A sanctuary of knowledge and provoking information providing documented proof of a system dominated by a few elite bloated egos and that a ancient solution of a Silver bullet nature exists.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
The ACT of 1871 formed the corporation called THE UNITED STATES
The ACT of 1871 formed the corporation called THE UNITED STATES ~ This is the reason congress is a potted plant and a DEN of traitors!
1871, February 21: Congress Passes an Act to Provide a Government for
the District of Columbia, also known as the Act of 1871.
With no constitutional authority to do so, Congress creates a separate form of
government for the District of Columbia, a ten mile square parcel of land (see,
Acts of the Forty-first Congress," Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and 62).
The act -- passed when the country was weakened and financially depleted in
the aftermath of the Civil War -- was a strategic move by foreign interests
(international bankers) who were intent upon gaining a stranglehold on the
coffers and neck of America. Congress cut a deal with the international bankers
(specifically Rothschilds of London) to incur a DEBT to said bankers. Because
the bankers were not about to lend money to a floundering nation without
serious stipulations, they devised a way to get their foot in the door of the
United States.
The Act of 1871 formed a corporation called THE UNITED STATES. The
corporation, OWNED by foreign interests, moved in and shoved the original
Constitution into a dustbin. With the Act of 1871, the organic Constitution was
defaced -- in effect vandalized and sabotage -- when the title was capitalized
and the word "for" was changed to "of" in the title.
the incorporated UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It operates in an economic
capacity and has been used to fool the People into thinking it governs the
Republic. It does is not! Capitalization is NOT insignificant when one is referring
to a legal document. This seemingly "minor" alteration has had a major impact
on every subsequent generation of Americans. What Congress did by passing
the Act of 1871 was create an entirely new document, a constitution for the
government of the District of Columbia, an INCORPORATED government. This
newly altered Constitution was not intended to benefit the Republic. It benefits
only the corporation of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and operates entirely
outside the original (organic) Constitution.
Instead of having absolute and unalienable rights guaranteed under the organic
Constitution, we the people now have "relative" rights or privileges. One
example is the Sovereign's right to travel, which has now been transformed
(under corporate government policy) into a "privilege" that requires citizens to
be licensed. (Passports) By passing the Act of 1871, Congress committed
TREASON against the People who were Sovereign under the grants and decrees
of the Declaration of Independence and the organic Constitution. [Information
courtesy of Lisa Guliani, www.babelmagazine.com. The Act of 1871 became the
FOUNDATION of all the treason since committed by government officials.]
Dove: The following is an expansion and further explanation of the above (an
adaptation of Lisa's work, done with her permission), which you may want to
read for your own edification. Whereas my Chapter 9 is a time-map of the major
Headlines and Landmines of the 200-years-plus history of America, each
subsequent chapter goes into particular details. This section is from Chapter 18,
"The Tale of Two Governments, which overall addresses the difference between
a democracy and a republic as well as the fact of a federal government and a
shadow government practicing under the guise of The Corporation. I'm sure Lisa
won't mind your using what you need in order to make whatever point you wish
to make in the moment. . . . .
The United States Isn't a Country; It's a Corporation! In preparation for stealing
America, the puppets of Britain's banking cabal had already created a second
government, a Shadow Government designed to manage what the common
herd believed was a democracy, but what really was an incorporated UNITED
STATES. Together this chimera, this two-headed monster, disallowed the
common herd all rights of sui juris. [you, in your sovereignty]
Congress, with no authority to do so, created a separate form of government for
the District of Columbia, a ten-mile square parcel of land. WHY and HOW did
they do so? First, Lisa Guliani of Babel Magazine, reminds us that the Civil War
was, in fact, "little more than a calculated front with fancy footwork by
backroom players." Then she adds: "It was also a strategic maneuver by British
and European interests (international bankers) intent on gaining a stranglehold
on the coffers of America. And, because Congress knew our country was in dire
financial straits, certain members of Congress cut a deal with the international
bankers (in those days, the Rothschilds of London were dipping their fingers into
everyone's pie). . . . . There you have the WHY, why members of Congress
permitted the international bankers to gain further control of America. . . . . .
