Monday, December 19, 2022

Witness letters by minister Kathya on behalf of brother Mauricio confirming his posted private agreement removing all assumpsit contracts

Dear Ashley Robinson, being the private woman acting as a Proposal Specialist at Bromwich and Smith. I am a private woman with the given name of Kathya - Marie Florence, and I am Yahusha’s (known to many as Jesus Christ) minister and bondservant, with a duty to warn my fellow man and woman of danger when I am called to do so. I have noticed that you, Ashley, and our fellow man, minister miguel – mauricio: villamil-barrios have reached a private agreement. I have noticed that you have not disagreed to the hardships that you, Ashley, and those acting on your behalf at Bromwich and Smith have caused against minister miguel – mauricio and his loved ones. To be clear, I am aware of the fact that the said private agreement has been made for the benefit of everyone, by being published in the newspaper. I am also aware of the undisputed facts which you and minister miguel – mauricio have agreed upon as I have read the said agreement in its entirety. For greater certainty, as Yahuah’s (known to many as the Almighty God) watchwoman, I write to you, Ashley, as to provide warning, with love, that you are in danger of bearing liability, privately, for the wrongdoings of which continue to cause harm/damage to minister Mauricio, and his loved ones, as indicated in said agreement. This said agreement clearly verifies that you, Ashley, and those acting on your behalf are in violation of breaking your own domestic laws, as well as articles of International Covenants that you ought to obey. Please notice that your corporate policy does not supersede said articles of law, domestically or internationally, nor are you able to rely on corporate policy to discriminate against people, whatsoever. The Amselem decision, of which is a Supreme Court Ruling, verifies this. Lastly, as I write to you, Ashley, from my heart to your heart, I ask that you kindly seek forgiveness from minister miguel – mauricio as he is sincere in His stand. To be absolutely clear, as of this moment, minister miguel – mauricio has standing, with witnesses that hope that you will provide remedy, immediately, and avoid further controversy, as for the benefit of everyone named in said agreement. Perhaps you, Ashley, will decide to notify Bromwich and Smith legal department and insurance underwriters of said agreement. Nonetheless, govern yourself accordingly. I hope that you, and everyone in receipt of this notice, as offered in honor and in the perfect name of Yahusha(known to many as Christ Jesus ), will have many blissful moments, now and henceforth. HalleluYah! minister Kathya-Marie Florence follower of the voice of my Shepherd Yahusha (known to many as Jesus Christ). To the private woman Klaire Wark, known as Manager, Proposal Sevices, Bromwich&Smith I am a private woman with the given name of Kathya - Marie Florence, and I am Yahusha’s (known to many as Jesus Christ) minister and bondservant, with a duty to warn my fellow man and woman of danger when I am called to do so. I have noticed that you, Klaire, and our fellow man, minister miguel – mauricio: villamil-barrios have reached a private agreement. I have noticed that you have not disagreed with the hardships that you, Klaire, and those acting on your behalf at Bromwich and Smith have caused against minister miguel – mauricio and his loved ones. To be clear, I am aware of the fact that the said private agreement has been made for the benefit of everyone, by being published in the newspaper. I am also aware of the undisputed facts which you and minister miguel – mauricio have agreed upon as I have read the said agreement in its entirety. For greater certainty, as Yahuah’s (known to many as the Almighty God) watchwoman, I write to you, Klaire, as to provide warning, with love, that you are in danger of bearing liability, privately, for the wrongdoings of which continue to cause harm/damage to minister Mauricio, and his loved ones, as indicated in said agreement. This said agreement clearly verifies that you, Klaire, and those acting on your behalf are in violation of breaking your own domestic laws, as well as articles of International Covenants that you ought to obey. Please notice that your corporate policy does not supersede said articles of law, domestically or internationally, nor are you able to rely on corporate policy to discriminate against people, whatsoever. The Amselem decision, of which is a Supreme Court Ruling, verifies this. Lastly, as I write to you, Klaire, from my heart to your heart, I ask that you kindly seek forgiveness from minister miguel – mauricio as he is sincere in His stand. To be absolutely clear, as of this moment, minister miguel – mauricio has standing, with witnesses that hope that you will provide remedy, immediately, and avoid further controversy, as for the benefit of everyone named in said agreement. Perhaps you, Klaire, will decide to notify Bromwich and Smith legal department and insurance underwriters of said agreement. Nonetheless, govern yourself accordingly. I hope that you, and everyone in receipt of this notice, as offered in honor and in the perfect name of Yahusha(known to many as Christ Jesus ), will have many blissful moments, now and henceforth. HalleluYah! minister Kathya-Marie Florence follower of the voice of my Shepherd Yahusha (known to many as Jesus Christ). To the private woman Jennifer Tully known as the RBC Bank Representative or whoever may now be said representative. I am a private woman with the given name of Kathya - Marie Florence, and I am Yahusha’s (known to many as Jesus Christ) minister and bondservant, with a duty to warn my fellow man and woman of danger when I am called to do so. I have noticed our fellow man, minister miguel – mauricio: villamil-barrios have reached a private agreement with you. I have noticed that you have not disagreed with the hardships that , and those acting on your behalf at Bromwich and Smith have caused against minister miguel – mauricio and his loved ones. To be clear, I am aware of the fact that the said private agreement has been made for the benefit of everyone, by being published in the newspaper. I am also aware of the undisputed facts which you and minister miguel – mauricio have agreed upon as I have read the said agreement in its entirety. For greater certainty, as Yahuah’s (known to many as the Almighty God) watchwoman, I write to you, as to provide warning, with love, that you are in danger of bearing liability, privately, for the wrongdoings of which continue to cause harm/damage to minister Mauricio, and his loved ones, as indicated in said agreement. This said agreement clearly verifies that you, and those acting on your behalf are in violation of breaking your own domestic laws, as well as articles of International Covenants that you ought to obey. Please notice that your corporate policy does not supersede said articles of law, domestically or internationally, nor are you able to rely on corporate policy to discriminate against people, whatsoever. The Amselem decision, of which is a Supreme Court Ruling, verifies this. Lastly, as I write to you, and I ask that you kindly seek forgiveness from minister miguel – mauricio as he is sincere in His stand. To be absolutely clear, as of this moment, minister miguel – mauricio has standing, with witnesses that hope that you will provide remedy, immediately, and avoid further controversy, as for the benefit of everyone named in said agreement. Perhaps you will decide to notify Bromwich and Smith legal department and insurance underwriters of said agreement. Nonetheless, govern yourself accordingly. I hope that you, and everyone in receipt of this notice, as offered in honor and in the perfect name of Yahusha(known to many as Christ Jesus ), will have many blissful moments, now and henceforth. HalleluYah! minister Kathya-Marie Florence follower of the voice of my Shepherd Ya

