Marc Emery, owner of Pot-tv and Cannabis Culture magazine, appears to be in bed with the DEA. He and his editors have been consistent in removing all postings from folks proving marijuana is not criminal law in Canada.
That kills the DEA Case as it needs the law to criminal in both countries...Here is one of the many postings that were censored, not including the whole forum from conspiracy Corner entitled `Censorship is it good for Marc`s reputation?
That I repeat was censored from where they put "Wingnuts and Theorists" for folks to laugh at. I guess the facts were not so funny!
Just befoe we go to text from pages deleted I am posting proof the forum existed and they deleted the whole thing...
Conspiracy Corner
Jump to new posts Re: Is censorship good for Marc's Image? Just a Q by Clarion   Today at 03:34 AM
Just so we all know this is from a private site that has since been dismantled and deleted from Google's CIA owned search engine and yahoo's data banks...It decribes PLAYSCRIPT STYLE the way of writing names in all capital letters,,,you are also desc
The War on Drugs
Jump to new posts Re: invalid law by Clarion   Today at 03:18 AM
The reason, as Hex and Red Sonja, were trying to tell us is that the lawyers have falsified the oath they take.. I Risk getting banned for even saying that as my opinion and Morbo is already trying to associate me with them so they can.
Re: MARC EMERY NOT breaking Canadian Law!!!!!!!!!! [Re: Kirk Tousaw]
Clarion Clarion Online content
Registered: 01/29/08
Posts: 21
Originally Posted By: Kirk Tousaw
"I will say for the person that suggested seed sales were a civil offense - that is clearly wrong. The Hunter decision was a criminal prosecution under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. The fact that a fine was the penalty instead of jail doesn't make it a civil offense."
Yes It appears that way.... the judge is blind to any decisions not entered before him unless of course he is soft on the Crowns side and he has his all seeing eye dog with him .
Is it possible there is an Ménage à trois interlocutory taking place as to the "Principle" being bound up with these judges and prosecutors?
It appears to me, that forms a reasonable apprehension of Bias as of knowing they all both receive massive windfalls from the continuance of traffic such as this, well,,,what seems to be an
obviously criminal application but only with the consent of those charged.
What I mean by the word consent, is everyone gets to have a say before a sentence is passed by the so called "god" up on the bench.
Before that came down, brother Walter may have chosen to bring up that the court had already recognized and understood the marijuana ministry by calling them as Reverends and telling the prosecution to do so as well. The city of Hamilton`s Police department and the City had violated 176 of the criminal code upon them as the Judges own recognition of them as Reverends of the Church of the Universe.
They all were clearly aware of the brothers faiths and beliefs as the brothers were spectacularly effective in letting the police, city council and Canadian government know exactly all about what they believed.
That was certainly evidenced as found out by the Judge in Hamilton that found two naked ministers standing in front of them claiming respect for a court formed in God's law and that in honor of the judge as one of God`s ministers and of his glorious creation they must appear as created!
Crown(Fleetstreet), depends on the law to appear criminal when in reality it is clearly civil, as the Wikipedia report confirms and as does the transcript
Since it has not specifically been cited as a nullity and it`s already accepted as what they call Stare decisis
that means that if he brings it up, in civil versus criminal, by the Samur Decision in Quebec that said civil law cannot violate criminal code.
..Ian Hunter may have either not brought up Hauser or Samur or stood down...Standing down means you do not appeal the re-appeal to the Supreme court...keep getting agreement to the facts.
Since the Hauser Decision has never been over turned and the Brothers indeed proved it in Hamilton by getting a trafficking offense turned into a civil infraction...
Quite a stroke of Genius on their bad before the Judge rendered his decision brother Walter in all of his spiritual genius did not know the law from 1953...he failed to bring up Samur v. City of Québec, [1953] 2 SCR 299, no civil law can override a criminal law! and 176. They could have set a good precedent then as they would have walked as ministers free from civil code application obstructing their official functions of their calling ,,,,,growing and spreading the healing herb...quite a remarkable precedent in deed if it had been presented that way.
