A sanctuary of knowledge and provoking information providing documented proof of a system dominated by a few elite bloated egos and that a ancient solution of a Silver bullet nature exists.
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Sunday, January 7, 2018
This post is the result of numerous a good faith attempts by minister David to communicate the facts to various OPP officers, lawyers for the crown, and prosecutors. The following is a synopsis of the facts.
minister david: williams, a man.
Church of the Ecumenical
Redemption International
c/o 15 Forest Street,
Parry Sound, Ontario,
No code non commercial
Non domestic without CANADA
Explicitly Without Prejudice
Friday, January 05, 2018
minister david: williams, a man.
Church of the Ecumenical
Redemption International
c/o 15 Forest Street,
Parry Sound, Ontario,
No code non commercial
Non domestic without CANADA
Explicitly Without Prejudice
Friday, January 05, 2018
Steven Scharger, the private man acting
as Crown attorney,
Brian Bencze, the private man acting as
Crown attorney,
Wesley Beatty, the private man acting
as Crown attorney,
James Street,
Sound, Ontario,
code non commercial
Shawn Retzler, the private man acting
as OPP officer, and
Dawn Connor, the private man acting as
OPP officer
7 Bay
Street, Unit B,
Sound, Ontario,
code non commercial
Re: Good faith ecclesiastical notice of agreement, contract, covenant, and understanding.
To the private men and women: Steven Scharger, Brian Bencze, Wesley Beatty, Shawn Retzler, and Dawn Connor acting in the de facto capacities of Crown attorneys and OPP officers.
I am seeking to clearly express my position to you in order that your obligations to me can be fulfilled as I am one individual with fundamental rights and freedoms and my legal rights that are being limited and abridged contrary to the principles of justice by everyone involved in these actions of these people.
I am writing this in concern, I am not being frivolous, malicious, vexatious, insensitive, discriminatory or have any ill will towards anyone; I expect to be treated the same. I genuinely care for mankind and their souls. It is a part of my duty and calling to be a watchman and to warn. I must warn those who trespass against me, and others. I do not want to see anyone lose their job, be put into prison, jail, or the worst be condemned for eternity. I am forgiving, but I also must stand up in God’s name, and protect my rights and the rights of others.
I am Christian minister of the Church Of The Ecumenical Redemption International as called by God Almighty; I greet you in the name of Yahushua the risen Christ and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor defender of the Christian faith. I do this in accord with the Royal Styles and Titles Act, being an enactment of the Canadian Parliament, in keeping with her majesty’s sworn Coronation oath to defend the Laws of God along with the Churches, the clergy, and ministers therein, with all of her power.
God’s Law forbids us to obey other “law”, just His Laws. Acts 5:29, Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.
Romans 16:17-18, 17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. 18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ,
God’s commandment. Deuteronomy 4:2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.
Revelation 22:18-19, 18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book
"The Parliament of Canada, affirming that the Canadian Nation is founded upon principles that acknowledge the supremacy of God, the dignity and worth of the human person and the position of the family in a society of free men and free institutions…” The Preamble for the Canadian Bill of Rights (1960).
Ezekiel 33:1-10 notification as a watchman is my duty to warn. This duty removes any assumption I am making use of man’s corporate law by mentioning it. Thereby, eliminating any false assumption that I am in submission and thereby leading to any falsely assumed jurisdiction.
Romans 2:11 For there is no respect of persons with God.
Acts 10:34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
2 Chronicles 19:7 Wherefore now let the fear of the LORD be upon you; take heed and do it: for there is no iniquity with the LORD our God, nor respect of persons,
Deuteronomy 10:17 For the LORD your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons,
Matthew 15:9 and Leviticus 18:3-5 bears evidence. Matthew 6:24, Luke 16:13 Jesus speaking, “No man can serve two masters: … Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”
Also, Matthew 6:24 “No man can serve two masters: … Ye cannot serve God and mammon”
John 15:16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you,…And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
I am not a person as indicated in the King James Bible and am following the private agreement advice of Christ at Matthew 5:25, 18:15-20 eliminating the assumption that I am a commercially active person of law in bed with the dead.
