Ecclesiastical Notice of lawful excuse for non appearance and determination of the account of minister :Edward Jay-Robin: of the Belanger family
Dear privately liable men and women so herein ecclesiastically noticed and named accurately as far as I can determine at this juncture: Allan H. LeFever, A.Gail Vicary, Neil C.Wittman, Michelle Doyle, Paul Ayotte, K.E. Tjosvold, Hugh A. Fuller,Michell Doyle,Debra Alford, Alison Redford, Vaugn Myers, Brad Pickering, Ray Bodnarek, Frank Oberle, Lorna Ross, Robert Nicholson, Myles Kirvin, Leona Aglukkak, Glenda Yates,Ted Morton,Tim Willes,Steve Jackson, Michelle Lafrance,Fran Salidas, Adam Halliday,Brian Saunders, Dwayne Weatherall, Donald S. Ethell, Brenda Majeau.
I Edward-Jay-Robin: Belanger being of a sane mind and soul being aware of my unalienable God granted freedoms and liberties being precedential to mans law, do hereby make this notice that I am not a corporate entity and do so vehemently object to any incorporation of my name formed for the purposes of commerce without my consent. I am aware of , as is the court aware of, the responsibility of the de facto court to know the difference between a legal fiction all capital letter name used to increase the jurisdiction of the court and a living man as my private name is formed and spelled in upper and lower case letters. I do not consent to you or anyone else to alter my name or force it upon me and have for 10 years been proclaiming my faith to many others, international magazine articles, even in Newspaper notices, to make all aware no one has any authority to alter or make money with my name or to make commercial use of my Christian given name or the family name that was by hearsay given to me. I have been extremely diligent in bringing many of you into awareness of my Christian Standing in this matter. Never has anyone demonstrated to me where the authority of a Christian Monarchy is written to alter and add to the laws of God nor where swearing an invalid oath to God is lawful. It is indeed a lawful excuse to refuse to obey unlawful authority and I have produced evidence that I am correct and am sincere in my observations and subsequent belief the authority is totally de facto and formed in fraud as it violate God’s commands. The Oxymoron of having a Christian Monarch Employ agents to intimidate her subjects to violate the commands of God seems quite vivid in light of the proof of a false oath...No liability to her ensues if a private suit is ever laid as the oath is a fabrication not authorised in law.
Jean Chretien will attest to my faith as he in 2002 sent Roger Piper of the NSI and Bob Hansen of the City of Edmonton Commercial crimes Unit to Intimidate me from sending factual letters spreading the truth about the fraud to all of the men and women acting as members of parliament in officially performing the functions of my calling.
My lawful excuse for failure to appear has standing as my faith and the commandments of God are the points that are under attack by your commercial process that is evidently violating it’s own prime directive. The issue of a false oath is real. Dave Hancock and Neil Skinner, his aid at the time, both admitted I was correct and that the oath is false...several men acting as Alberta judges have from the bench professors have, in awe, agreed with me!! My non appearance aforementioned is in observance and in concurrence with Black's law dictionary definition indicating the formal process whereby one submits themselves to the jurisdiction of the court. Once I saw the proof herein provided and I read the scriptures herein provided, I knew I could not appear in the false oathed, commercially registered business of the Alberta Courts...I have Standing in this matter as the law is opposed to my being able to exercise my faith in demanding the laws of the Bible take precedent over mans commercial and profit motivated business. I am so sincere in that I wish you could feel my heart.
Is this Africa where men are criminalised for practicing Christianity and providing proof of their beliefs?
I have diligently made you aware of the lawless actions of some of your de facto members bearing false oaths such as the man named Caffaro and the man named Pahl and the man named Peter Ayotte and the man named Hugh A. Fuller and a man named Vaughn Myers who has had all record of involvement of ever sitting on the legal fiction case erased from the record so the fact that he sat in conflict of interest would not come to light. None of you so diligently noticed of the facts have commented or contacted me and have indicated silence on these filed administrative complaints I made. (U.S. v. Tweel silence can only be equated with fraud when there is a legal or moral duty to speak, or when an inquiry left unanswered would be intentionally misleading) Estoppel in private liability is also applicable in line with Tacit consent achieved when a noticed party says nothing in rebuttal to an attestation or asseveration of facts that to avoid and ignore may cause injury to the one providing the facts. They have agreed you are correct by failing in duty to point out the error.
All herein mentioned have openly intimidated me to violate the commands of God Jehovah when I faithfully asked them questions, not submitting to their in contractual assumptive style...I cannot lawfully be intimidated to violate the laws of God by those acting as secular tyrants, yet I am being threatened that if I do not appear without a lawful excuse that they will issue a warrant for the all capital fiction you have bonded on paper as a registered security. Can I be forced to participate in an interlocking equity relationship wherein: you as the court represent in right of Her Majesty on the Province’s behalf, the prosecution representing on Her Majesty’s behalf and the Crown, being Her Majesty, brings forth the Charges, with a suggested lawyer also as an officer of the court who is bound by an Oath to Her Majesty? Is that not a conflict of interest and a stacked deck? How can I get a fair deal when you are all in bed with the Complainant?? Can finance connect my registered bonded annual annuity transfer with that registered security via your superannuation pension fund?