Brother Hunter did us all a big favor as it is with his decision we can catch the province denying the Supremacy of it`s own Supreme Court Stare decisis as it violates a Supreme Court Decision...I think that may be called contempt of her majesties court or conspiracy to violate and ignore the decision of court causing harm to brother Hunter which is criminal intent ....ignorance is no excuse,,, ,section 19 ccc the ruling it appears is over turnable if it was challenged in that manner
I am doing more research now... is paying tax for every ounce he sells with the tax man gleefully taking his 6%,,,three years now I think
Medical quality cannabis is available to all members,, please call or email for details.
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Edited by Clarion (02/02/08 02:35 AM)
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#1382154 - 02/02/08 02:27 AM Re: MARC EMERY NOT breaking Canadian Law!!!!!!!!!! [Re: cheryl9608]
Clarion Clarion Online content
Registered: 01/29/08
Posts: 21 is paying tax for every ounce he sells with the tax man gleefully taking his 6%,,,three years now I think
it appears we have them aiding and abetting!
Can they extradite for medically proven humanitarian efforts on civil law? Is their a difference in titles in the US and as to civil and criminal? Which department is the DEA Civil or Criminal?
If it is true in Canada, they the DEA are bluffing that no one will invoke Hauser or Samur!
Strange about the name thing. I did some checking and the only way they can use the name that way upper lower case is by registering the name that way in the UCC
offering title by application and assignment of embracement of the governments law as god.
Edited by Clarion (02/02/08 02:28 AM)
ed Sonja Online content
Registered: 01/25/08
Posts: 23
I be new here but I have to agree with Golden Eagle.....What are you guys smoking. If you spent anytime reading the dudes posts, you'd realize everything he says is absolutely correct.
The way I see it there are those on this forum who really do not want the truth to come out as the plan and deal has been made by as "Hexabyte" succinctly puts it those in bed with the DEA to gain a precedent to allow the DEA to come into Canada with US law probably the Slocan Valley first gun and army in tow,,,
Why were his facts ignored? The ones promoting the DEAl do not want their fraud spoiled....that appears quite apparent to any who have had the mind to examine what he posted...
To bad so many puffing minds can't see the cure to their problem when it is posted right under their eyes....
We as a race have been fooled before by a few historical figures proclaiming to be princes.....Can it be possible were being subjected to a similar con?
If not why were the facts that Hexabyte hammered home so flagrantly rejected??
What did Shakespeare say? "Me thinks thou protests to much"
When you review just the part about the false oath the dude is right on point...
I think Jodie and Marc need to do some explaining why they have a lawyer who has taken an oath from what anyone who checks to see is plainly a false altered piece of legislation.
Yah the guy was repetitive it wrong to repeat what will ultimately get the BC3 off the hook?
I think someone on this site is in BED with the DEA just like Hexabyte is suggesting and yes those do look like DEA suspenders on Benjamin....he sure seems to like the alteration of the name thing as well and even says so.
If anyone had bothered to click on the links Hexabyte posted they would have seen a wonderful explanation about the reason your name has been changed
There is a video on his site with some dude explaining the whole thing as well..."Truth by Deception"
fabulous detailed story that tells it all!
I guess those with such a complicated problem and such an expensive lawyer who has a false oath are just not egotistically prepared to accept such a simple well researched defense as of the total failure it would bring to the opportunity to get the DEA into Canada with the courts approval..
Marc really is a history maker it appears....
Someone takes the time to post his salvation to his problem and his wife and a very suspicious attempt to shut the guy up tries to convince others that a false oath perpetrated by corrupted system is just fine with them....
Whose side are they on?
I am beginning to think after reading in these forums that whatever seeds Marc is selling must cause brain damage in those who smoke the resulting weed as either they are totally incapable of reading or thinking or they are working with the DEA and the one enemy to the whole well thought out collaboration was being provided by Hexabyte.
