkle v. Bannan, 125 N.W.2d 875, 879, 372 Mich. 292.

“Any restraint, however slight, upon another’s liberty to come and go as one pleases, constitutes an “arrest.” Swetnam v. W.F. Woolworth Co., 318 P.2d 364, 366, 83 Ariz. 189.

and further,

63 I DEMAND that my rights be restored, or I DEMAND that this be brought before a jury, pursuant to Magna Carta Section 52 which says

“If anyone has been dispossessed or removed by us without the lawful judgment of his peers, from his lands, castles, franchises, or from his right, we will immediately restore them to him, and if a dispute arise over this, let it be decided by the twenty and five barons of whom mention is made below….”and further,

64 I further Demand that The aforementioned perjurers The private man Vaughn Myers acting as the judge in Stony Plain Alberta on March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. and the private man acting as the judge in Stony Plain on August 4th 2010 named Caffaro, The private man acting as the federal crown prosecutor for CANADA named Adam Halliday on the 4th of August 2010 A.D. , the private woman Malina Rawluk acting as the prosecutor for the PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Stony Plain March 17th and 24th 2010 A.D. Be prosecuted for perjury of oath, breach of trust, intimidation, obstructing a minister, nuisance, kidnapping, conversion, sedition to the Magna Carta, treason, and theft of Church property, and further,

The Undersigned, I, Me, My, or Myself, also known as Edward-Jay-Robin: Belanger house of Belanger, of Original Jurisdiction do herewith declare, state and say that I issue this non statutory Asseveration/Affidavit of Truth with sincere intent in truth, that I am competent to state the matters set forth herein, and will so testify in court, that the contents are true, correct, complete, certain, admissible as evidence, and reasonable and just, by Me, undersigned addressee, one of “Christ’s bondservants”, and not a corporation or a fiction of any type, and further,

Ecclesiastically notarized Autographed and sealed in red ink on the land of Alberta, and further,

Further this minister of Christ sayeth not, It has been said, so it is done. Autographed and sealed this day in August, in the year of our Lord, two Thousand and Ten.


Minister Edward-Jay-Robin: house of Belanger, ecclesiastic

sovereign living soul, minister and bondservant of Christ

and steward of God’s free grant of the land of Alberta


Alberta ) ) Subscribed, Sworn, Sealed Parkland County ) As a Ecclesiastical notary for Oaths, and an officer of God’s court, I hereby certify that Edward-Jay-Robin: house of Belanger, who is known to me, who is a sovereign living soul, bondservant of Yahushua/Jesus the Christ, a steward standing on the land of Alberta, and a holder of the office of "Christ’s minister a freeman bondservant of the anointed of Jehovah", Corinthians 7:22-23, appeared before me and after being duly sworn, He did execute the foregoing document on this the _______ day of August, in the year Two Thousand and Ten. _______________________________________ Ecclesiastical Notary

To all the private men and women acting as agents officers or fiduciaries of the corporate commercial entities known separately severally and in union with each other via a sworn oath of allegiance to God to be truly Allegiant to the Christian Monarch Elizabeth the second. This is a criminal complaint of notice of criminal activities of the aforementioned accused to all the private men acting in the de facto positions indicated below as agents and de facto interlocking equities of her Majestys crown corporations and offices All of the below mentioned offices are occupied by private men…it is to those private men and women who are living and not limited liability corporations that this is addressed to as notice of criminal complaint… Judges of the Provincial Court Calgary/Edmonton The Honourable A.G. Vickery Chief Judge Edmonton The Honourable A.H. Lefever Deputy Chief Judge The Honourable Judge P.L. Adilman Edmonton The Honourable Judge R.W. Bradley Edmonton The Honourable Judge D. Brand Medicine Hat The Honourable Judge P.M. Caffaro Edmonton The Honourable Judge H.R. Chisholm Edmonton The Honourable Judge F.W. Coward Lethbridge The Honourable Judge H.D. Gaede Camrose The Honourable Judge D.G. Ingram Edmonton The Honourable Judge N.P. Lawrence Red Deer The Honourable Judge N.P. Leveque Calgary The Honourable Judge W.R. Pepler Calgary The Honourable Judge J.D. Reilly Canmore The Honourable Judge T.G. Schollie Red Deer The Honourable Judge J.C.M. Spence Edmonton The Honourable Judge R.L. Tibbitt Vermilion The Honourable Judge S.E.W.J. Wood Edmonton Edmonton The Honourable J.K. Wheatley Assistant Chief Judge The Honourable Judge M.G. Allen* Edmonton The Honourable Judge L.G. Anderson Edmonton The Honourable Judge H.A. Bridges Edmonton The Honourable Judge M.M. Carminati Edmonton The Honourable Judge A.G. Chrumka* Edmonton The Honourable Judge S.R. Creagh Edmonton The Honourable Judge F.A. Day Edmonton The Honourable Judge D.M. Groves Edmonton The Honourable Judge J.T. Henderson Edmonton The Honourable Judge E.A Johnson Edmonton * denotes part-time Judges Alberta Rules of Court Binder 2010 Court Calendar 20.0.21 June, 2010 The Honourable Judge J.B. Kerby Edmonton The Honourable Judge F.E.L. LeReverend Edmonton The Honourable Judge L.E. Malin Edmonton The Honourable Judge T.J. Matchett Edmonton The Honourable Judge D.J. McNab Edmonton The Honourable Judge R.A. Philp Edmonton The Honourable Judge M.G. Stevens-Guille Edmonton The Honourable Judge P.G. Sully Edmonton The Honourable Judge D.R. Valgardson Edmonton The Honourable Judge E.J.M. Walter Edmonton The Honourable Judge L.J. Wenden Edmonton The Honourable Judge D.R. Wong* Edmonton Edmonton Region Edmonton The Honourable D.R. Pahl Assistant Chief Judge The Honourable Judge P. Ayotte Stony Plain The Honourable Judge L.J. Burgess Edmonton The Honourable Judge S.A. Cleary Fort McMurray The Honourable Judge D.E. Demetrick St. Paul The Honourable Judge B.H. Fraser* St. Albert The Honourable Judge H.W.A. Fuller Stony Plain The Honourable Judge C.D. Gardner St. Albert The Honourable Judge B.R. Garriock Edmonton The Honourable Judge J.R. Jacques Fort McMurray The Honourable Judge P.T. Johnston Vermilion The Honourable Judge N.A.F. Mackie* St. Albert The Honourable Judge J. Maher Sherwood Park The Honourable Judge V.H. Myers Stony Plain The Honourable Judge L.E. Nemirsky Edmonton The Honourable Judge D.C. Norheim Hinton The Honourable Judge S.G. Peck* Sherwood Park The Honourable Judge D.G. Rae Fort Saskatchewan The Honourable Judge K.E. Tjosvold Stony Plain The Honourable Judge M.M. White Leduc The Honourable Judge K.D. Williams St. Paul * denotes part-time Judges Alberta Rules of Court Binder 2010 Court Calendar 20.0.22 June, 2010 Northern Region Peace River The Honourable E.J. Simpson Assistant Chief Judge The Honourable Judge M.B. Golden Grande Prairie The Honourable Judge T.R. Goodson High Prairie The Honourable Judge B.R. Hougestol Grande Prairie The Honourable Judge J.R. McIntosh Peace River The Honourable Judge G.W. Paul Peace River The Honourable Judge J.A. Watson Grande Prairie Central Region Red Deer The Honourable W.A. Skinner Assistant Chief Judge The Honourable Judge W.A. Andreassen Camrose The Honourable Judge G.E. Deck Red Deer The Honourable Judge J.D. Holmes Red Deer The Honourable Judge J.A. Hunter Red Deer The Honourable Judge J.B. Mitchell Red Deer The Honourable Judge D.J. Plosz Red Deer The Honourable Judge E.D. Riemer* Red Deer The Honourable Judge B.D. Rosborough Wetaskiwin The Honourable Judge K.L. Rostad* Camrose Calgary and Calgary Regional The Honourable R.J. Wilkins Assistant Chief Judge The Honourable Judge J.D. Bascom Calgary The Honourable Judge P.B. Barley Calgary Regional The Honourable Judge A.J. Brown Calgary The Honourable Judge G.G. Cioni* Calgary The Honourable Judge E.J. Creighton Calgary Regional The Honourable Judge W.J. Cummings Calgary The Honourable Judge C.L. Daniel Calgary * denotes part-time Judges Alberta Rules of Court Binder 2010 Court Calendar 20.0.23 June, 2010 The Honourable Judge M. Delong Calgary The Honourable Judge G.S. Dunnigan Calgary The Honourable Judge A.A. Fradsham Calgary The Honourable Judge B.R. Fraser Calgary The Honourable Judge G.J. Gaschler Calgary The Honourable Judge M.L. Graham Calgary The Honourable Judge L.R. Grieve Calgary Regional The Honourable Judge S.A. Hamilton Calgary The Honourable Judge I.F. Kirkpatrick Calgary The Honourable Judge H.A. Lamoureux Calgary The Honourable Judge F.L. Maloney Calgary The Honourable Judge P.M. McIlhargey Calgary Regional The Honourable Judge G.M. Meagher Calgary The Honourable Judge B.A. Millar Calgary The Honourable Judge J.J. Ogle Calgary The Honourable Judge T.C. Semenuk Calgary The Honourable Judge J. Shriar Calgary Regional The Honourable Judge C.M. Skene Calgary The Honourable Judge B.C. Stevenson* Calgary The Honourable Judge M.T.C. Tyndale Calgary The Honourable Judge S.L. Van de Veen Calgary The Honourable Judge B.L. Veldhuis Calgary Southern Region Lethbridge The Honourable E.W. Peterson Assistant Chief Judge The Honourable Judge G.R. DeBow Lethbridge The Honourable Judge F.C. Fisher Medicine Hat The Honourable Judge D.J. Greaves Medicine Hat The Honourable Judge T.G. Hironaka Lethbridge The Honourable Judge L.B. Hogan Lethbridge The Honourable Judge R.A. Jacobson Lethbridge The Honourable Judge G.K. Krinke Medicine Hat The Honourable Judge J.N. LeGrandeur Lethbridge The Honourable Judge S.L. Oishil Search the Next-Generation EDGAR System Search Results

