Saturday, October 23, 2010

Former minister gets Saskatchewan in his sights about driving vesus travelling

Jack Harper

1040-B 20th, Street West




(306) 88XXXXXX

Motor Vehicle Act
Message Hi, my name is Jackie Grant Veloise: Harper I have been reading your Motor Vehicle Act. I have a few questions. Since it is by asking that we learn, I hope you don't mind what should be very simple questions for you. You see, I would hate to unknowingly break the law and I also have no desire to unknowingly put myself in a contract where none is needed.
The first question has to do with the definition of 'motor vehicle'.
"motor vehicle" means a vehicle, not run on rails, that is designed to be self propelled or propelled by electric power obtained from overhead trolley wires;
Is it a full and complete definition? If you wish to say it is then I must ask is the definition of accident a full and complete definition?
"accident" includes an intentional collision;
(It is obvious that the definition of accident is neither full nor complete, therefore the definition of motor vehicle is not either. If one is and one isn't how do you tell? )
An apple is a red round fruit. Does that mean that all red round fruits are apples? What about pomegranates, then? You see, I realize that the definition of motor vehicle is doing one of two things. It is either fully describing or merely partially describing. If it is the latter then there must be other attributes to a 'motor vehicle'.
This brings me to my next question.
Registration and license
3 (1) Except as otherwise provided in this Act, the owner of a motor vehicle or trailer must, before it is used or operated on a highway,
(a) register the motor vehicle or trailer with the Saskatchewan Government Insurance,
(b) obtain a license for its operation under this section, and
(c) obtain for it a certificate of insurance under the Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act.
(2) Despite subsection (1), a trailer towed by a tractor licensed under section 8 need not be licensed.
(3) The owner must apply for
(a) registration and license in the form required by the Saskatchewan Government Insurance, and
(b) a motor vehicle liability policy in accordance with the Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act and regulations under that Act.
These words are in your act. Is this perhaps the missing part of your definition, or maybe a part of the missing pieces? This section is doing one of two things; creating an obligation for you or for me. If I have a ‘thing’, which appears to match your definition of ‘motor vehicle’, and that definition is full and complete, then the obligation is mine. If however it is not a full and complete definition, then this sentence creates an obligation for you to prove that an act of registration took place before you can claim my 'thing' is a 'motor vehicle'. See the difference?
Now, since I know that an act of registration involves also an act of submission and an act of application and I know an application is a request, do you claim that I am obligated to request or apply? I believe that in law, nobody is ever obligated to request, plead or beg. We certainly are not obligated to submit. Submission is always a choice.
I hope we are finding our common ground here. I have but a few more questions at this time.
Is there any part of your act, which clearly, specifically and unequivocally removes my Common Law Right to 'Travel' on a public highway with my own private conveyance of the day? I could not find it. If any part of your act does so, please point it out. If you are incapable of pointing that out, will you please acknowledge that such a right does in fact still exist, regardless of how many people are presently exercising it? If not, then why not?
Now, there are armed people out on the highways, who if I try to exercise my right to travel, will because of the confusion in your act, feel they have the right to stop, detain and harass me. Apparently, they failed to question like I do and act on assumptions. I do not. They believe that the word 'must' creates an obligation on my part and they fail to realize that 'must' means 'may'. If these people are out there acting as your Agents, do you not have an obligation to inform them as to the limits of their powers? If your Agents stop me from exercising my rights, are you not then to blame, especially if you failed to inform them about the limits of their powers? I feel you are.
If everyone else on the highway chooses to enter into a contract with you and be deemed a 'driver' instead of exercising his or her common law right to travel, does that mean I am obligated to enter into a contract with you? In law contracts must be voluntary. This is as it should be.
Let us say that I am lawfully exercising my right to travel and I am stopped by one of your agents. Can your Agent claim that I am 'driving' an 'unregistered motor vehicle' even if the act of registration is required before you can even call my 'thing' a 'motor vehicle'?
So to sum up, here are my very simple questions in point form. Please save me the time and trouble of doing a Determination by Proxy and answer these questions truthfully and completely and in good faith. Please do not answer any question unless the previous one was answered first. Circle your answer please.
1- Is the definition of motor vehicle in your act a full and complete definition? Yes or No
2- Do the words "The owner must apply for" create an obligation on my part? Yes or No
3- Do the words "The owner must apply for" create an obligation on your part to prove such an act took place before you can claim my 'thing' is a motor vehicle? Yes or No
4- Is there a section of the Motor Vehicle Act which clearly, specifically and unequivocally removes my right to travel on a public highway in my own private conveyance? Yes or No
5- Do you acknowledge that such a right, though not widely exercised still exist? Yes or No?
6- Are you as the Principle obligated to inform your Agents as to their powers and the limits on their powers? Yes or No.
7- Is an act of 'Application' required for me to register a 'motor vehicle'? Yes or No
8- Are you liable for the actions of your Agents in the performance of their duties? Yes or No
9- Is a Drivers License a Contract? Yes or No
10- Am I obligated to enter into a contract in order to exercise my rights? Yes or No
11- When I exercise my right and an armed agent of yours stops me, do you realize that you are liable? Yes or No
12- Do you realize that being stopped by an armed man for no other reason than exercising a right is a violation of my human rights? Yes or No
13- If one of your Agents does stop me, I will claim that you as principal were negligent in your duties to inform him as to his powers. I will then sue you for negligence and for infringing on my Rights. Do you accept my right to sue you for the actions of your agents? Yes or No
14- Do you agree to immediately pay me One Million Canadian Dollars ($1,000,000) if due to your negligence one of your Agents stops me? Yes or No
15- Am I requesting through an act of application to have my thing considered a motor vehicle? Yes or No
Thank you for your time. Please answer all of these questions. Failure to answer within 10 days will result in another letter. It will be a Determination by Proxy. That is where your silence is all I need to create an agreement.
Thanks and have a great day!
Sincerely looking forward to exercising my right to travel without interference from the less informed.
Jackie Grant Veloice: Harper

1040-B 20th., Street West, Saskatoon, Sask.

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