This notice is emergent and in honour diligently effected being served ecclesiastically in performing the functions of my calling as Christ's minister on the 8th day of the month of January in the year of our Lord and Saviour Two-Thousand and Eighteen.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities with no rebuttal to the fact, that I am officiating as God Jehovah’s minister and performing a function of my calling as his steadfast servant in attempting in good faith to gain your simple private agreement to these facts and I do thank you for your humble acceptance of this privately offered covenant, supporting God’s law and freedom to practice it, via your good faith tacit consent of failing to rebut the agreed upon terms with a private reply and proof of error.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that you are aware that I come before you as the man and minister of Christ known as "David" and in this ecclesiastical effort am officially performing a duty of my calling as a minister of Christ for this emergent instant matter at hand with this communication for you privately in the following with the directions of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ found at Matthew 5:25. This instant official function is for the being with and in the honour and the agreement and with recognition of the covenant of understanding with the private men or women to the facts specifically so herein stated for the mutual gain and the protection of all concerned.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that the man known as David Williams is a minister of Christ and as of that perpetual ordained ministry he is bound by the spiritual baptism to not walk in the ordinance of men making laws. The man known as David Williams as God's minister is the living flesh and blood man and not a person and cannot be associated with dead legal fiction corporate persons as per his admonishment from God to not sin by respecting persons, King James Authorized Version, Deuteronomy 1; 17, 10:17, 2nd Samuel 14:14, Matthew 22:16, Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11 complimented by James 2:9 in summation and evidence the ministers inability to show respect for persons.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that the man known as David Williams is an ordained minister of Jesus Christ and that he is washed clean of the laws and the sin of the world with the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross. John 15:16 Colossians 2:14-23.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities with no rebuttal to the fact that I officiating as God’s minister, sleeping, waking, and walking on this earth, have standing in God’s Kingdom as I am irrefutably not a created legal fiction, corporate officer, individual person, nor debtor of that ungodly dead corporate body as I am a carnal creation of God. Ezra 7:23-25; James 2:9; Colossians 2:10-20.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that you are with the knowledge and awareness according to the faith of the minister known as David Williams, he is not to respect persons nor associate with any labeled obiter dicta called Organized Pseudo Commercial Argument (OPCA), “free man on the land”, or any type of false teaching contrary to the doctrine. James 2:9, Matthew 15:9, Romans 16:17-20
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that Canada’s Monarch is a Christian Monarch being that of Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second. It is agreed by you in your private capacities that The monarch's style and titles are set out by the Royal Style and Titles Act, passed by the Canadian parliament in 1953, and later amended in 1985 and sets out the sovereign's style and titles as, in English: Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that the faith of which the Queen is a defender of is Christianity and the laws of God. Her reign has been characterised by acknowledgement of her dependence on Jesus Christ and defence of the laws of God.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that no dispute to the fact that relying on lawyers with false oaths that may be member of the Masonic brotherhood or who are Jewish who swear the Kol Nidre once a year is a conflict with your duty to her majesty as their oaths invalidate the sworn oath to the Queen putting them in obvious conflict.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities with no dispute to the fact that God’s law in the authorized version of the King James Bible is supreme and is defended by Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor anointed of God who you have sworn an oath to bear true allegiance to.
It is agreed upon by you in your private capacities with no dispute the fact, that you in your public capacities have no authority in any law to intimidate me to violate my faith by suggesting my lawful excuse for nonappearance, so expressively provided and substantiated with facts, is invalid and that an arrest warrant will issue if I the man do not formally submit myself to the jurisdiction of a fraudulent court with a false oath acting as a false god.
It is agreed upon by you in your private capacities with no dispute to the fact that the preceding fact if ignored will amount to a treason against the government of her majesty by attempting to overthrow the rule of law and government of the King James Bible.