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Government Of The Province Of Alberta
1A Sir Winston Churchill Sq NW Suite A, Edmonton, AB, CA

Government Of The Province Of Alberta Also Traded as Provincial Archives of Alberta
8555 Roper Rd NW, Edmonton, AB, CA

Government Of The Province Of Alberta Also Traded as Provincial Court of Alberta
237 Jasper St W, Hinton, AB, CA

Government Of The Province Of Alberta Also Traded as Provincial Court of Alberta
237 Pembina Ave Fl, Hinton, AB, CA

Government of the Province of Alberta Also Traded as Provincial Courts
5210 49 Ave, Camrose, AB, CA

Government Of The Province Of Alberta Also Traded as Provincial Court
190 Chippewa Rd, Sherwood Park, AB, CA

Government Of The Province Of Alberta Also Traded as Provincial Court
4711 44 Ave, Stony Plain, AB, CA

Government Of The Province Of Alberta Also Traded as Provincial Court Alberta Criminal Div

* Se Monitor My Business Credit | Product List | D&B Data Quality | Attachment A

Private copyright notice to all private parties acting as private commercial enterprise and all public officials, regarding the religious beliefs of defending the ancient right of name’s and physical place’s, spiritual or temporal, or corporations sole, being: Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International©, The Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International© being the copyright holder, of all it’s members copyrights so listed below, has appointed Minister, Donald Christopher Carter©, as trustee for all the copyrights of the Church, who herein does formerly declare notify and make known that the names as provided, are not to be altered in whole or in part, by anyone man or woman, corporation or corporation sole, or machine on this planet earth, ,or edited, revised, abbreviated, reversed, uppercase capitalized or copied for commercial use, incorporated into any computor, ticket, government registry, court docket, any mailing program, any contractual offer ,publication, electronic recording, broadcasting system, theatrical performance, display or any other formats of communication or formed upon any paper for record or offered for sale or access or as any assumptive inducement as in a bill of exchange of any kind via mails or private/public hand service , and or any utilization of any of the Church’s copyrights in any other format not specified, as in forever, without the written permission of the appointed trustee for the copyright holder. Requests for permission must and shall be made in writing and addressed exactly as herein provided and delivered as registered non commercial mail, to the Church’s appointed trustee: Minister, Donald Christopher Carter © for copyright holder: Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International © address indicated below, . and beneficiaries of: International copyright protection:

The Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International©,(Copyright Holder)

The State Of Awareness©,(Local)

Donald Christopher Carter©(Trustee)

Beneficiaries: Daniel Carter©, Cole lionel Tyson cole Carter©, Tyler Christopher Ryan Carter©, Maria Jane Carter©, Helen Irene Clark©,

Herbert Radau©, Ellis Goodland©, Edward-Jay-Robin: Belanger© Trustee, Amber-Lee-Belanger©, Terra-Michelle: Belanger, Sherwood-Theodore: Rodrigues©, BrianGary Seaba©, having indicated the names as indicated, all take notice, they may not be used, altered in whole or in part, edited, revised, reversed uppercase capitalized or copied Violation penalties range from $5,000.00-$25,000.00 (fivethousand to twenty five thousand)Canadian Dollars in Gold maple leaf coin for each private abuse and $25,000.00 to$1,000,000.00 (twenty five thousand to one million )Canadian Dollars in Gold maple leaf coin for each and every corporate commercial abuse. Full defense of all Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International© copyrights is intended and a statement of claim will served upon any and all offending parties their heirs, assigns, and or beneficiaries. Any and all costs incurred by the copyright holder, trustee,or assigns and or beneficiaries as a result of copyright infringement damages shall and will be born by all the offending parties and or their heirs, assigns and beneficiaries, as per penalties specified and provided forever in perpetuity. Unauthorized Usage of any and all of the Church copyright’s is tacit contractual agreement by any and all offending parties, as per signature acceptance of this notice ,to allow the copyright holder to decide the amount of damages also as defined by the copyright holder, appointed trustee’s and or, assigns. Official Trustee for the Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International © : Minister Donald Christopher Carter © C/o The State of Awareness © Cariboo Ecclesia© , Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International © 4584 Barkerville Hwy Quesnel BC no code non commercial 1-250-992-9092

Attachment B

00030494AC which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety, and further,

00030494AC Judicial notice of intent April9th2001A.D.

Hello fellow brothers and sisters in the gift of life. I write to you with intent to make you privately aware of who I am and what I believe. It is under threat duress and intimidation by unlawful authority that causes me to offer this notice of the present and future good faith and intent of the man or woman that maybe unlawfully kidnapped,detained and forced against his or her faith to comes before the defacto Canadian courts whether provincial and federal. I as God’s creation and under his law being of sound mind and of an expert capacity in matters such as unlawfully being forced to appear before the de facto court and this man under God as his savior and creator is in truth declared to be known by his fraudulently obtained birth record name in correct English grammatical form and no other than such form as Edward-Jay-Robin: Belanger and relating to no other record of the name other than that which is live birth record verifiable via the vital statistics record under the authority of Barry Haugrud in Edmonton, director of records for vital statistics being recorded in a grammatically incorrect form, a violation 366 of the Canadian Criminal code and being recorded as born on the 29th day of September in the year of our Lord 1952, in the province of Alberta in its capital city of Edmonton as of this date the deponent herein proclaims and is stated for the courts notice that at this moment he is performing a function of his calling as an officiating minister of God of the Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International, living in the geographical local of the State of Awareness within my skin.. No one is offered permission to alter any record, inclusive of my name, in any form or fashion without my hand authorized written consent. I offer the allegiant and non allegiant agents of her majesty and the courts inclusive no consent or permission to assume or presume my intent is of a negative purpose as my intent is hereby declared in truth and is of good will as follows and is displayed by such words of intent . . .