Readers, tokers, fellow lovers of the Herb .....methinks that Marc and the DEA share the same bed and the proof is in the violent opposition to the facts ,albeit lengthy, that our repetitive and apparently well researched dedicated friend to Marc's cause provided..
If any of you did not watch this video you would not have a clue not only what I am saying but what Hexabyte attempted to expose to to the supposedly smoke enhanced audience.
He is not singing the commercial tune that Mary Croft is promoting though...I went to that site that Marys book was posted on ...great writing and quite a collection.
But Hexabyte is saying if your an ecclesiastic with proof the whole system is based in a false oath, is a false god and that by the main law in the book the Queen defends they cannot force you to bow to their false gods system....
Quite fascinating actually cause as you think about it he is absolutely correct,,,,
As to Marc's lawyer,,,,he is absolutely a fraud either being paid to lie to Marc or us...or both!
Which one I am not sure but a liar for sure!!!
Just ask him, like Hexabyte kept saying, for the meaning of his oath in law!
A real honest man will tell you. A liar will make excuses..
A corrupted enemy of freedom will get mad and put you down for asking,,,,,seems others got influenced by that corrupted lawyer and I have read their comments devoid of thought posted here.
We can only hope some of the more intelligent non DEA posters on this forum will after watching that video wake up and start asking questions of Marc Jodie and their overpriced lying lawyer,,,
Otherwise the plan to March into Canada with a precedent Marc seems to want to give them will be a reality.
Take a dive anyone?
Edited by Red Sonja (Yesterday at 05:46 AM)
#1380155 - Yesterday at 06:35 AM Re: No Laws... So what's he going to jail 4 [Re: Red Sonja]
houseboy houseboy Offline
Registered: 07/10/01
Posts: 415
Loc: Harrietsfield(halifax) Nova Sc...
Hi Red Sonja and all.GE thanks for posting the link to the pdf.RS,to criticize those who do not understand the theory does not advance the arguement or your chances of getting anyone to take a look at it.I agree,this avenue should be seriously looked at and utilized,but will spend my time on dissecting the info into small bites for others to easily understand.Lets drop the accusations until the facts/truth become clear,then maybe you can justify your judgements,until that time,can you assist myself and others to shed light on the subject?There are times you must fall back to lead.
Taker easy
#1380173 - Yesterday at 08:21 AM Re: No Laws... So what's he going to jail 4 [Re: houseboy]
Duffy Moon Duffy Moon Offline
Old hand
Registered: 02/10/06
Posts: 761
Loc: Saskatoon
I have a question. I have been researching this subject, doing reading and watching videos. Here is a link to a story covered by cc back in 2001 about Ed Belanger.
CC article from 2001
O.K. Ed Belanger is a Minister with the Church of the Universe. Walter Tucker and Michael Baldasaro are also Ministers with the Church of the Universe. Why didn't the 2 Ministers in Hamilton use this defence?
Edited by Duffy Moon (Yesterday at 08:39 AM)
Federal Marihuana Exemptee as of 10/31/06
#1380242 - Yesterday at 12:18 PM Re: No Laws... So what's he going to jail 4 [Re: Duffy Moon]
Red Sonja Red Sonja Online content
Registered: 01/25/08
Posts: 23
I believe that they never followed the Research of their Brother Belanger....probably to busy chasing the rat.
I am sure after reading the info proving the Court and government was a false god....Brother Tucker a God fearing man would offer the same said ultimatum to the courts as one just cannot be forced to submit to a false god.
If you go before those vampires they take it that by your very appearance there you are formally submitting yourself to their false god system....The word appearance in a law dictionary said just that!
So their law for failure to appear says everyone without lawful excuse who fails to appear...
If you let them know why you are not there and your lawful excuse is that they are a fraud and you cannot conspire with a fraud nor associate with something dead in law as of your faith...their toast!