"Then, by passing the Act of 1871, Congress formed a corporation known as
THE UNITED STATES. This corporation, owned by foreign interests, shoved the
organic version of the Constitution aside by changing the word 'for' to 'of' in the
title. Let me explain: the original Constitution drafted by the Founding Fathers
read: 'The Constitution for the united states of America.' [note that neither the
words 'united' nor 'states' began with capital letters] But the CONSTITUTION OF
THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA' is a corporate constitution, which is
absolutely NOT the same document you think it is. First of all, it ended all our
rights of sovereignty [sui juris]. So you now have the HOW, how the
international bankers got their hands on THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA."
To fully understand how our rights of sovereignty were ended, you must know
the full meaning of sovereign: "Chief or highest, supreme power, superior in
position to all others; independent of and unlimited by others; possessing or
entitled to; original and independent authority or jurisdiction." (Webster).
In short, our government, which was created by and for us as sovereigns -- free
citizens deemed to have the highest authority in the land – was stolen from us,
along with our rights. Keep in mind that, according to the original Constitution,
only We the People are sovereign. Government is not sovereign. The Declaration
of Independence say, "…government is subject to the consent of the governed."
That's us -- the sovereigns. When did you last feet like a sovereign? As Lisa
Guliani explained:
"It doesn't take a rocket scientist or a constitutional historian to figure out that
the U.S. Government has NOT been subject to the consent of the governed
since long before you or I were born. Rather, the governed are subject to the
whim and greed of the corporation, which has stretched its tentacles beyond the
ten-mile-square parcel of land known as the District of Columbia. In fact, it has
invaded every state of the Republic. Mind you, the corporation has NO
jurisdiction beyond the District of Columbia. You just think it does. "You see,
you are 'presumed' to know the law, which is very weird since We the People
are taught NOTHING about the law in school. We memorize obscure facts and
phrases here and there, like the Preamble, which says, 'We the
People…establish this Constitution for the United States of America.' But our
teachers only gloss over the Bill of Rights. Our schools (controlled by the
corporate government) don't delve into the Constitution at depth. After all, the
corporation was established to indoctrinate and 'dumb-down' the masses, not to
teach anything of value or importance. Certainly, no one mentioned that
America was sold-out to foreign interests, that we were beneficiaries of the debt
incurred by Congress, or that we were in debt to the international bankers. Yet,
for generations, Americans have had the bulk of their earnings confiscated to
pay a massive debt that they did not incur. There's an endless stream of things
the People aren't told. And, now that you are being told, how do you feel about
being made the recipient of a debt without your knowledge or consent? "After
passage of the Act of 1871 Congress set a series of subtle and overt deceptions
into motion, deceptions in the form of decisions that were meant to sell us down
the river. Over time, the Republic took it on the chin until it was knocked down
and counted out by a technical KO [knock out]. With the surrender of the
people's gold in 1933, the 'common herd' was handed over to illegitimate law.
"Our corporate form of governance is based on Roman Civil Law and Admiralty,
or Maritime, Law, which is also known as the 'Divine Right of Kings' and the
'Law of the Seas' -- another fact of American history not taught in our schools.
Actually, Roman Civil Law was fully established in the colonies before our nation
began, and then became managed by private international law. In other words,
the government -- the government created for the District of Columbia via the
Act of 1871 – operates solely under Private International Law, not Common
Law, which was the foundation of our Constitutional Republic. "This fact has
impacted all Americans in concrete ways. For instance, although Private
International Law is technically only applicable within the District of Columbia,
and NOT in the other states of the Union, the arms of the Corporation of the
UNITED STATES are called 'departments' -- i.e., the Justice Department, the
Treasury Department. And those departments affect everyone, no matter where
(in what state) they live. Guess what? Each department belongs to the
corporation -- to the UNITED STATES.
"Refer to any UNITED STATES CODE (USC). Note the capitalization; this is
evidence of a corporation, not a Republic. For example, In Title 28 3002 (15)
(A) (B) (C), it is unequivocally stated that the UNITED STATES is a corporation.
Translation: the corporation is NOT a separate and distinct entity; it is not
disconnected from the government; it IS the government -- your government.
This is extremely important! I refer to it as the 'corporate EMPIRE of the UNITED
STATES,' which operates under Roman Civil Law outside the original
Constitution. How do you like being ruled by a corporation? You say you'll ask
your Congressperson about this? HA!! "Congress is fully aware of this deception.