The intent of the character and nature of style of Queens and Kings and the power of their oath is sacred; their persons are inviolable; they are the anointed of the Lord, and vested of powers by virtue of their office. Their power is broad based upon the Will of God, and not on the shifting whims of the people's will . . . They are to be spoken of with exulting reverence, instead of being abused by official public disdain, and by the very allegiants sworn to them. It becomes a sacrilege to violate their persons, dignity and style, and every indignity offered to them, be it in denial of allegiance, a word or act, becomes an indignity offered to God Himself. It is this view of Royal rule and style, sanctioned via a coronation, that alone can keep alive, in a scoffing and licentious age, the spirit of ancient loyalty to justice. It is that spirit begotten of faith, combining in itself in obedience, reverence, and love for the majesty of Queens and Kings which was at once a bond of social union, an incentive too noble daring, and salt to purify the heart from its grosser tendencies, preserving it from all that is mean, selfish and contemptible. Our present Queen, like all other British Monarchs over many centuries, has also sworn these Oaths. The Statute for Settling the Coronation Oath was passed by Parliament at the beginning of the reign of William and Mary, over three hundred years ago. The Coronation Oath Act of 1688 made it law the Westminster Confession of Faith of 1646, an act of the British Parliament, defines it’s meaning in section 22. King George III set the standard for the value, solemnity and lasting application of all Oaths, when he said: "Where is the power on earth to absolve me from the observance of every sentence of that Oath, particularly the one requiring me to maintain the Protestant Reformed Religion”. "Was not my family seated on the Throne for that express purpose, and shall I be the first to suffer it to be undermined, perhaps overturned? No, No, I had rather beg my bread from door to door throughout Europe, than consent to any such measure.” "I can give up my crown and retire from power. I can quit my palace and live in a cottage. I can lay my head on a block and lose my life, but I cannot break my oath. "If I violate that oath I am no longer legal sovereign in this country." In the same way, if a Parliamentarian violates his sworn Oath, he is no longer a legal member of Parliament. We owe it to our Queen and to ourselves and our children and grandchildren to hold our members of Parliament, judiciary and all agents of the crown to their Oaths of true Allegiance. Otherwise, their true allegiance is no longer to the Queen , Canada, nor to the people of Canada, but to some powerful foreign commercial masters in the United Nations who demand illicit allegiance with threats of Treaties and International Law. Such disloyal Parliamentarians and judiciary are happy to take us from under the Common Law protection of the Christian Monarchy, and put us into slavery under the non-Christian United Nations. The unwritten rule of the court in separating itself as truly allegiant to the Queen and from God as Supreme is like saying true justice flies with only one wing and it has the self ordained right to sever her majesty in two! The Biblical priest Melchizadek, the arch type, demonstrated that true justice imparts both aspects of rule, Church and state. The court in attempting to use the quote “Give unto Caesar that which is Caesars” would by intent, compare a Roman pagan God to the Christian defender of the faith, this again is sac religious, blasphemic and contemptuous of her majesty’s court. Roman’s 13 is of the fact that Gods judges were ministers of God. Any minister of God when asked if they recognized the supremacy of God would loudly and proudly proclaim yes! . All receiving this notice, are to take note of the prime reasons and my intent as a minister of God in asking the private men and women acting as agents of the crown, being lawyers judges justices and masters etc. of this province, or elsewhere I may come before them, is to demand their acknowledgment of their allegiance to the Queen as defender of the faith when asked, with intent of proud defense of the royal law that is in every court room in Canada by royal letters patent, and in acting out my faith in God as supreme. My intent is to ensure true justice transpires to be fair and integral as in God’s law. This also being written recorded and accepted as true service by the clerk of parliament and recorded as being the intent of the parliament via the preamble to the Canadian Constitution Acts of 1981 and two and supported by section 32 of that act stating that the charter of rights and freedoms as the supreme law of Canada only applies to the government as defined in section 118 of the criminal code and the interpretation act . All those that wish to classify themselves as government, federal and provincial or members of the Canadian body corporate and debt, in all of their authority of man’s law may do so. As the Queen was given advise and consent by the Lords spiritual and she cannot commit blasphemy in stating mans law is superior to God’s. The preamble and the royal law is the law for the people not of the classification as government or members of the body corporate known as Canada. The Canadian federal and provincial governments law is section 1-60. The coronation oath of 1953 established for all men and women of a competent capacity becoming or already members of the Bar, that the Queen is a Christian monarch bound to uphold the laws of God and that all who become allegiant to her are in recognition of the royal law as supreme and of it’s author’s supremacy. The court or any agent of her majesty when failing to acknowledge it has an oath of allegiance to the defender of the faith and recognition of the supremacy of God relieves itself from sworn duty and reverts itself to a private man or woman with no more judicial authority than the sovereign inheritance of birth. Unfortunately for those truthful brave souls that confront the appearance of a court with these ultimatum queries, the appearance of court is still in a position of usurped, unauthorized by the Queen, power, to commit further treason by partaking in a conspiracy to overthrow her majesty’s government under God and offering threats of violence enforced with guns to any who ask the questions of the court as to it’s capacity and true authority to convene and establish jurisdiction. My intent is to verbally and spiritually convey to the semblance of a court in Canada or abroad, and establish in front of witnesses of good record, the purpose of the judicial system is to impart justice under the guard and watchful eye in defense of the faith, of her majesty Queen Elizabeth the second of England. It is necessary and sanctioned by my faith and duty as a minister of God to display my intent is, as her majesty’s style, to preserve the judicial good name of God and the continued convention of his integrity, whose hallowed halls of justice must maintain to keep the reputation and validity of the of the Canadian courts Authority in check. Please, in a display of good faith and understanding of true allegiance , by way of reply, acknowledge understanding and receipt of this notice and any rebuttal by affidavit to a failure on my part to establish the truth and primarily my intent before the court! I am not a member entity or person of the body corporate known as Canada. I am a man under Gods rule and no other. I cannot, of faith and duty to God, recognize the de facto fiction person of a court attempting to operate without acknowledging their allegiance to the Queen and the recognition of it’s the corporate supreme law. Gods royal rule of law is as proclaimed in her majesty’s royal law the King James Bible.. I proclaim this without any reservation or contempt forher Majesty’s court, convened under God, as I am a minister of God of declared faith being Christian.Since her majesty is the anointed Christian monarch standing in defense of the faith and her majesty proudly administers such defense being the foundation of the court, a court bonafide bearing sanctioned jurisdiction sanctioned by her own oath, clearly does not exist unless it has an understood oath!!!. Asking Questions of the court is religiously and lawfully mandatory to establish in official performance of a function of my calling in my faith to ensure that competent Authorised jurisdiction of the court exists. Contempt is committed by the man or woman acting as the court or an officer of the court in failing to provide in signature or verbal an oath of true allegiance or recognition of God and his law as being Supreme. It is in the intent of my declaration and authoritative questions put to the court to make clear to all, by the courts answers, or lack of them, a knowledge and comprehension of the structure of the courts authority. As it has been witnessed, that the semblance of her majesty’s courts, presided over by these gentlemen imposters, has consistently without reason or explanation refused to acknowledge the courts royal allegiance by their lack of a positive response to the question “Does this court bear an oath of allegiance to her majesty the Queen defender of the faith?” In complication of it’s own error the court further fails to acknowledge and recognize the supremacy of God. In an arrogant display and denial of royal true allegiance to defender of the faith and the supremacy of God, that established, implemented, and oversee’s the Canadian courts authority, both justices have tacitly declared they have no allegiance to her majesty and possess no jurisdiction in the matter and all such orders or decisions rendered by them are void ab initio. When a non allegiant man or woman, to the Monarch of Canada of Christian heritage, posing as a justice, judge, master, or officer of the court, in form of court of her majesty’s authority, proceeds against you when there is no damaged party ,without your permission, with force, guns, and punitive measures, that is treason!!! The unauthorized court has declared war upon the people using the Queen as their Champion. The release of a positive answer by the court to the test of integrity ,offered by the appellants would establish jurisdiction and the court would relieve all parties of confusion caused by the action of perceived treason on the part of the court against the people. I intend no contempt for court as I as a minister hold God as supreme and as I in defense of the faith and belief hold God as supreme and having and holding faith in my spiritual father as God and as the founder of the court I cannot be in contempt. Those that choose to flagrantly disregard their oaths of true allegiance vesting authority of the court established under her majesty with God as supreme are the ones in contempt. Treason is to threaten with violent force in attempting to usurp the royal power using the appearance of the Queens authority when it is not in the possession of the one using the force of violent nature. It is my intent to convey that threatening the people or those who asks such legitimate questions of the courts jurisdiction, authority or legitimacy in a matter, with contempt of court for asking those questions as I , the deponent was, with being a guest of her majesty in jail is wrong. Justice McClung committed this observed act of treason upon myself in court room 515 April 4th 2001 A.D. at response to asking the questions of allegiance and recognition of the Supreme law . In receiving no reply in acknowledgment of jurisdiction I then correctly assumed the court had no jurisdiction, was a private party attempting to contract with me, which I in defense of the faith and the people I stand for declined to accept in front of witnesses who have filed affidavits of testimony and witness to this action of treason. I thank you for your sincerity in acknowledging and recognizing my faith, is in God as supreme Minister of God Edward-Jay-Robin: Belanger

Attachment c

Philip staufen BCSC Indexed as: Staufen v. British Columbia (Attorney General) Between Philip Staufen, petitioner, and The Attorney General of British Columbia, respondent [2001] B.C.J. No. 1109 2001 BCSC 779 Vancouver Registry No. L010409 British Columbia Supreme Court Vancouver, British Columbia Scarth J.(In Chambers) Short case!

[para8] Mr. Azevedo submits that the Court has jurisdiction to make the declaration and order sought by Mr. Staufen as parens patriae or by virtue of its inherent jurisdiction. [para9] Whilst there is no evidence before the Court that Mr. Staufen was born in Vancouver or, for that matter, where he was born, the law is riddled with legal fictions, it is said. The Court may do so here, Mr. Azevedo suggests, and create a legal fiction with respect to Mr. Staufen's name and place and date of birth. [para10] As defined by the Oxford Canadian Dictionary a "legal fiction" is "an assertion accepted as true (though probably fictitious) to achieve a useful purpose, esp. in legal matters". In An Historical Introduction to English Law and Its Institutions (3rd ed.) by Harold Potter, the learned author, at p. 302, groups the fictions used into three classes: (1) fictions used to increase the jurisdiction of Courts; (2) fictions designed to avoid cumbersome and archaic forms of action; (c) fictions having a false assumption of fact in order to extend the remedy the Court could grant. Jowitt's Dictionary of English Law (2nd ed.), at p. 787, provides two examples in order to illustrate how the former practice and jurisdiction of the courts rested largely on fictions. Thus, the king's Bench acquired jurisdiction in actions for debt by "surmising" or "feigning" that the defendant had been arrested for a trespass which he had never committed and then allowing the plaintiff to proceed against him for debt. In the second example the Court of Exchequer acquired jurisdiction by permitting the plaintiff in certain actions to plead that he was a debtor to the king and that by reason of the cause of action pleaded he had become less able to pay his wholly fictitious debt to the king. [para11] Although fictions have been used extensively over the centuries to expand the jurisdiction of the courts and the nature of the relief they can grant, I have not been referred to, and have not in my own research found, an instance where a fiction has been used by a court to invent the facts necessary to decide the very issue before it. Judges are frequently told by appellate courts not to speculate on the evidence. What is sought here would require the Court to do more than speculate. [para12] Mr. Azevedo refers to Calvin's Case (1688) 7 Co. Rep. 1; 77 E.R. 377, as authority for the proposition that inasmuch as the subject owes true and faithful obedience to his Sovereign, so too "the Sovereign is to govern and protect his subjects".

