Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Red Eyes

it is my hope here to encourage those who venture into the info below to read all you can as time rolls by ......I am only a messenger...the message has more words than the language encompasses but is best reduced to one in order for our minds to comprehend this splendorific.......Love.

Thank you for coming, reading, questing and I welcome any information that would direct me to conclude I am in error as it is only by your aid in reading and absorbing the information, written and video, will I know if I have erred. Please help by letting me know if you feel so motivated. owlmon@gmail.com

I dedicate my best effort to compiling the materials that paint the pieces to the puzzled formation of life's canvas.

I do this for the foremost reason of awakening others to the reality of having faith in a Supreme connective energy and the real opportunity to exercise it ....

Blessings Namaste Tansi

From Minister Belanger

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