So it's time that you, too, become aware of the deception. What this great
deception means is that the members of Congress do NOT work for us, for you
and me. They work for the Corporation, for the UNITED STATES. No wonder we
can't get them to do anything on our behalf, or meet or demands, or answer our
"Technically, legally, or any other way you want to look at the matter, the
corporate government of the UNITED STATES has no jurisdiction or authority in
ANY State of the Union (the Republic) beyond the District of Columbia. Let that
tidbit sink in, then ask yourself, could this deception have occurred without full
knowledge and complicity of the Congress? Do you think it happened by
accident? If you do, you're deceiving yourself.
"There are no accidents, no coincidences. Face the facts and confront the truth.
Remember, you are presumed to know the law. THEY know you don't know the
law or, for that matter, your history. Why? Because no concerted effort was
ever made to teach or otherwise inform you. As a Sovereign, you are entitled to
full disclosure of all facts. As a slave, you are entitled to nothing other than
what the corporation decides to 'give' you.
"Remember also that 'Ignorance of the law is no excuse.' It's your responsibility
and obligation to learn the law and know how it applies to you. No wonder the
corporation counted on the fact that most people are too indifferent,
unconcerned, distracted, or lazy to learn what they need to know to survive
within the system. We have been conditioned to let the government do our
thinking for us. Now's the time to turn that around if we intend to help save our
Republic and ourselves -- before it's too late.
"As an instrument of the international bankers, the UNITED STATES owns you
from birth to death. It also holds ownership of all your assets, of your property,
even of your children. Think long and hard about all the bills taxes, fines, and
licenses you have paid for or purchased. Yes, they had you by the pockets. If
you don't believe it, read the 14th Amendment. See how 'free' you really are.
Ignorance of the facts led to your silence. Silence is construed as consent;
consent to be beneficiaries of a debt you did not incur. As a Sovereign People
we have been deceived for hundreds of years; we think we are free, but in truth
we are servants of the corporation.
"Congress committed treason against the People in 1871. Honest men could
have corrected the fraud and treason. But apparently there weren't enough
honest men to counteract the lust for money and power. We lost more freedom
than we will ever know, thanks to corporate infiltration of our so-called
'government.' "Do you think that any soldier who died in any of our many wars
would have fought if he or she had known the truth? Do you think one person
would have laid down his/her life for a corporation? How long will we remain
silent? How long will we perpetuate the MYTH that we are free? When will we
stand together as One Sovereign People? When will we take back what has been
as stolen from the us?
"If the People of America had known to what extent their trust was betrayed,
how long would it have taken for a real revolution to occur? What we now need
is a Revolution in THOUGHT. We need to change our thinking, then we can
change our world. Our children deserve their rightful legacy -- the liberty our
ancestors fought to preserve, the legacy of a Sovereign and Fully Free People."
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Manuka Honey kills every kind of virus and bacteria known to science!!
Mysterious Honey Discovered That Kills All Bacteria Scientists throw at it.
AUSTRALIAN researchers have been astonished to discover a cure-all right under their noses — a honey sold in health food shops as a natural medicine.
Far from being an obscure health food with dubious healing qualities, new research has shown the honey kills every type of bacteria scientists have thrown at it, including the antibiotic-resistant “superbugs” plaguing hospitals and killing patients around the world.
Some bacteria have become resistant to every commonly prescribed antibacterial drug. But scientists found that Manuka honey, as it is known in New Zealand, or jelly bush honey, as it is known in Australia, killed every bacteria or pathogen it was tested on.
It is applied externally and acts on skin infections, bites and cuts.
The honey is distinctive in that it comes only from bees feeding off tea trees native to Australia and New Zealand, said Dee Carter, from the University of Sydney’s School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences.
The findings are likely to have a major impact on modern medicine and could lead to a range of honey-based products to replace antibiotic and antiseptic creams.
Professor Carter’s two sons, Marty, 8 and Nicky, 6, think it’s funny the way their mother puts honey on their sores. But she swears by it, telling stories of how quickly it cures any infection.
“Honey sounds very homey and unscientific, which is why we needed the science to validate the claims made for it,” she said.
The curative properties of various types of honey have been known to indigenous cultures for thousands of years, and dressing wounds with honey was common before the advent of antibiotics.
“Most bacteria that cause infections in hospitals are resistant to at least one antibiotic, and there is an urgent need for new ways to treat and control surface infections,” Professor Carter said.
“New antibiotics tend to have short shelf lives, as the bacteria they attack quickly become resistant. Many large pharmaceutical companies have abandoned antibiotic production because of the difficulty of recovering costs. Developing effective alternatives could therefore save many lives.”