Attachment C

Attachment D To :Treasury Board Secretariat President L. Robillard , Fax: 613-9989071 From Edward-Jay-Robin: Belanger Sovereign human Tel/Fax: 780-9673915 To L.Robillard , Dear Ms.Robillard I am very interested in the treasury board secretariats regulation regarding the partnership that is an imperative and the commitment the government has to that imperative. Regulatory Policy as approved on November 9, 1995. It replaces the 1992 version of this policy and Appendix R to the Treasury Board Contracting Policy. Policy objective To ensure that use of the government's regulatory powers results in the greatest net benefit to Canadian society. Policy statement Canadians view health, safety, the quality of the environment, and economic and social well being as important concerns. The government's regulatory activity in these areas is part of its responsibility to serve the public interest. Ensuring that the public's money is spent wisely is also in the public interest. The government will weigh the benefits of alternatives to regulation, and of alternative regulations, against their cost, and focus resources where they can do the most good. To these ends, the federal government is committed to working in partnership with industry, labour, interest groups, professional organizations, other governments and interested individuals. Application This policy applies to federal regulatory authorities. I would like to understand my full association with the government as a partner by understanding if that partnership started with the registration of my birth. Is my [Edward-Jay-Robin: Belanger] Birth registration # 021593 registered in the province of Alberta in the year 1952 subsequent under Certificate#168166 issued the 23rd day of oct 1952 part of the Canadian governments accumulated record database of security items and vital documents? 1. Is that registration listed as a bonded security? 2. Is there a stated value of that security available through Ralph Goodale? 3. Is the title to my skill and energy inherent in the ownership of that document as a security? 4. Is this bifurcation of my sovereign human nature known as a strawminus hominus? 5. Will I receive title value of that bond via a bill of exchange “Given for a patent right”? I would appreciate a reply as soon as the partnership and commitment would dictate as I have some very important decisions to make regarding the registration. Please reply in writing and signification via fax and send original via mail. Sincere and in truth Edward-Jay-Robin: Belanger Sovereign Human C/0 RR#3 Onoway, Alberta [T0E1V0] CC: Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II Via her Excellency Adrianne Clarkson Governor General of Canada Golden Jubilee Coronation Petition September 29th 2002 A.D. To: Her royal majesty Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith. Via her private secretary Sir Robin Janvrin C/o Buckingham Palace London England SW1-A1AA From Minister of Christ Edward-Jay-Robin: Belanger Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International Heatherdown Ecclesia Near Onoway Alberta Canada no code non commercial Your most gracious Majesty defender of the faith, it is my duty in performance of the function of my calling as a minister of God, that I approach you with this petition and news of disservice and treachery by your professed allegiants in Canada. They are defying their oaths and not offering the true allegiance they swore to provide in your name. It distresses me that I must approach your majesty for your majesty’s aid in this your Coronation year, but this quest is in defense of the Christian faith. I did think that I as a Christian minister armed with God’s truth may be able to provide enough proof for your professed allegiant’s and courts here in Canada, to show that the oath of allegiance to your majesty is being sullied by those of commercial minds and of no respect of the historical honor and integrity of the meaning of that true allegiance to your majesty’s defense of the Laws of God. Those in control and dishonoring their oaths are in a conflict to judge this as it is about their integrity that is non-existent. Historically we have seen our judiciary and parliamentarians ignore their oaths and get away with unlawful ungodly acts, as you were not petitioned. It is humbly offered that it appears the timing is prime for such long overdue investigation and saving face of biblical and royal honor. The Golden Jubilee is under way and such glorious celebration will be compromised and indelibly stained as a result of the unlawful actions of religious blasphemy, desecration and discrimination against Christ’s ministry and church by such unlawful Commercial entities, as : Toronto Dominion Bank, the Alberta Justice system and courts ,and the Royal Canadian mounted Police, the Governor General’s office and your majesty’s privy council. It is humbly offered that this issue must be examined in true allegiance to your majesty’s honor in biblical fairness and with all merited expedition. I would never approach your majesty for aid lest I have no other forum that is bound by and of respect to God’s laws. I appeal to you not as a corporate Queen but as the Elizabeth the woman created and anointed of God to hail and hear my plea and petition. I am being unlawfully denied full defense in lawfully formed truly allegiant courts in Canada and as such am being obstructed from carrying out functions of my calling as a minister of God. I have no truly allegiant court of your majesty to apply to! Section 423 of the Canadian Criminal code is being violated. The RCMP NSI have been following my movement and have made discriminating statements about me to others and have lied about me in saying I associate with militants. This is untrue and if I did I would be preaching to them about God’s Kingdom not militant action. There is a deliberate effort to smear my message your majesty. It is not surprising in light of what this information invokes. Please show the world your power and the light of God’s integrity we all saw in your Coronation. The lack of concern and desire to have a valid understood oath of true allegiance, to that defense of the faith, by the men and women throughout the provinces in Canada and the commonwealth raises serious questions of immense implications for the history of Biblical standing and guarding over the justice in this country. No law or decision of man can violate the laws of God nor cause another man or woman to violate God’s laws. These Questions are posed for review and information of your majesty 1.Why is the Alberta legislature oath of allegiance from the Alberta oath of office act in direct violation with the Schedule five of the BNA act, when to make it correct would have only been addition of one word? 2. Does the Alberta legislature have authority and sanction from your majesty to make up their own oath and then not require its members to know what the allegiance to your majesty means nor seemingly care if they do? 3. Does her majesty offer her authority and sanction to oath takers who have no idea what the allegiance means nor believe in that allegiance or who are not willing to carryout those allegiant obligations? 4.Why are these professed oath sworn true allegiants acting as justices, masters, ministers, and officers of your majesty, so reluctant to state the meaning of that proud oath of allegiance to your majesty? It is also poised for review: Why, according to Canadian department of Justice lawyers, without a valid oath of allegiance, and showing distain for the Coronation oath, do those swearing to provide true allegiance to a Christian Monarch, not have to know what the allegiance means and what the purpose of it is? How can that opinion be correct? How can federal laws of affiliation direct with the Queen be secondary to provincial when it is of mandatory nature to keep the oath to God and the allegiance to the Queen identical throughout Canada? This denial of the courts to acknowledge and provide” true allegiance” raises issues of major unprecedented constitutional and international importance. It directly threatens all men and women’s God given unalienable rights and freedoms in having God’s law as supreme, and undermines protection of alloidial title in land via oaths of loyalty to the Crown and ultimately the Bible. Such foundational facts and points of history can never be considered fluff or the workings of every-day body politics. They directly concern your majesty in your majesty’s ability to contractually maintain the Coronation oath, in your majesty’s honored Royal Style. By the Grace of God your majesty is, by provision of God’s law in all of her majesty’s courts and by the strict adherence to God’s law covenant and constitution, as such, meeting the needs of every British subject, including generations yet unborn that will Succeed at maintaining and exercising our cherished freedoms in that ancient lexum. This sacred provision of God’s rule of law as supreme and our duty to defend it is only effective upon those of your majesty’s subjects who are willing to stand and exercise those rights under God so long trodden upon by those of financial plunder and collective immorality. As a result of gleaning the knowledge from God’s scriptures and reading the records of mans law written in conflict with that holy text, I find my Christian family, ecclesia, brethren and ministry in an extremely stressful and prejudiced position. As a minister of a Church of Christ and having the knowledge about the meaning of the allegiance to all concerned, as I do, it calls for exceptional extraordinary measures. Hence our petition to Her Majesty, which exercises rights unused for over 49 years - since my birth and involuntary enslavement to the Corporate fictional body politic of Canada, in exercising God’s privilege to us of Jubilee of Leviticus 25-27. I wish, as a Christian man in observance of the custom of God’s proclamation of Leviticus Jubilee and you as high priestess in this the Golden Jubilee of your coronation, to be in receipt of full pardon for the crimes I have been accused of and convicted of by the unlawful courts in Alberta Canada. These convictions were filed under the legal fiction nom degerre BELANGER Robin Jay with such fictitious number of ownership as being 618-774-079 which I do not accept being applied. Such case of prime focus being Failing to Obey the order of a non allegiant court by imposter Ray Bradley, Section 127 CCC June6th and 14th of 2001 A.D. being, leave my parishioner, as the court refused to acknowledge it’s oath to her majesty twenty times on the record, factually disavowing and showing no respect or honor for her majesty. A non-allegiant judge Lawrie Smith sentenced me on May 9th of