I do not think the good brothers in Hamilton got that far in law and theology to figure that part out...
Sure liked the disrobing in front of God's servant belief though...That was a real show stopper ....The judge seeing they were already hung....must have figured they did not need further punishment....I think that one got stayed...
The supreme court will not hear their case so their spectacular show and efforts go seemingly unrewarded just Like the valiant Ian Hunters efforts to get virginity from that old prostitute....
He screwed her over so Good she said God does not exist.....Does going to the prostitute to get virginity make sense? Especially when you know she is a prostitute....
Do you apply, meaning beg, to a false oathed system, telling all it is bogus on it's main website for all to see, with a false oathed lawyer to get the truth out??,
Pardon me but that seems clothed with insanity or incompetence.
Which one? Does it matter?
Right on for the Brothers bravery but their antics in Bed with an admitted whore did nothing for the cause but discredited the sincere position of the herb being the gift of God as provided in the book the Queen defends so graciously....
Bro Belanger never showed up and challenged them with what his defense was going to be first.....Very smart position!
You can read his letter to the prosecutor in the spirituality forums....
The guy acting as prosecutor must have crapped himself! No wonder he stayed the charges against Brother Belanger...
Stop promoting the business of legal prostitution and ask Marc to produce his lawyers oath!
I think if Marc is in an honorable position he should have no problem asking his lawyer for that and at the same time find out why the legislature removed an essential word in law regarding his oath..."Do"
toke break!
#1380252 - Yesterday at 12:42 PM Re: No Laws... So what's he going to jail 4 [Re: Red Sonja]
Canadian Psycho Canadian Psycho Offline
Old hand
Registered: 07/16/05
Posts: 968
Loc: Saskatoon, SK
I would suggest Red that neither Marc nor anyone else who has dismissed hexabyte's postings are in bed with the DEA, just confuzzled by the presentation.
The topic broached by hexabyte is complex not because it's truly complex in nature but because it's so incredibly unconventional. It's difficult I think for instance for anyone to accept at face value that when walking into a court, a few simple phrases can establish that the court has no jurisdiction over you in the context provided. It's a little wonky in most any one's mind. Especially if you have simply accepted cart blanch that the courts are the interpreters of laws and that those interpretations can apply to you.
See even this post sounds strange and wonky because the ideas are so incredibly unconventional despite our having lived under "common law" for so long.
All I can say is that people should take a glance and do some reading. I had heard some of this before but had never done much research. now that I am doing more research on this topic...I have to say that what I find as I progress is truly incredible. I have yet to understand or even verify much of it but it is all truly incredible to say the least.
Edited by Canadian Psycho (Yesterday at 12:43 PM)
I have never let my schooling get in the way of my education. --Mark Twain--
#1380299 - Yesterday at 02:40 PM Re: No Laws... So what's he going to jail 4 [Re: Red Sonja]
Poter Principle Poter Principle Offline
Registered: 10/06/04
Posts: 1393
Loc: Al-berta, wrong and strong
If you're not John,,, don't you think you're being a copy cat?!...
peace and pot
Everything made from hydrocarbons can be made from carbohydrates.
#1380319 - Yesterday at 03:38 PM Re: No Laws... So what's he going to jail 4 [Re: Poter Principle]
tbud tbud Offline
Pot Head
Registered: 08/30/04
Posts: 3160
Loc: not in any one place
I recall there was a guy here a long time ago who used to talk about things like that, I think was his forum name was Mr. Mitee. He made a plan to go to the local police station and declare that Canada was non-sequitor, and state that he refused his citizenship and then light up a big joint. We never heard from him again.
#1380322 - Yesterday at 03:53 PM Re: No Laws... So what's he going to jail 4 [Re: Poter Principle]
Red Sonja Red Sonja Online content
Registered: 01/25/08
Posts: 23
No I am not John I am a 47 year old housewife with two Kid's still at home and a great sense for a con.