Professor Carter said the fascinating thing was that none of the bacteria researchers used to test the honey, including superbugs such as flesh-eating bacteria, built up any immunity.
She said a compound in the honey called methylglyoxal — toxic on its own — combined in unknown ways with other unidentified compounds in the honey to cause “multi-system failure” in the bacteria.
The results of the research project are published in this month’s European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Posted by nowisthetimeus on September 19, 2012
Seattle, Washington State, America
September 20, 2012
Criminal/civil charges have been filed with referenced evidentiary weblinks against officials of the Washington State corporate government, as well as media corporations operating in Washington State, for perpetrating/enabling systemic financial/constititutional fraud and treason.
The allegations in these legal actions specifically expose what has been called the CAFR scam, with its implications of fraudulent unnecessary budget cuts to government services at all levels of government all across America as a result of theft by the private Federal Reserve System. These are accompanied by related allegations that the Washington State Constitution of 1889, as well as the present US corporate government, are fraudulent, and that failure to disclose this constitutes treason on the part of state corporate government/media officials.
These criminal/civil charges have been filed with the Federal Grand Jury of the Ninth District Court, the FBI, the Offices of the King County Sheriff, and that of the Seattle Chief of Police and Seattle City Prosecutor here in Seattle . They have also been filed in the state capital of Olympia/Thurston County with the Offices of the Thurston County Sherriff, the Thurston County Prosecutor, the Olympia Chief of Police and the Olympia City Prosecutor.
Copies of these charges’ Proofs of Filing can be seen below. All civil/criminal charges filed at the local level were hand-delivered, with receipts signed at the front desk for documentation of filing. Those filed at the federal level even if local, as well as those filed at a distance in the Washington State capital of Olympia were filed via certified mail.
Those charges filed with the Federal Grand Jury were filed without return receipt to better ensure that they would reach the Foreperson without the interposition of possibly compromised court clerks or US attorneys; accordingly, a copy of the screen shot from the delivery tracking portion of the US Postal Service website has been scanned to show such proper filing, with delivery on September 10, 2012.
It should be mentioned that two attempts to file these charges with the King County Prosecutor’s Office were unsuccessful. In both instances, clerks connected with this office rejected the packet of charges. They stated that sovereign citizens did not have the right to file criminal charges, and that all civil charges against the state need to be filed as a civil lawsuit at the sovereign citizen’s expense — now $400 — with the district court to be decided by state corporate government-appointed judges. This clearly no-win proposition for the plaintiff was immediately rejected by this plaintiff.
All of the filings of these charges been done in such a way to ensure as well as is possible that appropriate action might be taken on the part of law enforcement/judicial agencies located in Washington State, and that if it is not, that such derogation of duty will become immediately and publicly apparent, as seen in the paragraph above concerning Proof of Public Disservice by the King County Prosecutor’s Office.
Since the term “United States of America” is now often considered to denote the bank cartel-controlled federal government corporation, many geopolitically savvy sovereign citizens prefer being called “Americans” and their country “America”, even though we share the North American continent with other nations. This dichotomy illustrates the gravity of the issues being discovered in this document, and is the reason that the terms ” America ” and “Americans” are herein being used instead of ” USA ” and ” US citizens” to denote our nation and its legitimate inhabitants.
Media corporations operating in Washington State are, possibly for the first time in recorded history, included in such a legal action. It finally needs to be publicly acknowledged and acted upon that corporate media distortions and omissions in reporting the news as agreed upon in their corporate charters have long enabled such ongoing criminal activity on the part of corrupt corporate government officials in this state and in others throughout the world. This was also done to remind both media corporations and the public that, besides prosecution of their executives, corporate charters can be legally rescinded as a form of capital punishment for capitalist corporate entities whenever their corporate charters are repeatedly and reprehensibly violated, as many have been in recent memory.
It is hoped that these public legal actions will help create a template by which empowered sovereign citizens everywhere can draft their own like public legal actions based on their own situations, research and laws, and they, like sovereign citizens in Washington State, can themselves publicly file these charges with their own law enforcement agencies to help expose and systemically extirpate this ancient ongoing theft of planetary resources.
Other sovereign citizens of Washington State are cordially invited to print out these charges and file them with their own local law enforcement officials, as well as forward them to their elected representatives, to Washington State media and to their fellow citizens, so that general knowledge of such systemic evil and what can successfully eliminate it can rapidly be increased.