this year to 30 days in jail for that act of faith as she was in denial of my jurisdictional challenge protest and questions of integrity. I have included the transcript partial Via email to the Golden Jubilee office and Sir Robin Janvrin. This is one of many cases in question where I as a Christian minister was asked to leave by a non allegiant man having none of her majesty’s sanction. I as a minister appeared in Edmonton Court of Queens bench of May 7th and 9th 2002 on account of the actions of professed judge Ray Bradley the man who refused twenty time to offer me a minister his true allegiance. I was attempting to find integrity within her majesty’s Alberta Court. I was not successful, as the Justice, one Lawrie Smith, who sat to hear the case, did not know what her allegiance meant either and as such was and is void of all sanction in her decision to incarcerate me. I have asked over 100 Justices, masters, judges, prosecutors and clerks if they know what their allegiance to you means. Only Wayne Hatt knew I have been denied the truly allegiant justice of your majesty’s courts and could not appeal such conviction as all the judges I have stood before in Alberta are in denial of their true allegiance. I have stood in front of over 50 of those imposter judges. The court clerks and provincial registrar who are to stand as servants for the registry’s of her majesty’s subjects refuse to acknowledge their true allegiance to your majesty. I discover this by asking and performing a function of my calling as a Christian minister, in asking for true allegiance and integrity. . I do this as I cannot lawfully file into false registers run by non-allegiants with no official sanction. Wayne Hatt your majesty’s loyal Justice of the Peace in Edmonton Alberta, deserves special notation and regard as when asked by me in my ministerial capacity if he knew what his allegiance to you meant, he replied without batting an eye “To uphold the laws of the King James Bible”. A true allegiant in singular and deserving commendation for his honorable methods and just manner. I produced all the evidence inclusive of the King James Bible letters patent version being the rule of law in all of the commonwealth and your majesty’s Coronation oath and definition of an oath from the Westminster confession of faith. I have also included the false oaths of allegiance all of the judges in the provincial system have taken. The proof is overwhelming and irrefutable but, the woman acting as a judge, on May 9th of this year, Lawrie Smith, in the case to convict me of not taking orders from an imposter Ray Bradley, commented, as I showed her the proof of false oaths to her, that she was not going to allow that factual evidence. I concluded upon that evidence and the fact that she did not know the meaning of her oath that even she was without your majesty’s sanction or authority to proceed. I have never been a violent man and have carefully studied what Christ did to the moneychangers that would ignore his warnings and did desecrate God’s temple. If I adopt Christ’s example I will be labeled as a threat and violent and am in fear for my life as I cannot violate God’s laws and commandments and associate with criminal traitors to her majesty’s Royal rule of law. Your majesty I fear if I as a Church and man of God am not aided I will be martyred as sacrificial lamb in this Golden Jubilee. This will undoubtedly bring attention to the corruption being disgracefully perpetrated in your majesty’s name and it is not being done by the grace of God. They know who their father is! I will await your majesty’s response to this petition in defense of the faith I am so dedicated to protecting and serving as part of my calling as a minister of our glorious saviors teachings. If I may at this time of Jubilee and upon my own Golden Fiftieth year indulge and also thank your majesty for the boon of your majesty’s acceptance of my Jubilee redemption money for myself and family to release me from my Birth record bond of surety for the body politic and corporate debt of the bankrupt commercial fictitious entity known as Canada. I have been recorded with the Canadian treasury under that Bifurcated capitalized name as a corporate legal fiction as part of the consolidated revenue fund of Canada as being bonded as a surety for the national debt of Canada as per the Canadian ownership control and determination act. The subsequent regulations are with the actuarial tables of the value of men and women. My father named me as Edward-Jay-Robin: Belanger on September 29th 1952. It is further recorded in fraud my altered name was added to a number being 618-774-079. This was done by Canada in deceit as it was not revealed to the minor I was at the time that 1. Minors cannot enter into contracts. 2. The contract was not revealed in total and was not fully understood because of that omission and as such according to international commercial law is void. 3. God’s law of bearing false witness and coveting is also breached as first and foremost in the purpose of my Quest in Christ. 4. The men and women that are acting as your agents must by all common sense and biblical standard understand what they are swearing to. To allude to any other conclusion is clearly in avoidance of purpose, but this is just what they are doing in your majesty’s name. 5. Without that adherence and understanding of the reasons for taking the oath on the part of the oath taker there is no defense of the laws of the God of Abraham. 6. No contract in her majesties name is valid if those forming those contracts have no sanction of your majesty. 7. All law not in line with the laws of God is null and void upon those under the defense of the rule of law for the government of Christian princes. 8. No contract to give up ones unalienable rights is valid. 9. Unlawful bondage and fornication cannot be forced upon other men and women 10. No man or woman has the right to dominate another to do things against their will and beliefs. 11. Every man or woman has the right to fight to defend their faith and beliefs if being discriminated against or persecuted because of them. 12. The Bank act is unlawful and is usury, the debt of that usury is serviced by the income tax act. 13. The income tax act is usury and is a violation of God’s law that the king never assented to as it would mean abdication for violating the Coronation oath I am of humble reverence of this scriptural opportunity to obtain my freedom from being the one held in bondage and registered as a surety of a Commercially dead and bankrupt fictitious entity known as Canada. I will not go into detail here but can provide proof of this system of recording birth records as sureties for the debt bonds that are issued in that sureties name and number. The Canadian Ownership Control and Determination Act is an act of redemption written by Jean Chretien in 1982 49 years after the bonding started and for a determination of worth. I cannot access such determination of my worth for your majesty, as a result of those being in charge refusing to acknowledge their true allegiance and I cannot conspire with them nor accept their registries as a result of their imposter imposition and unlawful procession. That would be aiding and abetting a crime. As a result of doing my duty and performing my function as a Christian minister under your charge and protection I am being denied access to truly allegiant justice and courts. I am being discriminated against because of my Christian faith and defense of same. I am pleased that your majesty will in honor of Leviticus scriptural order accept and approve this petition and I would at this time be of extreme undying gratitude for your granting my wish to redeem my loving Wife Cheryl, who came into this world via Sunderland England under the surname of Gray on the 12th day of October 1957 SIN number 458-616-372 for the sum of thirty shekels and my two daughters Amber-Lea Belanger coming into this world on the 14th day of June 1988 and my daughter Terra-Michelle arriving for our joy on August 6th 1990, both for the sum of Twenty Shekels of silver being ten shekels per daughter. I also pray your majesty will in honor of Leviticus scriptural order and my Jubilee right, accept my 50 shekels of silver for redemption from my servitude in the corporate body politic of and under the bankruptcy of the legal fiction Corporation of Canada since September 29th 1952 the day and year of my birth. The fictional commercial entity has created a number of SIN 618-774-079 which I do not and cannot of faith and God’s knowledge accept, as it is the mark of the beast. I have copied some of the below from a previous petition. I offer no offense to your majesty and prey such plagiarism will not be unfavorably received. I wish to point out the contract of, as well as clause 61 of Magna Carta, which were reinforced by article 5 of the Bill of Rights. As your majesty may be aware, the wording of clause 61 says: ...and, laying the transgression before us, petition to have that transgression redressed without delay...And we shall procure nothing from anyone, directly or indirectly, whereby any part of these concessions and liberties might be revoked or diminished; and if any such things has been procured, let it be void and null. We do so petition Her Majesty as of this petitions receipt, to stay and withhold the procession of all unlawfully sanctioned proceedings filed in fraudulent bifurcations of the church’s parishioners names into the unsanctioned illegitimate corporate Canadian and Alberta Courts. In January of this year the unlawful unsanctioned agent of the Toronto Dominion Canada Trust Bank Douglas Hughes, of the unlawful firm of Bishop and Mackenzie of Edmonton Alberta filed an unlawful action against my church, sanctuary and family. Such action in awareness of the religious implications was filed against the fictional Capitalized name of my Wife and myself as title holders of the church and sanctuary located at the numbers allocated for definition and location of NE-31-53-1-w5th in the province known as Alberta in the corporation known as Canada. Your majesty’s land title registry in Alberta run by a Mr. Ray Runge was notified of my religious requirement of not allowing my name to be altered from my Birth record and in keeping of my correct grammatical and lawful form of recording in your majesty’s English and in accord with the ”Canadian Style”. This is a document of form, your majesty’s treasury board of Canada, applies to all federal agencies. Mr. Runge of Alberta Land Titles refused to correct such record and Barry Haugrud the director of the Provincial registry vital statistics refuses to record my name in correct form as well. Laurie Beveridge the provincial registrar