It will be my intent to herein test the veracity of the court’s jurisdiction via requesting "Aid and Direction" as to where the truly consented to authority to alter my name for the financial purposes of the court resides or exists as it is my contention and truthful revelation that I was under threat duress and intimidation to allow any incorporation of my name to be performed and clearly without informed consent. I print U.D.I. beside my name when I am intimidated to sign then just as I did on June 20th 2010 when I was intimidated into signing a promise to appear...I was told if I wrote Under duress and intimidation on it they would not let me out so I signed it U.D.I. No contract is valid if obtained under duress.. Read section 55 through 57 of your Bills of Exchange act. My religious faith and beliefs are frustrated by that contract which voids it! Amselem SCR 2004 sound familiar? There is not standard of safety or issue of damages to the province if it does not use upper legal fiction case names so the action of the court in doing so with no law to support it is unlawful and fraud. All caps names are dead legal fictions of law and we as Christians are not to affiliate ourselves with dead things.
Where did and does the authority lie to alter the form of an oath to God to bear true Allegiance to a Christian Monarch (Canadian Oaths of Allegiance Act) whose style and Title is “Defender of the faith” as contained in the Royal Style and Tiles Act on Justice Canada’s website via lawful oath as defined in the Statute of Westminster of 1648 chapter 22 sworn to defend the laws of God via the Coronation Oath Act of 1688 that has been in place for almost 4 hundred years? Sorry for the length of that question but I am being severely intimidated by your assumptive, admiralty law procession against me, the private bondservant of Christ, to violate my sincerely held faith and beliefs and knowledge of Christ and God’s commands.
I have included a brief list of credible references for your aid and perusal.
I will be making no representation but to be clear, an honorable presentation once the veracity of the honor of the prosecuting agent for the crown is established, indicating that the court can proceed with jurisdiction represented by competent counsel for the crown...I believe Regina vs McKibbon 1988 SCCR referred to the fact that everyone is entitled to competent council, even the courts and as the Crowns counsel is the Queen's liaison to the court. I feel it expedient and most appropriate to ensure that all appropriate and competent honor is to be seen and heard as well as the justice that results from such honorable application of an oath!
It will also be my intent to require the private man acting as the prosecutor to prove the veracity of his oath via subpoena duces takem to ensure it's form is authorized by Her Majesty's law and grammatical form approved by Her Majesty's curriculum and Canadian Style. I will be demanding that such documents of integrity establishing the jurisdiction of the court be produced to ensure honor is upheld as there is so much corruption evident within the system so gratefully guarded by Her Majesty in defence of the faith as to necessitate and verify all due diligence is applied to ensure the proceedings are not stained by fraud, personation or intimidation.
If the non- consented to alteration of my name in reverse and all capital letters is produced by the court registrar clerk and officers initiating this process, it will be required that the law allowing them to do so be produced in disclosure. The registrar has no authority to do so as I have not willingly offered it nor was I fully informed as to why it was being done and I went through the diligent effort of putting up a video on youtube channel of owlmon of my agreement with Heather Klimchuk regarding it,....My correct name cannot be offered to a court before the lawful, oath- bound to God jurisdiction of the court is established... It is my honorable intent to inform you of this, my lawful excuse for failure to appear, and require your aid and direction in this sensitive and serious matter.
If indeed my lawful excuse of pointing to laws added to God’s law in violation of his dictate and that the facts proving a blatantly visible a false oath does in fact exist, then my failure to appear is indeed justified..Deuteronomy 4:2,12:32 Leviticus 18:3-4
If you have evidence that you do have the Queens sanction to add to and take away from God’s law in violation of Deuteronomy 4:2&12:32 and to fabricate and swear to unlawful oaths unsanctioned by the Monarchy or law then I expect to hear from you to be pointing out my error as, if you do not, my lawful and honorable excuse for not appearing has irrefutable standing and ecclesiastical merit defended by the Queen herself.
Does this court comprised of private men acting as officers respect and honor the Canadian Bills of Exchange Act as applicable to them? Can you lawfully intimidate a man being a bondservant of Christ and his minister, to appear before false oathed impostors pushing contract admiralty law? Are all men equal before the law? If you do not take the duty bound opportunity to prove how you can lawfully force me to submit myself before impostors perpetrating a fraud, I will not be making an appearance, as that means submission to jurisdiction of false oathed impostors pushing commercial law upon me the, minister of Christ and heir of God. Reading section 423 of the commercial law, that your false oathed lawyer advisors may be familiar with, tells you that, as well as 180 of your criminal code is total commercial application of admiralty law.
Here is the bogus oath from Alberta and it is reflected in every province in Canada aside from Nova Scotia... Note the oath is to God not the Queen!!..From the Federal Oath of Allegiance Act that says carefully and note the word "shall" is an imperative absolute.