For it is only by such peaceful but effective means that the satanic international bank-based corporate crime syndicate that presently controls most of the governments of this planet will ultimately and forever be defeated.
WCSS 9-5-12.doc
Against the following Washington State corporate government officials:
Governor Christine Gregoire, Treasurer James McIntire, Attorney General Robert McKenna, Washington State Investment Board Legislature Liaison Rep. Sharon Tomiko-Santos, Budget Director Martin Brown, President of the Senate Lisa Brown, Co-Chairmen of the Senate Ways and Means Committee, Senators Edward Murray and Joseph Zarelli, Speaker of the House Frank Chopp and Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Ross Hunter, as well as top management of mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State, the following criminal/civil charges are alleged:
1. Systemic Ongoing Financial Fraud Against the People of Washington State
1.01 That the abovementioned Washington State corporate government officials and their predecessors in office, as well as mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State have knowingly and repeatedly concealed the existence of approximately two-thirds of state monies shown in the Washington State Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, (CAFR) while misrepresenting the remaining one-third of these monies as the entire “state budget” since at least the mid-1940s;
Websites/links on CAFRs/CAFR Scam
www.cafrman.com www.cafr1.com
1.02 That Washington State corporate government officials have invested the two-thirds of state monies concealed in the CAFR in institutional corporate Wall Street investments, rather than in investments that would directly benefit the people of Washington State, such as investments in small businesses with the much greater amount of employment, personal prosperity and government tax revenues they would provide, in infrastructure maintenance that would provide widespread employment as well as for the general welfare, or in a public state bank, which, as in the State of North Dakota since 1919, would eliminate state economic downturns altogether;
Websites on Pubic Banking
www.wapublicbankproject.org www.publicbanking.org www.webofdebt.com
1.03. That, next to institutional investments in the US government corporation’s increasingly devalued financial instruments — the collateral damage from the recently revealed LIBOR scandal (LIBOR=London Interbank Offered Rate or “LIBER” (Latin for “Unregulated”) —
the state corporate government’s largest investments are in the corrupt international banking cartel directly responsible for the global depression of 2008, in which the global economy, as well as that of Washington State presently remain;
1.04 That at least eighty-five percent of the state’s investments are in foreign governmental or quasi-governmental entities and transnational corporations; few of them are in any entity located within Washington State , or in any headquartered in America ;
1.05 That of these transnational corporate Wall Street investments, a disproportionate number are in predatory transnational corporations other than the predatory transnational banks, in which the majority of the people of Washington State, if sufficiently informed, would not want their money invested as a matter of ethical and/or environmental principles; this includes institutional investments in BP, Shell, Keystone XL, Dow Chemical, Massey Energy, Cargill and Monsanto;
1.06 That the Washington State government has a grave conflict of interest by aggressively promoting by both executive order and legislation the products of industries in which they have large investments, such as the pharmaceutical cartel and its bioweaponized vaccines, in which it has institutional investments of over one-half billion dollars;
Why the Washington State Government Is a Ruthless Vaccine Pusher
1.07 That the Washington State government has a grave conflict of interest by failing to proportionately tax those Washington State-located transnational corporations in which it is heavily invested and/or whose favor they wish to obtain;
1.08 That the Washington State government has a grave conflict of interest by investing in foreign manufacturing competitors while failing to invest in those which would provide manufacturing employment and infrastructure for the people of Washington State;
1.09 That the Washington State Investment Board (WSIB) — the financial arm of the Washington State Legislature headed by the state treasurer — employs financial advisors of questionable competence and integrity, including accused war criminal former US Secretary of State Madeline Albright and the infamously corrupt investment firm of Goldman Sachs — never consulting with those who offer any alternative economic perspectives and solutions, including those employed within the Washington State government itself;
1.10 That the WSIB plotted in the spring of 2006 to alter the Washington State Constitution so that the fulsome Washington State Education Fund — derived from regular fees paid by the state’s resource extraction industries of mining, fishing and lumbering — could be used in the future for institutional corporate Wall Street investments, rather than as before being kept safely in trust;
1.11 That to achieve this diversion of state funds in trust, the WSIB quietly placed on the state ballot Issue 4215, which proposed an amendment to the Washington State Constitution allowing the state higher education funds to be used in corporate Wall Street investments;
1.12 That the majority of voters in Washington State, deliberately kept ill-informed by state corporate government officials and mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State, passed this stealth measure by a large margin in November 2006, to be ratified as a constitutional amendment by the state legislature in January 2007;
2006 Washington State Voters Guide Writeup on State Issue 4215
1.13 That, since early 2004, the WSIB has deliberately invested a large portion of its institutional investment portfolio in derivatives and credit default options (CDOs), the most opaque, unstable investment instruments imaginable;
1.14 That, due to the corporate bailouts and banking cartel-engineered depression of 2008, as well as the WSIB’s prodigal, imprudent corporate Wall Street investments, the Washington State Education Fund now has been depleted by half, due to the resulting devaluation of institutionally invested stocks and bonds;