refuses to recognize my faith and it’s lawful requirements of protecting our names from alteration. Ralph Klein is well aware of this failure on the part of his ministers to respect their oaths and my God given unalienable religious rights. His Justice minister David Hancock has contracted with a private firm for consultation to alter the present defunct and unlawful oath of allegiance to your majesty to delete any reference to God from such oath. Such oath would by the dictate of section 22 of the Confession of faith be rendered an unlawful oath and of no force or effect failing the sanctionable test of integrity in defense of the faith and your majesty’s reputation. Such men and women are imposters and are acting criminally in proceeding without your majesty’s consent and understanding of that proud allegiance to defending God’s laws! I could not lawfully protest such unlawful act of the TDCT bank as the Manager of your majesty’s Law courts in Edmonton Alberta, Wayne Samis, and the head Clerk John Bachinski both denied true allegiance in failing to answer my ministerial question of integrity in your majesty’s court. John Bachinski did violate section 176 of the Canadian Criminal code and threaten myself as a minister with forcible expulsion from her majesty’s hallowed halls of justice denying me truly allegiant process and capacity to defend our sanctuary. I could not file against the fictitious entity that Douglas Hughes created in the illegitimate provincial registry as it would be consent and recognition I was a corporate fiction. All of the judges I have stood before in the Alberta courts have no legitimate oath as it is deficient not only in words but in that those who took such oath do not know what the allegiance to her majesty is about, means and is purpose of. Such obvious deficiency effectively and actually precludes them from being able to provide such sworn to allegiance. I have heard rumor’s that because of my notice to them of their false oath the department of justice has required all judges in Alberta to re-swear their oaths. Any process by such traitorous imposters focused and dedicated to expanding the depravity of Usury, the selfish coveting, and lying in false witness is unlawful according to God’s law as defended by your majesty. It is evidentiary, willfully fabricated and invalid process and we would ask your majesty to concur in showing her displeasure for such arrogance by dissolving the legislature of Alberta for reformation. This reform would be upon those men and women that are equipped to know what they are swearing allegiance to and as such bound by such oath and honorably capable of providing such allegiance as it meet with her majesty’s approval and with lawful sanction of authority in God’s power. It is our humble suggestion that this one act of fidelity would by your majesty’s proclamation ensure the respect for the Laws of God that is deserved. It would exemplify the defender of the Christian faith being the Coronated and anointed of God in this the Jubilee redemption year of her majesty’s Coronation. Any process of a civil commercial nature such as a foreclosure proceeding against the Church and sanctuary of my family, NE 31-53-1- w5th is being unlawfully undertaken by the Toronto Dominion Canada Trust bank on account of acct # 501981 branch# 266 and is being facilitated for such bank by those alleged officer/agents of your majesty as such being without a valid oath, and that is opposing and obstructing my ecclesiastical duties as a minister of God, in defense of God’s laws. Our Church property and sanctuary, family, and it’s attending Christians are being threatened by these unlawfully formed commercial financial entities. (in which her majesty’s allegiants are connected with in process of violating 176 of the Criminal code in attempting to enforce a civil process) They are defacto and without lawful sanction of her majesty’s oath, and I as a minister of Christ do so refuse to honor and acknowledge their having an oath of true allegiance to your majesty as the evidence is against them in dishonor. Please speak with Lois Hole the Alberta Lieutenant Governor on this issue as she did talk to me at my Church last year about one of these imposter allegiants, a Judge by the name of Quinn claiming to be a master. He said in chambers and I quote “ What do I care about treason and the Queen I’m Irish and I have a tough neck! This was in response to telling him in my ministerial capacity that he must have an understood oath to proceed as he commits treason against your majesty if he brought harm to another or his property with no sanction from your majesty to do so lawfully. This man conspired with Douglas Hughes to alter my name in the court record. I can not accept service nor file into records that are formed in a false name. Douglas Hughes in awareness of my instructions to not violate my religious beliefs regarding my name did this in defiance of my beliefs. This also prevented me from registering an opposition. A master Funduck has had me physically ejected out of proceedings against our Church by the TDCT bank on August 9th, in front of witnesses. He did this for my performing my ministerial act of integrity in trying to verify his true allegiance. I was polite and direct in my reason for asking but he refused to answer and when I insisted he be bonafide to proceed he told the bailiff to eject me. He has issued unlawful possession orders to the Banks agent Douglas Hughes of the firm Bishop and Mckenzie. He has ignored my demands for his oath-sworn allegiance. So have the courts and all of the clerks. I have written The Chief Justice in Alberta Katherine Frazer about this and Court of Queens Bench Chief Justice Allan Wachowich as well as the justice minister and the premier. The Justice minister will not reply and has instructed his staff to discriminate against me. Lois Hole’s office will not put my communication through to her. The two Chief Justices have indicated they do not agree with your majesty’s authority. They have violated their oaths, as they have done nothing to correct this. I filed a complaint with the Edmonton City police who gave it to justice for review. That was over a month ago. No reply. I was just told I am supposed to write a letter to Allan Wachowich. I already know Chief Justice Wachowich’s opinion on that issue and it is not in support of true allegiance. It is in support of usurious commercial law and has no intent on being tied to the Coronation oath. I look forward to your reply and Royal inquiry. This imposter Master Funduck has issued unlawful possession orders to seize our Church and sanctuary for the interest on the loan, which was actually an exchange. His arrogance and tyranny has gone unchecked and he is still performing as a master. I have two witnesses to the event of him violating section 176 and 423 and 126 of the Canadian Criminal code and are willing to testify. It would appear that such events are commonplace in Canada as others have heard similar reactions. Royal respect for the allegiance is a problem that can be solved with your majesty’s aid. I beg that discretion, consideration, and indulgence from your majesty in saving Grace for her majesty’s Coronation Golden Jubilee and the honor of God thereof. The RCMP will not enforce your law nor defend God’s law to provide true allegiance to your majesty and will offer no reason why. I cannot accept them as your allegiants as they are acting as traitors to your law. I have told them this and posted notices. This Christian minister, acting in defense of the faith is humbly petitioning her majesty’s expedient action pending her majesty’s royal inquiry into this serious matter. We have also petitioned her majesty in this the Coronation year because there is clear factual evidence that the oaths of allegiance to your majesty are being violated and as such is in direct conflict with the Constitution of the United Kingdom under God. It conflicts with Magna Carta, with the Declaration and Bill of Rights, with the honored and respected advise of Westminster and, above all, with Her Majesties anointing by the grace of God, to defend the biblical rule of law through like Oaths of allegiance to Her Majesty. These oaths of fealty and allegiance being imposed upon all of her majesty’s agents by her majesty’s royal law as proclaimed upon all of her majesty’s ministers, judges governors, and agency servants sworn to be allegiant to her majesty in duty to uphold and defend God’s laws are absolutely sacred in the order of maintaining the rule of law forever as supreme. Those who would flagrantly or in clandestine repose endeavor to disrespect and dissolve that honor rebels against God. This action by these non-allegiants is treasonous upon your majesty’s retention and defense of that royal rule for the government of Christian princes. I pray and petition your majesty for release from the unlawful enslavement and persecution by these fraud spinning unlawful entities and imposter authorities. Every one of these protections for your majesty’s subjects stands to this day, in law of Melchizedek ancient observance and of clarity set in the stone of bethel, as were the Ten Commandments, which is why of necessity our petition is now invoking them. Ultimately, our supreme protection is your Majesties obligations under the Coronation Oath in defense of the Letters patent Version Cum priviligio of her majesty’s Authorized King James Bible being in every Court Room in the commonwealth. Alas, because of these dishonorable and vile imposters usurping your majesty’s ecclesiastical authority, the alleged allegiant courts in Alberta and throughout the commonwealth are ignoring that Law your majesty and their allegiance is to defend! These men and women need education or removal as they plan to remove the royal rule of law as supreme and are plotting against your majesty in arrogant disregard of their true allegiance to your majesty. This Coronation year and your majesty’s honor in receipt of such factual information must not be sullied by allowance of such treason and intentional defiance to God’s rule of law. As such inaction to honor that sacred oath is factually and unlawfully transpiring as I write, my unprecedented petitions is in defense of the Christian faith and based in truth with honorable motive and need. The Queen has solemnly promised to govern the peoples of the United Kingdom of which Canada is according to the Statutes in Parliament agreed on and according to their laws and customs not being contrary to their God’s. Her Majesty also swore to preserve all rights and privileges as by law do or shall appertain to any of them. From the spiritual and my own single eye’s point of view, it is unimaginable that Her Majesty