(1) Every person who, either of his own accord or in compliance with any lawful requirement made of the person, or in obedience to the directions of any Act or law in force in Canada, except the Constitution Act, 1867 and the Citizenship Act, desires to take an oath of allegiance shall have administered and take the oath in the following form, and no other:
I, ...................., do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors. So help me God. (Notice no words saying "according to law")
Now on to the oath that all of the legislature of Alberta and it's employee's have taken for decades as well as all the lawyers and Judges and police.
Alberta >> Statutes and Regulations >> Consolidated Statutes of Alberta >>
HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, enacts as follows:
Oath of allegiance 1(1) When by a statute of Alberta a person is required to take an oath of allegiance it shall be taken in the following form:
(Notice there is no word “Do” and no “Queen of Canada” and the words “According to law are not in the federal enactment”.
I, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, her heirs and successors, according to law. So help me God.
(2) Where the name of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second is expressed In the form, the name of the Sovereign at the time that the oath is taken shall be substituted therefore if different.
RSA 1970 c266 ss2, 5, Form A
Official oath
2 When by a statute of Alberta a person is required to take an official
Oath on
(a) Being appointed to an office other than that of judge or
Justice of the peace, or (b) Being admitted to a profession or calling,
the oath shall be taken in the following form:
I, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , swear that I will
diligently, faithfully and to the best of my ability execute according to
law the office of . . . . . . . . . . . So help me God.
RSA 1970 c266 s3,Form B
Judicial oath
3 When by a statute of Alberta a person is required to take a judicial
Oath on his appointment as a judge or as a justice of the peace, the oath
Shall be taken in the following form:
I, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , swear that I will honestly
and faithfully and to the best of my ability exercise the powers and duties
of a . . . . . . . . . . . . So help me God.
RSA 1970 c266 s4, Form C;1975(2) c43 s5
The BNAA also in schedule 5 has the specific form for the oath as does section 10 and 11 of the Goivernor Generals Act of 1947 as well as Chapter 22 from the Westminster Confession of Faith from 1648 to anchor us as to the intent of Parliament to describe the meaning of a lawful oath. One you see the law the Parliament intended to enact clearly states that a lawful oath is an act of religious worship you can see Why God his laws and the Bible have standing! No one has ever repealed that law! I make no use of but bring to your attention as of it’s applicability to you! Ezekiel 33:1-10
Ezekiel 33:1-10 requires me to Notice you that I make no use of your law by bringing it to your attention. It applies to you and the jeopardy it imparts upon you if you ignore it. I cannot make use of a hole in law but as the watchman, can and am commanded to warn you and all those who may be harmed by your fictional actions in mans commercial law. As ecclesiastics being heirs of God, His rule of law applies, not yours. I am sorry if your business interests and commercial profit of the organisations you are interlocking with in equity will be frustrated by the exercising of my faith but no different than the Sikh already knowing, as of cultural training, how to stand up for his beliefs, I intend to stand up for mine. If it is your intent to persecute me and punish me for the actions of my faith and the following of the commands of God Jehovah the queen is sworn to defend and you wish to challenge God’s law by putting out a warrant, I am demanding of you to Notice me formally as to your intent in that de facto and treasonous Action. If I get no notice outlining where the authority to get me to correspond with a fraud comes from I will believe you have accepted my lawful excuse and I have no threat to appear. Corporal Renee Banes has been noticed of this threat and intimidation I am under and I have asked her for protection from the impostors in Stony Plain. She has seen the false Oaths.
I will also be demanding in good faith and common sense course by what authority the Authorised version of the King James Bible can be lawfully removed from her Majesty’s court as it is the authorised law by the Queens command that is to be available in her courts throughout all of her realm in order for Her majesty to be able to carry out her Coronation Oath to, with all her power, defend the laws of God in defence of the Christian faith.
I thank you in Advance for your respected aid and direction in giving me fair notice if it will be your intent to resort to unlawful intimidation extortion and fraud by putting out a warrant for the arrest of the legal fiction when I do not appear before the false oathed impostors masquerading as judges in Edmonton or Stony Plain
minister Edward-Jay-Robin: Belanger, Head minister of the Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International, bondservant and emissary of Christ
Dated autographed and witnessed this sixth day of January 2011 A.D.
A sanctuary of knowledge and provoking information providing documented proof of a system dominated by a few elite bloated egos and that a ancient solution of a Silver bullet nature exists.
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Global Re-Evaluation of Justice John Rooke's Meads v. Meads Decision Context Meads v. Meads (2012) was a decision rendered by Justic...
Translation It takes the average person about 90 days to ingest the full 60 gram treatment. I suggest that people start with three doses pe...
Why is this dated with a roman numeral Anno Domini date and a common law date. Subpoena duces tecum is spelled wrong? There is lot of holes in your writing. Just a heads up! O:-)
yes since it worked I do not think spelling errors are of a consequence...
Epic. Theres a lot to go at in there.
Worth the read. Thanks
Its always funny, when someone mentions grammer or spellings and
doesnt spot thereselves doing exactly the same:
thenjhomebuyer said...
"There is lot of holes" ?????hahahaa!
letter "a" maybe someone?
I mean honestly.haha, You couldnt right it. :)
Jonathan ignores that it worked..I guess his critical mind does not wish to accept you can defeat fraud if yuou call it fraud and prove it!!
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