1.15 This has served to radically increase tuition and student loan indebtedness while radically decreasing the availability and quality of higher education to the people of Washington State ;
1.16 That all of this occurred less than two years after Issue 4215 was stealthily and deceptively introduced by the WSIB, passed by the majority of voters, and its related constitutional amendment approved by their state legislators;
1.17 That the amount of the people’s money deliberately being squandered in volatile institutional corporate Wall Street investments is at least eighty times the amount of the alleged state budget deficit of approximately $1 billion, which this invested money could have easily eliminated if used responsibly;
1.18 That the abovecited Washington State officials continually demand increasingly exorbitant taxation and licensing fees from the already deliberately financially stressed people of this state;
1.19 That they do this is while being entrusted with massive amounts of the people’s money, yet knowingly and willfully withholding and purloining it for the benefit of the private international banking cartel and those who secretly control it;
1.20 That the immediate motive for this treasonous fraud perpetrated by the abovecited Washington State corporate government officials and their predecessors in office and mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State against the people of this state has been their greed for both wealth and power, accepting lucrative bribes, kickbacks, campaign contributions, loans and lucrative advertising contracts, as well as enhanced monies from personal investments from the corrupt international banking cartel and other corrupt transnational corporations;
1.21 That the actual underlying motive of these corporate state government officials’/media corporations’ corporate contributors has been, besides huge profits, the financial destruction and enslavement of the people of this state;
1.22 That therefore the Washington State corporate government budget and its budget deficit are now, and have been since at least the mid-1940s, fraudulent;
1.23 And therefore all budget cuts made on the pretext of this fraudulent state budget deficit that now threaten the general welfare — including the health and wellbeing of the disabled and disenfranchised, the cutting of public library, public transportation and public education services and those budget cuts which threaten to privatize all of the Washington state park system — are therefore criminal.
Websites/links Providing Evidence of the CAFR Scam in the Washington State Corporate Government, Including the Washington State Investment Board’s CAFR With Analysis, and Similar Recent Budgetary Fraud Exposed in the California State Parks System
http://nowisthetime.us www.sib.wa.gov
The Spokane Spokesman/Seattle Times Columnist: Washington State Parks Now on Their Own
CAFR Scam Exposed: California State Parks Department Had $54 million While Asking for Park Volunteers and Cutting Park Services
2. Deliberate Denial of Remedy, Indicating Complicity in Criminal Conspiracy
2.01 That the above-cited Washington State corporate government officials and their predecessors in office, as well as mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State, have failed repeatedly to disclose publicly that the figures contained in the Washington State Annual Comprehensive Financial Report — not those in what they claim as the annual budgetary document — are the most accurate declaration of actual state corporate government funds;
2.02 That the abovecited Washington State corporate government officials and their predecessors in office have failed to provide to the public clear comprehensive summaries of the fraudulent, unnecessary budget cuts made to each and every state cabinet department and its programs to obfuscate their negative impact on the general welfare of this state; and the abovecited mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State have failed to demand and report on such essential information;
2.03 That the WSIB has deliberately invested the people’s money in volatile corporate Wall Street investments knowing that it would never be returned to them, not only because their inherent risk, but because of ongoing fraudulent and insidious federal corporate confiscation of these funds, upon which the mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in this state, as well as state corporate government officials, have continually refused to report to duly inform the public;
2.04 That all individual and institutional investments, after being registered by a stock broker with the Depository Transaction Clearing Center (DTCC) — an obscure subsidiary of the privately owned Federal Reserve System doing business as (dba) the sardonically named Cede Inc. — become the tacitly ceded property of Cede Inc., with the people thereby rendered mere “beneficiaries” rather than owners, of their own investments;
2.05 That thereafter the people can be denied access to the dividends of these institutional investments at any time by the Federal Reserve corporation and those who secretly control this privately owned alien entity;
Who Really Owns Your Money: The Depository Trust Clearing Corporation
Here Is Where Some of the Washington State Corporate Government’s Institutional Investments of the People’s Money Actually Went After It Was Stolen by the Federal Reserve Through the DTCC:
Final Federal Reserve Audit Results Posted on September 4, 2012:
$16 Trillion Stolen from the American People to Enrich the International Banking Cartel
Exhaustive Study Finds Globalists Hiding $32 Trillion in Secret Off-Shore Bank Accounts
2.06 That the above-cited Washington State corporate government officials and their predecessors in office, as well as the mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in this state have repeatedly failed to enact/accurately report historically proven remedies to the state budget deficit — such as proportionate corporate taxation, state investment in small business, physical/technical infrastructure and a public state bank, while utilizing prudent trusts and investment instruments — although being fully and repeatedly informed of the benefits of these remedies;