It is agreed upon by you in your private capacities with no dispute the fact that all the laws in Ontario are applicable only to the government as per section 32 and 52 of the Constitution.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that minister David Williams with witnesses confirming and as of his faith, is doing his duty and officially performing his function as a Christian minister under the Christ's charge and protection of the diligent oath sworn duty of the Christian Monarch.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities the minister known as David Williams is being obstructed upon the pretence of executing: a civil process, civil code violation, and or civil process and being denied access to truly allegiant justice, by those acting under the oath and office of a sworn Allegiant to a Christian Monarch.
It is agreed by you that you are aware in your private capacities that the minister known as David Williams is being discriminated against, by those private men and women acting as Crown attorneys and OPP officers executing de facto policies, because of David Williams’ diligent and faithful adherence to his Christian faith and defence of same.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that you are aware of your international signatory duty as a service provider, that applies to you in your capacities as a Crown attorney and OPP officer of her majesty, and your sworn duty to accommodate a minister’s faith when that accommodation of faith is demanded of you, and that you must go to hardship to provide that accommodation.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that I, am a minister of our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus, you have a duty and are required to accommodate my firmly held beliefs and faith; not to accommodate my freedoms is a Human Rights violation; being discrimination against me. That despite many demands for accommodation of my faith you all have ignored and refused that accommodation.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that you have knowledge and awareness that the man known as David Williams is a minister of Christ and that you the private men and women have the knowledge and the awareness that you have the duty to accommodate his faith and failure to accommodate the minister’s faith can and may result in criminal charges against those who had knowledge and awareness of his desire to be accommodated as per Section 176 of the Criminal Code.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that Canada’s Criminal Code Act reads:
Criminal Code Section 176: Obstructing or violence to or arrest of officiating clergyman
176. (1) Every one who
(a) by threats or force, unlawfully obstructs or prevents or endeavors to obstruct or prevent a clergyman or minister from celebrating divine service or performing any other function in connection with his calling, or
(b) knowing that a clergyman or minister is about to perform, is on his way to perform or is returning from the performance of any of the duties or functions mentioned in paragraph (a)
(i) assaults or offers any violence to him, or
(ii) arrests him on a civil process, or under the pretence of executing a civil process, is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.
Criminal Code Section 180: Common nuisance
180. (1) Every one who commits a common nuisance and thereby
(a) endangers the lives, safety or health of the public, or
(b) causes physical injury to any person, is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.
(2) For the purposes of this section, every one commits a common nuisance who does an unlawful act or fails to discharge a legal duty and thereby
(a) endangers the lives, safety, health, property or comfort of the public; or
(b) obstructs the public in the exercise or enjoyment of any right that is common to all the subjects of Her Majesty in Canada.
Criminal Code Section 423: Intimidation of a justice system participant or a Journalist
423.1 (1) No person shall, without lawful authority, engage in any conduct with the intent to provoke a state of fear in
(a) a group of persons or the general public in order to impede the administration of criminal justice;
(b) a justice system participant in order to impede him or her in the performance of his or her duties; or
(c) a journalist in order to impede him or her in the transmission to the public of information in relation to a criminal organization.
Criminal Code Section 336: Criminal breach of trust
Every one who, being a trustee of anything for the use or benefit, whether in whole or in part, of another person, or for a public or charitable purpose, converts, with intent to defraud and in contravention of his trust, that thing or any part of it to a use that is not authorized by the trust is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years.
Criminal Code Section 337: Public servant refusing to deliver property
Every one who, being or having been employed in the service of Her Majesty in right of Canada or a province, or in the service of a municipality, and entrusted by virtue of that employment with the receipt, custody, management or control of anything, refuses or fails to deliver it to a person who is authorized to demand it and does demand it is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years. R.S., c. C 34, s. 297.