That is what I thought as I was browsing the postings of Hex until I checked out his links,,,,
As far as copying anything if I did that it was because I agree with the words...My intent is to get to the bottom of what is really happening...Like where did the justice system start and why should I trust a lawyer who may have a false oath...
My first priority at the point I hear that just maybe he has a false oath is to find out for sure as any thing that will stop this charade must be explored before it is dumped on
Hex is not talking about going to court...he is saying stay out of their courts by sending them private agreements in their private capacity that establishes with witnesses confirming that they have no authority in law to allow them to intimidate you to conspire with a system based upon a false oath or with those who altered your name without your permission....anyone can read it if they go to his site,,,,,he has so much posted there it would take a year to get through it all but every posting I read opened my eyes a bit more...
The de facto links at the top prove their law only applies to them..that was a real mind blower reading that...section 32 of the Charter....Thats the Supreme law....
Can anyone tell me how the Supreme law, that does not apply to us as we are told there, but the subordinate laws do?
No Laws written by the Canadian government apply to you as men and women.....Only if you are a registered member of the fraud...
#1380337 - Yesterday at 04:44 PM Re: No Laws... So what's he going to jail 4 [Re: Red Sonja]
TheHighCanadian TheHighCanadian Offline
Registered: 03/15/07
Posts: 367
Loc: Ottawa, Ontario
Originally Posted By: Red Sonja
No I am not John I am a 47 year old housewife with two Kid's still at home and a great sense for a con.
That is what I thought as I was browsing the postings of Hex until I checked out his links,,,,
As far as copying anything if I did that it was because I agree with the words...My intent is to get to the bottom of what is really happening...Like where did the justice system start and why should I trust a lawyer who may have a false oath...
My first priority at the point I hear that just maybe he has a false oath is to find out for sure as any thing that will stop this charade must be explored before it is dumped on
Hex is not talking about going to court...he is saying stay out of their courts by sending them private agreements in their private capacity that establishes with witnesses confirming that they have no authority in law to allow them to intimidate you to conspire with a system based upon a false oath or with those who altered your name without your permission....anyone can read it if they go to his site,,,,,he has so much posted there it would take a year to get through it all but every posting I read opened my eyes a bit more...
The de facto links at the top prove their law only applies to them..that was a real mind blower reading that...section 32 of the Charter....Thats the Supreme law....
Can anyone tell me how the Supreme law, that does not apply to us as we are told there, but the subordinate laws do?
No Laws written by the Canadian government apply to you as men and women.....Only if you are a registered member of the fraud...
she's right... if you read this article...
this is at about the 9th paragraph of the article...
Belanger then argued that his name, appearing in all capitals and reversed with last name first, was a legal fiction and had the court change his name to upper and lower case, first name first, last name last, as described by a document called The Canadian Style which governs the appearance of names on all legal papers. Finally, he asked the judge if he recognized the preamble of the Canadian Constitution, which affirms the "supremacy of God."
interesting! and the article goes on, damn that Belanger is a persistent bugger of a Minister of God haha, way to go chief!
but all of this only applies to a "Minister Of God" i think, but still very interesting as it points out the specifics where Belanger has taken his quotes from.
edit 2: im surprised no one caught onto Belanger, hell he even did a Pot-tv video dating back in 2001..
Edited by TheHighCanadian (Yesterday at 04:53 PM)
"Man is free at the moment he wishes to be" - Voltaire "Don't Penalize, Legalize!!"
and more proof even more damming..
TURMEL: Cannabis Vulture Prince of Rot Narc
Emery censors REPEAL
From: John Turmel (bc726_at_FreeNet.Carleton.CA)
Date: 08/06/04
Date: 6 Aug 2004 22:08:32 GMT
JCT: At last Wednesday's demo in Toronto, Paul Coulbeck told
me he'd gotten into a discussion with Marc Emery about some
information he posted about the TO Trio case at the Cannabis
Culture Magazine News group proving that marijuana
prohibition is repealed:
>Subject: Cannabis Prohibition is REPEALED
>From: Bro. Paul stranger (Coulbeck)
>Date: Fri Jul 30 2004 12:20 PM
On July 28, 2004 in Toronto Ontario Canada Bruce Ryan and
Pierre Champagne picketed the office of Crown Attorney
Jeffrey Roi at the old Toronto City Hall and delivered a
protest note about the Crown refusing to hand over the
seized pot and equipment that should have been returned when
their marijuana charges were withdrawn.