2.07 That all of the above constitutes deliberate denial of remedy and complicity in criminal conspiracy.
3. Ongoing Systemic Constitutional Fraud Against the People of Washington State Tantamount to Treason
3.01 That the abovecited Washington State corporate government officials and their predecessors in office, as well as the mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State have failed both to reveal and remediate the fact that the present Washington State Constitution of 1889 — latest amended by state investments-related Issue 4215 in 2006 — is fraudulent, automatically rendering invalid all legislation and executive orders enacted by officers of the current spurious state government corporation, specifically those dealing with its governmental financial system;
3.02 That the original state constitution enacted via due process by the people of Washington State in 1878 is indeed the actual Washington State Constitution, but was treasonously confiscated and held hostage by the banking cartel-controlled United States Corporation of the District of Columbia (DC) through the calculated failure of the US Congress to act upon it for eleven years until it was quietly replaced by the one of 1889 that had been drafted and enacted by spurious means;
3.03 That this banking cartel-controlled federal corporation had quietly been put in place during the upheaval of the cartel-engineered American Civil War/Reconstruction Period, during which the common-law US Constitution and Bill of Rights was stealthily replaced by unconstitutional statutory/commercial law and executive orders under the rubric of President Abraham Lincoln’s declaration of martial law at the beginning of the American Civil War in 1861 that has continued unrescinded to this day;
3.04 That the Washington DC-based United States Corporation then proceeded by various methods to subvert sovereign US states into becoming corporate subsidiaries of the federal US corporation;
3.05 That one of the methods used was for the de facto board of directors of the federal United States Corporation, the US Congress, to refuse to ratify any lawfully enacted state constitution under the ruse of political partisanship unless that new state constitution incorporated the treasonous agenda of the federal government corporation;
3.06 That such an example is the fraudulent Washington State Constitution of 1889, which diverged from the original of 1878, insofar as it omitted any acknowledgement of sovereign state citizenship and of alloidial personal property rights that the banking cartel-controlled US Corporation ultimately intends to eliminate in America and throughout the world;
3.07 That this has resulted in American government at all levels — including that of Washington State — being since the Civil War the public enabler/enforcer of the subversive, sinister agenda of the international banking cartel and those who secretly control it, to the extreme detriment of the people of this state and of this nation;
3.08 That concerning all of the abovecited treason and its potential remedies, the abovecited Washington State corporate government officials and the mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State have failed in their duty to even minimally inform the public.
The Fraudulent Washington State Constitution and Its Relationship to the International Banking Cartel’s Clandestine Control of the US Government Since At Least 1861
Articles on the History of the Fraudulent Washington State Constitution
The International Banking Cartel’s Takeover of the US Government Using the Civil War
Historic Quotations Concerning US/Global Corporate Government
The abovecited Washington State corporate government officials and their surviving predecessors in office, as well as the top management of mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State need to be summarily investigated, and then potentially arrested and prosecuted for criminal financial/constitutional fraud and treason against the people of this state;
And the people of Washington State need publicly to acknowledge and examine their own complicity in the criminal and treasonous actions/inaction of their abovecited state corporate government officials and their predecessors in office, as well as of the mainstream/alleged alternative media corporations operating in Washington State, through their own self-absorbed denial of, and disinterest in, the long-corrupted governmental and public information systems of this state and of this nation.
I hereby declare that all of the above statements are, to the best of my knowledge, true and accurate.
____________________________________ ___________________________
Rebecca Em Campbell-Plaintiff Date
Seattle, Washington State America
Proofs of Filing.pdf
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