Ezekiel 33:6-10
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that the Canadian Criminal Code applies to all corporate employees of the de facto government and or state of Canada and the Provinces and that the Crown attorneys and the OPP did against minister David Williams with full knowledge of his ministerial capacity knowingly violate sections 179, 180, 423, 336, and 337 of the criminal code and are in lack of any defense.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that minister David Williams did make since Oct. 12, 2017 numerous demands for the return of unlawfully stolen church property from the OPP and Crown attorneys all of which were ignored and the Church property remains under the management and control of the Crown attorneys and the OPP.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that minister David Williams did make since Oct. 12, 2017 numerous communications requiring a response and no response was provided by the OPP or the Crown attorneys and that non-response is your tacit agreement to all those correspondences, details, conditions, and terms as they remain undisputed.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that I and other ministers of our Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International, in the geographical Canada, are under threat duress and intimidation causing great discomfort by the various de facto agencies and various godless lawyer’s , of the de facto corporate Canada, to violate our faith and beliefs in the law, being the Commandments of God Jehovah, as defended by her majesty the anointed of Jehovah.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that any and all attempts by any and all private men and women using commercial de facto incompetent legal fiction law and associated regulations to continue this unlawful intimidation and deliberate violation of our faiths freedoms, as defended by her majesty the Queen the anointed of God, will be seen as irrefutable proof and evidence of your mens rea or to be clear, your guilty mind directed towards the deliberate unlawful actions of Intimidation, nuisance, blasphemy, breach of trust, perjury, obstruction of a minister, treason, sedition, conspiracy, fraud, impersonation, theft, extortion, all being violations of God Jehovah’s law, and as such constitutes your consent to acknowledging full and irrevocable responsibility for your total private liability for any and all damages, consequential discomfort and trauma to our church ministry and it’s ministers . Please see Leviticus 6:2-5 for the rule the Queen defends as well as Ezra 7:23-26
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that there is no involuntary servitude; if I am requested to come to court, I will be paid and will bill according to my fee schedule.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that you have no jurisdiction over a man and if you create an order or one is created as a result of you actions or inactions you all will be held personally liable.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that: I give notice to anyone that is moving a false claim against me, I will move a claim for answering a false claim and I will require fair and just compensation from all men or women moving their false claims, I give fair and just warning for anyone interfering with my rights that I will require fair and just compensation from all men or women who interfere with any of my rights, I give fair and just warning should anyone make any pleas or decisions on my behalf without my consent and full agreement in writing they and you all will be held fully and personally liable.
It is agreed by you receiving this in your private capacities that you are with knowledge and awareness and are in receipt of numerous communications, notices from living witnesses testifying that they have firsthand knowledge that the man known as David Williams is a minister of Christ called and appointed ordained and anointed as the minister David Williams, bride and bondservant of the only begotten son. 1st Corinthians 7:22-23.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that the blatant use of the WILLIAMS, David or WILLIAMS, DAVID persona-appellation as a commercial surety for security is in violation of minister David's faith as the order of style is personation as all caps names are used for the dead, corporations, and classified department of defense military operations, i.e.:"SILENT DEFENDER" and has no statute code or regulation supporting its usage or forced application in nuisance against a man’s faith who cannot respect persons and is endeavouring to minister according to the word of God. (See the Canadian Style Manual of Grammar and form for all federal ministries to adhere to section 4.13)
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that the Crown attorneys and the OPP have by force, violence and threat obstructed, unlawfully arrested, and unlawfully detained the minister known as David Williams and obstructed his divine service and performing of the functions of his calling since October 12, 2017 until present this the 6th day in the month of January, in the year of our Lord and Saviour 2018 and that the harms and grievances continue to mount.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that I have the right not to have any right interfered with, including and not limited to: right to travel from point A to point B, to travel in or with my property, right not to have any man or woman Trespass against me, against my property, or on my property, violate my sanctuary, and obstructing my official function, divine service, and calling as a Christian minister in violation duty to accommodate violations of Canadian Criminal Code section 176, 180, 336, 337 as well as 423.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that obstructing the minister from his divine service, ministerial duties, and performing his functions in connection with his calling as a minister of Christ, is contrary to Section 176 of the Criminal Code that applies to all public officers being persons of law. (As I have stated earlier, I make no use of this law but as part of my ministerial duty and calling must warn you as per Ezekiel 33:1-10)
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that the OPP officer known by Shawn Retzler with the badge number being 13542, did on Oct. 12, 2017 at approximately 10:20 am, OPP officer Shawn Retzler acting on his own wit knowingly wronged minister David Williams by way of; lack of accommodation of my firmly held beliefs, faith, divine calling, Parry Sound OPP knowingly and deliberate violated sections 176, 180, 336, 337, 423 of the Criminal Code causing, trespasses, threats, violence, kidnapping, imprisonment, assault, extortion, terrorism, fraud, theft, common nuisance, unlawful arrest, trauma, endangerment of my health and safety, fraudulent conveyance, forged documents, intimidation., and Sean Retzler knowingly and falsely labeled me as a “free man on the land” to exact the maximum of the aforementioned upon minister David Williams and to bring to bear the maximum resources possible of the OPP and the RCMP; bringing to fruition his threat to terrorize/intimidate minister David Williams. Shawn Retzler’s act on his own wit and stole property belonging to the church to further his violence/intimidation/terrorism.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that minister David Williams immediately addressed the matter with Dawn Connor who told minister David, that Shawn Retzler and the men and women under her, Dawn Connor, management are doing as she had instructed them and they, the men and women, will continue to do what she has instructed them.”