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Brother Mauricio's Christ led agreement with private women Klaire Wark, Ashly Robinson. and Jennifer Tully

========================= Notice of Agreement ============== December 12 2022 To the private woman Klaire Wark, known as Manager, Proposal Sevices, Bromwich & Smith To the private woman Ashley Robinson, known as Proposal Specialist, Bromwich & Smith To the private woman Jennifer Tully, known as representative for RBC Bank. Or whoever may now be said representative. Greetings in the name of Yahushuwah the risen Christ. As it is my duty as directed by Christ to reach a friendly agreement with my brothers and sisters as a condition of taking up Christ ministry, here I forward my letter again, seeking respectfully your help in accommodating my faith and the salvation of my soul. I am writing in exercising my new found faith in self-determination to you to let you know that as I am walking the process to take up ministry as a servant and minister of Jesus Christ. This new ministry requires me to put in order all of my worldly affairs. As of such scriptural duty written in Matthew 18:15-20 I am required to reach out to you in a brotherly manner to ask you to assist me so that I can get a Christ advised agreement with all men and women who may be involved with any assumptions about the contract of the debt [as directed by Matthew 5:25] as follows: 1.You do in your private capacity as reading this exercise of faith do acknowledge and recognise the existence of a frustrated contract as has been decided in the 2004 Northcrest Syndicatv Amselem decision of the Supreme Court of Canada. 2. You do in your private capacity as reading this exercise of faith do acknowledge and recognise that I am not a person but a living soul incarnated as a man as stated in [Deuteronomy 1:17, 10:17, 2nd Samuel 14:14, Matthew 22:16, Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11, James 2:9 and 1st Peter 1:17] 3.You do in your private capacity as reading this exercise of faith do acknowledge and recognise that as directed by [ proverbs 11:15 and Matthew 6:24 ] I can not serve two masters or as surety for a dead fiction as represented by the Corporate name formed in all capital letters as registered in the birth certificate, legal fiction not created by me and that fraud has been incurred by not disclosure of the nature, origin and purpose of the said fiction (as represented by the name in all capitals and any connection of it to undisclosed annuity trust accounts). 4.You do in your private capacity as reading this exercise of faith do acknowledge and recognise that I can no longer commit to any interest on the so called loan or subsequent debt payment plan as it frustrates my faith to submit to usury or fraud. Leviticus 6:2-5 and 22:25 5. You do in your private capacity as of reading this exercise of faith do acknowledge and recognise that: I am of a duty to warn you as per Ezekiel 33: that in 2004 the Supreme Court of Canada decided that any contract that violates your faith or freedoms is void . 6.You do in your private capacity as reading this exercise of faith do acknowledge that full disclosure of and full accounting and auditing must be provided of any trusts and annuity trust accounts related by the full capital name associated with the claimed loans (to which I do not consent to joinder), to accomodate my faith and my request to not be involved in any kind of fraud or usury as prescribed by Christ. I am aware that for the lay man and woman my above request to get an agreement that “I am not a person” may not make any sense, and that is why I hereby request that any contest to my request for agreement, to be taken by a court with inherent jurisdiction, as said court will know the meaning and standing of it. Lastly may I remind you that as registered service providers, you are bound by the laws and codes created to save and protect the Christian faith harmless: But also: The Vienna Convention section 27 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and The Canadian Parliament Examination of Duty to Accommodate. Blessings upon your private choices herein after Deuteronomy 30:19 1611 KJVB I ask your forgiveness if I have made any errors and thank you kindly for your accommodating my demand that we are in agreement to my claims above. Sincerely, by: miguel – mauricio : villamil-barrios all rights reserved under god.

Global Re-Evaluation of Justice John Rooke's Meads v. Meads Decision

  Global Re-Evaluation of Justice John Rooke's Meads v. Meads Decision Context Meads v. Meads (2012) was a decision rendered by Justic...