would seek, in effect, a divorce from her duty. From a secular point of view, the Coronation Oath is a signed contract with God and the men and women she is to rule over in duty to protect them from usurpers and violations of God’s law. Recent statements by Various of her majesty’s sworn allegiant commonwealth ministers, confirm that they would not advise any measure which might tend to Breach the Coronation Oath nor betray Her Majesties promise to her loyal subjects. Her Majesty accepts the advice of her ministers and the Lord’s Spiritual and it is noted for good faith and factual communication that conversely, it is their sworn duty to advise in accordance with the Coronation Oath and defense of the Christian faith. No sworn allegiant of her majesty can lawfully advise a breach of her majesty’s oath. Nor can they gain royal sanction or remain in power without swearing solemnly in understanding what that true allegiance is to the Christian Crown. Yet the Alberta oath of Allegiance within the oath of office acts mandatory for judges and lawyers in the provincial court act, and legal profession act, respectively represents precisely such a breach, and the Lieutenant Governor has now signed it with the false oath using the Royal Prerogative. The department of justice refuses to offer copies of the signed oath of allegiance in violation of 337 of your majesty’s law the Canadian Criminal code and has instructed all employees to terminate calls I make to their departments. My purpose is in performance of my calling and in defense of my faith in God and his rule of law as per 176 of the Canadian Criminal Code, a coronation promise. Romans 11:29 I have asked why I cannot see the signed oaths and they, the Alberta department of justice, refuse to say. I have asked what the meaning of that oath is and have been sworn at rebuked, laughed at, jailed and rejected by the police because of my faith and unwillingness to accept imposters as having any authority over me. Joanne Menier ,the Governor General’s assistant, will testify that she was told by a Federal Justice official that even the Governor General can not see the signed oaths. Your majesty, I humbly submit If they refuse to answer my questions of true allegiance in performance of my duties as a minister of God they are indeed imposters and a criminal threat to the defense of the faith and the honor of her majesty’s oath. Please in ultimate familial dignity cede to my request dear honored Elizabeth and help this minister’s quest of your own Coronations design and honor. Blackstone’s Commentaries (volume 1, page 239) says of the Royal Prerogative: The splendor, rights, and powers of the Crown were attached to it for the benefit of the people. They form part of, and are, generally speaking, as ancient as the law itself. De prerogative Regina is merely declaratory of the common law... The duties arising from the relation of sovereign and subject are reciprocal. Protection, that is, the security and governance of her dominions according to law, is the duty of the sovereign; and allegiance and subjection, with reference to the same criterion, the constitution and laws of the country, form, in return, the duty of the governed. We have already observed that the prerogatives are vested in her via such glorious coronation for the benefit of her subjects, and that her Majesty is under, directed by, and not above, the rule of law. For such words of an oath of allegiance to have meaning, the act of swearing that oath of allegiance must be by a man or a woman who knows what it means and is willing to abide by the requirements of that oath, as in any other case it demonstrates that those taking that oath like our alleged ministers, lawyers, and judges have de facto jurisdiction (unlawful) and in perjury have renounced their oaths of allegiance and are void ab initio of any standing or sanction of the Queen as God’s grace and law cannot be applied by nor honored by liars and imposters. Indeed, it is humbly offered in reverence of my duty to defend the faith that if necessary for the benefit of your majesty’s subjects a clear explanation and Clarification of the oaths meaning and the allegiants duties in accord with section 22 of the confession of faith would be a majestically wise choice in simple remedy. In light of such factual information of such vital importance to her majesty’s honor and in contractual defense of God’s law, it would be in universal benefit for the commonwealth and her majesty’s subjects to exercise her majesty’s authority to demand that all of her allegiant’s: 1. Have taken a briefing on and truly understand the meaning of their sworn true allegiance to you’re majesty and authorized form of the oath. 2. That all of your majesty’s allegiants must indicate that they know that the allegiance is about defending God’s laws as supreme over mans laws and to provide such awareness in writing with witnesses. Your majesty could also dissolve the legislatures or Parliament, or for the government to resign and fight an election on the issue. The ex-officio defacto government would then be faced with seeking elective power to introduce new royally approved oaths of loyalty under a new constitution as part of their new manifesto. This would distil the issues as perhaps nothing else might, since it would allow the people of the Commonwealth to decide whether or not they wished the understood and true lawful oath of integrity or their constitutional and unalienable rights to be breached in this present unlawful manner. This honorable and light filled royal action would remove the ability of those in power to oppress prevent and curtail your majesty’s subjects from exercising their lawful God given rights and freedoms in demanding a truly allegiant court. As the Act of Supremacy and the Bill of Rights put it: all usurped and foreign power and authority may forever be clearly extinguished, and never used or obeyed in this realm. No foreign prince, person, prelate, state, or potentate shall at any time after the last day of this session of Parliament, use, enjoy or exercise any manner of power, jurisdiction, superiority, authority, preeminence or privilege within this realm, but that henceforth the same shall be clearly abolished out of this realm, for ever. So it is clear that no one - neither sovereign, nor parliament, nor government, nor people - may tamper with, dismantle, destroy or surrender our constitution of God’s law. We are all tenants of it, and trustees. We inherited these rights from God, and we have a supreme responsibility to ensure they are safeguarded and that we pass them on in good order to future generations. They are not ours to discard or diminish. Such is why the oath came into existence in the first place. It was to bond all monarchs to defending God’s laws to maintain and preserve those laws for the benefit of all of those men and women who believe unto him and his word of love and those who do not. Which is why valid understood oaths of true allegiance place an essential limitation on parliament’s power, and the Queens Coronation Oath is crucial as the foundation and origin of that sanction of God’s power and limitation of mans. The Coronation Oath is a multi faceted obligation of Biblical contractual origins and religious power, it is a statutory obligation, a common law obligation, a historically necessary obligation, on all who swear allegiance to the defense of the Christian faith. It is the duty of all of her majesty’s agents overseeing her governance of the King James Bible, and it is sworn for protecting the nation, the commonwealth and all dominions from immoral acts and violations of God’s law. The Coronation Oath is the Absolute pinnacle of oaths, and all oaths of allegiance to its Monarch or other natures are bound by its limitations. The armed forces must subscribe and swear true allegiance to the sovereign liege lady Queen Elizabeth the second, not to the government of the day. This helps clarify the principle that understood allegiance is mandatory and a must in maintaining the biblical integrity of God’s rule of law, and not an optional item, as it is being an essential part of the checks and balances of our constitutional preamble. Without these oaths, and their lawful enforcement, we have little to protect us from unlawful government, tyranny and the rule of Commercial law. We return now to our reasons for stating that the unscrupulous act of taking of an sworn oath to gain authority is unquestionably invalid and immoral if the man or woman taking that oath of allegiance does not know what the allegiance means and is insincere in carrying out the requirements of that allegiance. Our religious freedom is absolute. The Bill of Rights says so. It cannot be limited in any way. Her Majesty is rightfully inscribed on our coins of the realm as Dei Gratia, Fid. Def. and Lib. Def. – Liberates, Defends...By the grace of God Defender of the fidelity/faith/freedom/liberty We come back to the oath of allegiance. Magna Carta says: We will appoint as justices, constables, sheriffs, or other officials, only men that know the law of the realm and are minded to keep it well.... How can such unlawful officers of the Crown organize such a referendum or plebiscite on the oath if they do not have true allegiance? Where does their motive and authority originate? These procedures would also infringe articles 1, 2 and 4 of the Bill of Rights: 1. That the pretended power of Suspending of Laws or the Execution of Laws by Regal Authority without Consent of Parliament is illegal. (This must include the Coronation Oath Act.) 2. That the pretended Power of Dispensing with Laws or the Execution of Laws by Regal Authorities as it hath been assumed and exercised of late are illegal. 