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that Sean Retzler, Dawn Connor, and the Parry Sound OPP did acting on their own wit mislabeled minster David as a member of the FMOTL “Free Man On The Land” movement to malign discredit and obstruct David’s ministry and calling; this is akin to defamation by including David’s ministry as joined in the same category as a group of godless, fearful, and angry renegades. Sean Retzler was clearly informed previously that minister David Williams was a Christian minister and not a FMOTL.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that on Oct. 12, 2017 at approximately 10:20 am, OPP officer Shawn Retzler did act on his own wit and without the service warrant and wronged minister David Williams by way of unlawfully providing the corporate fiction name being that of the WILLIAMS, DAVID and or WILLIAMS, David even though minister David did claim that he was the man, a minister, and not the person. Shawn Retzler manufacture/made up the name of WILLIAMS, DAVID or WILLIAMS, David. The man and minister David Williams did NOT provide the fiction name of DAVID WILLIAMS nor was any documentation, as no documentation had been requested.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that on Oct. 12, 2017 at approximately 10:20am, OPP officer Shawn Retzler, did by threat, force, violence, intimidation, terrorism, and arrest unlawfully obstruct the minister known as David Williams from performing his divine service and obstruct the minister from performing the function of his calling. All actions taken against minister David Williams and Church property by Shawn Retzler took place on well signed private property and Shawn Retzler acting in his own wit and without warrant or permission on known the private property.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that Shawn Retzler contrary to the Criminal Code Section 176 did act on his own wit to unlawfully detain the minister known as David Williams upon the pretense of a civil code violation(s) and did commit perjury and discrimination of the minister’s faith saying that the minister was associated or related to “free man on the land”.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that the minister known as David Williams has maintained his capacity and standing in God Jehovah’s commandments since Oct. 12, 2017 to all Crown attorneys, OPP officers, and Justice’s of the Peace, and all judicial service members since Oct. 12, 2017 has gone on all ecclesiastical, private and public records stating his faith in Christ and that he would be a sinner if he has respect for the persons according to the King James Version Bible.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that Crown attorneys and the OPP officers continue to commit gross violations of human rights committed against the minister of Christ known as David Williams with the alleged fraudulent civil violations and civil process number being Summons # TC 12890935, TC 12890934, TC 12890933, TC 12890932, TC 12890931, TC 12890930, and TC 12890929.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that these instruments were formed in fraud and intimidation with invoking duress and fear in knowing violation of minister David’s faith. See sections 55 and 57 of the Canadian Bills of Exchange act that applies to you in your public capacities lest you violate section 126 of the criminal code. Allowing this to proceed condones the actions of the OPP and involves all of you privately in the fraud.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that minister David the man is exercising the duty of minister of the Christian faith and to defend the faith and in the official capacity as Jehovah’s minister having firsthand knowledge of the corruption and failure for the duties of the police, Crown attorneys, and judiciary and various political bodies of this country that I, minister David, the man am lawfully and ministerally compelled to demand of you the private men and women the accommodation of my faith, the immediate return of property with reasonable compensation.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities the Crown attorneys, and the OPP officers that the fees shall be set per the Fee Schedule as distributed by minister David Williams.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that the Crown attorneys did ignore the violations of the criminal code by private men and women of the Parry Sound OPP who willfully knowingly violated multiple sections of the; criminal code and provincial legislation.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that the Crown attorneys did proceeded with civil charges obviously resulting from assumptions of criminal violations by the OPP and continued to unlawfully apply secular civil process on minister David Williams.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that the Crown attorneys did continue to: intimidate, obstruct, and nuisance minster David from performing his divine calling, celebrating divine service, and his firmly held faith and beliefs.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that the Crown attorneys did, do, and are supporting the private men and women of the OPP’s continuing intimidate, obstruct, and nuisance of minister David from performing his calling, celebrating divine service, and his firmly held faith and beliefs since Oct. 12, 2017.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that the Crown attorneys did bring and furthered a wrongful conviction “a failure of justice in the most fundamental sense.”