The Sec. 56 Medical Cannabis Club was raided on May 6 and
Sept. 30 last year and they were charged with possession of
marijuana over and under, trafficking, cultivation,
production of derivatives and cookies and other marijuana
charges. These charges were withdrawn by the crown after a
motion from the accused demanded to have them withdrawn for
an offence unknown to law, because the Cannabis Prohibition
Law has been REPEALED.
We are constantly being given the wrong messages...
What other reason could Narc Emery have for censoring a
story about cannabis prohibition being repealed other than
he's not happy about it? Why would the Prince of Pot be
unhappy finding out that the prohibitions have been
repealed? I think my labelling him a narc mole after his
first betrayals two years ago was a good call on my part and
his recent actions keep confirming my view of the Cannabis
Culture's Prince of Rot.
Abolitionist Slave Leader John C."The Banking Systems Engineer" Turmel
for UNILETS interest−free time−based currency in U.N. resolution C6
to Governments in the 519−
A sanctuary of knowledge and provoking information providing documented proof of a system dominated by a few elite bloated egos and that a ancient solution of a Silver bullet nature exists.
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Global Re-Evaluation of Justice John Rooke's Meads v. Meads Decision
Global Re-Evaluation of Justice John Rooke's Meads v. Meads Decision Context Meads v. Meads (2012) was a decision rendered by Justic...
Translation It takes the average person about 90 days to ingest the full 60 gram treatment. I suggest that people start with three doses pe...
1 comment:
What the problem is one must define what law we are dealing with. Queen Elizabeth is responsible to the Laws enumerated under part II of ch. 13 Magna Carta 1215 while POPE holds authority over part I ch. 13. Ch. 13 part one deals with the Inner City-State of Londinium/London while part II deals with what is known as "The Laws of Alfred the Great" ... Although there is the pagan Ba'al worship of the Tribe of Dan/Danelaw the first 10 Laws come from the Decalogue/10 Commandments ...
Elizabeth Windsor, Queen of Judah, claims to be "Queen of Canada" yet there is a conspicuous absence of; maerra-pure gold/silver coin/shekel, death penalty, slavery, stoning, cities of refuge which would have the Ark of the Promise which would hold the Law/Torah, Elizabeth Windsor, as Queen of Judah is not allowed to accumulate wealth, pass law contrary to the "Mosaic" Law nor permitted to allow others to usurp the Law of Yah, etc. Elizabeth Windsor claims to be a "defender of THE faith" which is Catholicism ... Elizabeth holds out to be the Queen of England yet this statement infers Queenship over the sovereign city-states of; the Isles of Wight, Man, Guernsey not to mention the Inner City of London. There are no Treaties in "Cana'anda" binging with Elizabeth Windsor as the Lands are what is known as "Bishopric Lands". According to John Richard Green Bishops/dagonites were Philestines, VATICAN is Cana'anite and Ratzinger is Assyrian. And, no, Queen Elizabeth, being the Queen of Judah, is NOT the head of State for the "Jewish" state of ISRAEL Inc.
For a better understanding you must read The Code of Canon (fodder) law, the Lateran Pact (with the devil) and the concordat between VonPapen and POPE in 1933 to gain a firm grasp on what law we are being enslaved to ... by the way, ALL liars<=>lawyers are bound to the Roman Inns of Court and their first responsibility is to the creditor, VATICAN. The British North America Bill 1867 sets up racketeering by the liar profession through s. s. 96-97 ... bla ... bla ... bla ...
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