3. That levying Money for or to the Use of the Crown by pretence of Prerogative without Grant of Parliament for longer time or in other manner than the same is or shall be granted is Illegal. (This is further protection of our common law rights.) We respectfully request that Her Majesty grant us an opportunity and power to examine the integrity and opinion of those who seek to alter, trivialize, and diminish the significance of the Oath of allegiance to your Coronation duty contrary to good advice. Accordingly, under those same terms of Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights quoted earlier, we the undersigned would make it clear that these historical documents are men’s agreement’s/contracts with each other and do not purport to supercede God in allowing violations of God’s law. They simply affirm that for all time the Kings of the realm shall obey by the just and right ruling of the agreement/contract/allegiance between the men and women of the realm and the King. Call it a pact or a covenant or a law it amounts to the same thing a promise to abide by the rules of the agreement. Now as we can see from what George Orwell exposed us to in the elaborate satire “Animal farm” that we must be seriously and of strong faith on guard and watchful eye for the assistant of Napoleon in the middle of the night, when we are asleep, sneaking in to alter the laws ever so slightly so as to differ the meaning but not alert the reader with obvious notations, to the change. Such was the fate of Boxer Snowball and the other animals as they were initially of trust in agreement to have Napolean lead them and that trust endured with the axiom “Napolean is always right” They soon found out Napoleon was just like all the rest “troughers” as he selfishly controlled and enslaved the farm. We know what happened in that story and it is the tale of our modern parliamentarians, much removed from their professed true allegiance to your majesty and the Biblical principles. They are exhibiting arrogant self sanctioned ignorance of the purpose and meaning of their own oaths. Such is the position of the Canadian parliament and it provincial counterparts. They have not only altered the oath from it’s form but have no idea what the oath means nor do they care. I am not exaggerating this for your majesty, as it is my duty to provide you with the truth. I have heard foul blaspheming remarks about your majesty made by the lawyers, judges, justices and ministers in this land, they are deliberately challenging your Royal Style and forcing law upon your majesty’s subjects that is in violation of God’s law. It is with honor and fortitude of faith I petition your majesty for attention to this immensely prominent conundrum of spiritual faith and secular audacity as it appears it has not been spoken to before in such a manner as to honorably petition and afford your majesty the opportunity to comply with her oath bound requirements in defense of the faith. It is hoped far and wide throughout your majesty’s realm and in my own ecclesia that in this instance your majesty will see the compelling necessity for action fitting and meet with that which a monarch is expected of, required to provide, and of a clear capacity to perform. It is in the Hebrew name of our God Yahweh and his son Yahushua that I implore and beseech your majesty to rise to the defense of the Christian faith in God’s honor and invoke removal and termination of this historical slander and unlawful usurping of your majesty’s royal style, title and defense of the royal rule of law the King James Bible, God’s law, in this your Coronation Golden jubilee. I am your humble Christian ministerial servant in same defense and allegiant to all cause to provide faithfully and truthfully such allegiance to defend God’s laws tirelessly and without fail. 1st Peter 2:17 Treason, in my estimation, is attempting to over throw your majesty’s government. It is when the allegiant defies his/her sworn duty to be allegiant to the Monarch and violates God’s laws and forces those ungodly laws, or decisions, upon those subjects of your majesty that are dependant on God’s laws for protection. These non-allegiant impostors are attempting to overthrow your majesty’s government, which is by the rule of the King James Bible. I am sanctioned by God and praying for your majesty’s attention to this International fraud and disgrace upon this your Coronation GoldenJubilee. I am a living man and no corporate fiction, a minister of Christ in humble repose yet proud and in stalwart defense of God’s laws at your majesty’s service. I would be extremely honored to act as a Judicial Examiner Delegate International (JEDI) for your majesty’s aid of securing in place, in short oral exam, the veracity of the true allegiance that they swore to your majesty and their bonafide capacity to provide said true allegiance and in ecclesiastical honor aid your majesty as high priestess of God’s temple in carrying out your majesty’s duties and commands in God’s service. Any other service of ministerial order I can offer your majesty, if it please your royal style and comfort, please communicate such need at your earliest convenience. I wrote my Mp John Williams who does not seem to honor his oath, and laid it before the Prime Minster, and the House of Commons Mp’s. They offered no reply to myself as a Minister. I have no truly allegiant courts of your majesty to turn and am being denied true justice in your name! I cannot participate in this fraud your majesty and perform my functions as a minister of God in defending his laws. I petition you for aid and honor in this unprecedented ecclesiastical matter of necessitated spiritual guidance and defense. “A time comes when silence is betrayal. Even when pressed by the demands of inner truth, men and women do not easily assume the task of opposing their government’s policy, especially in time of war. Nor does the human spirit move without great difficulty against all the apathy of conformist thought within one’s own bosom and in the surrounding world... “Some of us who have already begun to break the silence of the night have found that the calling to speak is often a vocation of agony, but we must speak. We must speak with all the humility that is appropriate to our limited vision, but we must speak. “We still have a choice today: nonviolent coexistence or violent co-annihilation. We must move past indecision to action. If we do not act, we shall surely be dragged down the long, dark, and shameful corridors of time reserved for those who possess power without compassion, might without morality, and strength without sight. “Now let us begin. Now let us rededicate ourselves in the long and bitter, but beautiful struggle for a new world....” Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. April 4, 1967, in Riverside Church, New York City Your humble minister and true professor of the gospels of our master and saviour Lord Jesus Christ in quest to save grace for and aid our Lords most trusted and revered earthly servant Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith. Minister of Christ Edward-Jay-Robin: Belanger Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International Heatherdown Ecclesia near Onoway, Alberta No code non commercial CC: Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth the second C/o Her majesty’s private secretary, Sir Robin Janvrin Buckingham Palace 011-44-207-839-5950 The President of the Privy council of Canada The Honorable Stephane Dion 66 Slater Street 8th floor Ottawa K1A-0A3 Tel: 613-943-1838 Fax: 613-992-3700 The Treasury Board President Lucienne Robillard Tel: 613-957-2666 Fax: 613-990-2806 Secretary of the Treasury Board Alex Sheppard Tel: 613-996-4984 613-996-4986 Lesplanade Laurier East Tower 9th Flr. 140 O’Conner St. Ottawa, Ont. K1A0R5 613 -957-2666 fax 613 990-2806 The Registrar General of Canada Jacqueline Gravelle Gene Edmunds South tower 9th Flr 365 Laurier Ave W. Ottawa K1a0C8 Tel: 613-941-9053 fax 613-941-9047 The Privy Council of Canada Chair: Stephane Dion The Governor General Of Canada Adrienne Clarkson Tel:1-800-465-6890 fax: 1-613-920-7636 The Right Honorable Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Lois Hole C/o 3rd flr Legislature Bldg 10800-97 Ave Edmonton Alberta T5k2b6 Tel: 427-7243 Fax: 422-5134 The Prime Minister of Canada Jean Chretien Tel; 1-800-465-6890 Fax 613-998-1664 Prime minister’s office 80 Wellington St. Ottawa Ont. K1A0A2 The Minister of Finance Paul Martin Lespanade Laurier East Tower 21st flr. 140 O’Conner St. Ottawa Ont.K1A0G5 Tel:613-996-7861 Fax::-613-995-5176 The Superintendent of Financial Institutions Mr. John Palmer 255 Albert Street 13flr Ottawa Ont. K1A0H2 Tel:1-800-385-864 Fax:613-990-5591 The Minister of Revenue Martin Cauchon Connaught Bldg 7th flr. 555 Mackenzie ave. Ottawa K1A0L5 Tel: 613-995-2960 Fax 613-952-6608 The Commissioner of the RCMP, Giuliano Zaccardelli 1200 Vanier Parkway Ottawa K1A0R4 Tel: 613-993-0400 Fax:613-993-5297 The Attorney General of Canada, Martin Cauchon Justice Bldg 284 Wellington St. Ottawa, Ont K1A0H8 Tel:613-992-4621 Fax:613-996-4516 The speaker for the House of Commons Peter Milliken House of Commons Ottawa Ont. K1A0A6 Tel:613-996-1955 Fax:613-996-1958 Minister of Canadian Heritage The Honorable Sheila Copps Room511-S House of Commons Ottawa,Ontario K1A 0A6 Fax: (819) 994-1267 Member of Parliament Rob Merrifield 613-992-1653 Fax:613-992-3459 Parliament Building Ottawa Ont. Senator Thelma Chalifoux Tel:613-943-0445 Fax:613-943-0450 Chalit (at) Senate of Canada Parliament Blds Wellington St. Ottawa, Ont.K1A0A4 Senator Tommy Banks Tel:613-995-1889 Fax:613-995-1938 Senator Nick Taylor Tel: 613-947-1605 Fax:1-613-947-1607 Taylon (at) The Leader of the Opposition Stockwell Day Tel:613-996-6740 Fax:613-947-0310 Day.s (at) The Registrar for the province of Alberta Laurie Beveridge Tel: 780-427-4095 Fax;422-0818 3rd flr. Commerce place [T5J4L4] The Director of Vital Statistics for the Province of Alberta Barry Haugrud Tel: 780-427-4645 Fax: 422-4225 3rd flr. John E. Brownlee 10365-97th St. [T5J3W7] The Executive Director of Land Titles for the Province of Alberta Ray Runge Box 2380,Edmonton,Alberta [ T5J2T3] Tel: 427-2742 Fax: 422-4290 Minister of Government Services for the Province of Alberta David Coutts Tel: 415-4855 Fax: 415-4853 Premier of Alberta Ralph Klein Tel: 427-2251 Fax: 427-1349 Rm 307 Legislature bldg.10800 97ave, Edmonton, Alberta T5K2B7 Mr. A. Charles Baillie Chairman & Chief Executive Officer The Toronto-Dominion Bank Executive Offices Toronto Ontario Mr. W. Edmund Clark President & Chief Operating Officer The Toronto-Dominion Bank Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, TD Canada Trust Mr. G. Montegu Black Chairman and President Txibanguan Limited Ms. Eleanor R. Clitheroe President and Chief Executive Officer Hydro One Inc. Mr. Marshall A. Cohen, Q.C. Counsel Cassels Brock & Blackwell Dr. Wendy K. Dobson Professor and Director Institute for International Business Joseph L. Rotman School of Management Mr. Henry H. Ketcham Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd. Mr. Pierre H. Lessard President & Chief Executive Officer Metro Inc. Mr. Brian F. MacNeill Chairman of the Board Petro-Canada Mr. Roger Phillips President and Chief Executive Officer IPSCO Inc. Mr. Edward S. Rogers President & Chief Executive Officer Rogers Communications Inc. Ms. Helen K. Sinclair Chief Executive Officer BankWorks Trading Inc. Mr. Donald R. Sobey Chairman Empire Company Limited Dr. Michael D. Sopko Chairman Inco Limited Mr. John M. Thompson Vice Chairman of the Board IBM Corporation Mr. Richard M. Thomson Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer The Toronto-Dominion Bank

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