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that the Crown attorneys did refuse to recognize that Crown Attorneys are not employed by the departments and agencies to which they provide legal advice and they failed to provide that legal advice.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities that the private men and women of the OPP and the Crown attorneys knowingly and deliberately failed to properly and responsibly discharge their duties and especially with regard to the demanded accommodation.
For it is agreed by all that minster David is a man exercising his faith offers these terms of agreement in quest of honour, upholding God’s law and to prevent untrue assumptions from prevailing, thereby in this good faith contract, ending the deliberate unlawful intimidation and duress by your de facto officials, departmental, principalities and treasons against the minister known as David Williams from having the ability for the practice of his faith harmless from reproach.
For it is agreed that this notice is a sincere, full and complete expression of this man’s and minister’s faith and in no way intended to be mischievous, intimidating or malicious as this notice of agreement is in truth and in fact an expression of minister David’s faith.
For it is agreed that in honour and in truth minster David is performing a function of his calling as a Christian minister in defense of the faith in making this ministerial demand that you deliver to minister David Williams the certified, verified copy of any law code regulation that gives you authority to entice or intimidate the minister known as David Williams to violate his faith in practicing the laws and the commandments of the King James Bible of which such faith is founded upon and it is further agreed that no act of terror nor threat of unlawful action be extrapolated from the demand against minister David.
For it is agreed that you have no authority to intimidate the minister known as David Williams to violate God’s first commandments and you have no authority outside of God’s law as God’s first commandment is “Do not bow to false God’s nor serve them.” Exodus 20:3-5
For it is agreed that according to the King James Bible I minister David Williams would condemn my soul to eternal hell and be a sinner if I am a respecter persons. Thus, I minister David Williams am writing to you privately. James 2:1, 9
It is agreed that the facts will be evident that you are not competent to practice law, enforce law, or intimidate men and woman to violate their faith by submitting to a false god’s law. It is further agreed that you are incompetent if you do not know or comprehend the true lawful meaning of your oath to God to be truly allegiant to the Queen’s duty to defend the faith. Exodus 20: 3-5, Leviticus 6:2
It is agreed that you the private men or women will deliver to me your good faith and honour in stating your intent to uphold your lawful duty to accommodate my faith and you oath as defined by law.
It is agreed by you the private men or women will uphold your oath to support and aid her majesty to defend the standing law of the King James Bible and that no law of a de facto parliament or principalities can abrogate nor supersede a law of God Jehovah.
It is agreed by you in your private capacities with no rebuttal to the fact that the man known as David Williams is officiating as God’s minister, sleeping, waking, and walking on this earth having standing in God’s Kingdom as he is irrefutably not a created legal fiction, corporate officer, person, nor debtor of that dead corporate body as the man and minister is the carnal creation of God. Ezra 7:23-25; James 2:9; Colossians 2:10-20
It is agreed by you in your private capacities with no rebuttal to the fact and the truth that I the man officiating as God Jehovah’s minister and performing a function of my calling as His steadfast servant in attempting in good faith to gain your private agreement to these facts and do thank you for your humble acceptance of this privately offered covenant, supporting God’s law and freedom to practice it, via your good faith consent of failing to rebut the agreed upon terms with the private reply and proof of error.
It is agreed by all of you in your private capacities and understood with no dispute to the fact that you are now privately aware of the man known as David Williams’ Christian faith and know that if you do not privately reply, without expending taxpayer dollars in fraud, to me Jehovah’s minister, to rebut our agreement privately, without using a postal code or public funds, with the Queen as witness, me as Jehovah’s minister, and the members of our faith, being the body of Christ, who will observantly be witness to your collective acceptance of this covenant of good faith, and that you will act as my witness to those facts and terms of agreement should I the woman need you to give private evidence on the Church’s behalf.
It is agreed by you the private men and women that failure to reply in good faith will also be taken as proof positive, with no possible rebuttal, of your covenant and accepted agreement with all points of this irrevocable good faith agreement with me as God’s minister and the members of our faith.
It is agreed that the failure to privately rebut and dispute this good faith agreement will mean in submission and understanding, by all parties to this private contract, that we have a good faith covenant of terms as indicated above and below but not limited to the agreed upon fact that the Authorized King James Bible is the Supreme rule of law with uncontested standing in the courts of the British Commonwealth and that no intimidation by any man or woman using any law or judgment of men to violate it’s commands in attempt to sanction their own authority can be possibly seen as lawful. Deuteronomy 4:2;12:32
It is agreed and understood by all of you as private men and women in your private capacities, that failure to reply in good faith will also be taken as proof positive, with no possible rebuttal, of your covenant and accepted agreement with all points of this irrevocable good faith agreement with me the man as God’s minister and the members of our faith.
It is agreed and understood by all of you as private men and women in your private capacities that such rebuttal shall and must be: point by point, with certified copies of law, with proof of all errors, signed with wet ink signatures, and must be received by regular mail no later than by January 15, 2018 5:00pm.
It is agreed by all of you as private men and woman, with no debate, that no law of man can overthrow the laws of God Jehovah or is lawfully sanctioned by anyone to criminalize His gifts as defended by Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor anointed by God Jehovah.
I pray to God Almighty Jehovah with Christ as my spiritual witness to stay in honour of my fellow brothers and sisters to give the private men or women in this matter time to review my notice of agreement.
Blessings upon your expeditious reply if you have any law, regulation, court case, or other authority that says you can tell the minister known as David Williams how to practice his faith or intimidate the minister or entrap or entice the minister or obstruct the minister from the official performance of the functions of his calling as a minister for God Jehovah.
Should you the private men or women have any proof of any error in our collectively mutual agreement and ecclesiastical covenant please contact me immediately as proscribed, lest you be held in default, in your private capacities. To avoid assumption, the spreading of falsehoods, defamation and unavoidable process as a result of your collective tacit acceptance of our agreement please reply if you have proof that the facts are incorrect or it will be accepted you have agreed that you the private men and women have privately accepted your full liability and private responsibility for your full liability for any and all damages and losses incurred by me the man and minister of God and any of the members of the body of Christ as a result of your negligence to honour and respect my faith and to provide the true allegiance you promised.
These oaths of fealty and allegiance being imposed upon all of her majesty’s agents by her majesty’s royal law as proclaimed upon all of her majesty’s ministers, judges governors, and agency servants sworn to be allegiant to her majesty in duty to uphold and defend God’s laws are absolutely sacred in the order of maintaining the rule of law forever as supreme. Those who would flagrantly or in clandestine repose endeavour to disrespect and dissolve that honour rebels against God.
We agree that if you have any questions please bring them up to me the man minister and advocate of Jesus the Christ now and forever the reigning King in heaven.
God bless you.
Autograph of the flesh and blood man; ::David:: with the capacity as God Jehovah’s minister:
Witness Autograph; being a living witness
Witness Autograph; being a living witness
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